After you've found a subject and (a) supervisor(s), you need to submit an application for the PhD to the Registrar's Office via Mobility Online. The Mobility Online link will be present on this page between 01 June X and 30 April X+1 for enrollments in the academic year X-X+1.

When submitting an application, make sure to add all the required attachments! 

In case of an interdisciplinary PhD, the same procedure applies.

The Registrar's Office will examine your application in consultation with the relevant faculty/department/institute. The Registrar's Office will inform you of the decision within a reasonable period of time following receipt of the application. In case of a positive decision, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance and the relevant faculty/department/institute will compose an individual PhD commission (IPC).

Following the positive decision, you will need to enrol as a PhD student. More information about enrolment and the tuition fee can be found on the website of the Registrar's Office. More specific answers can be found on the helpdesk or you can submit a new question there.

New PhD candidates can enrol during the whole academic year until the end of May!

Annual re-enrolment 

PhD students at the University of Antwerp must re-enrol every year through their SisA Self-service. Re-enrolment is possible between 16 July and 4 October of every year.
Submitting a re-enrolment request is an online procedure that takes only a minute: log on with your student account and go to tile 'To Do'. Alternatively, go to the tile 'Requests' and in the first part 'Career management' you will find 're-enrolment X-Y'. More information can be found on the helpdesk.

Tuition fee

You only have to pay the tuition fee twice: in the year of first enrolment and when the public defence takes place; if both happen in the same academic year, you need to pay both tuition fees in the same year. When you announce your public PhD defence via ePhD (in SisA), you will be invited by the Registrar's Office to pay the final tuition fee (the payment details will appear in your SisA account).