Graphics in R (Online)

R has great features to make graphics and produce attractive figures.  This workshop is intended for R users who want to take full advantage of the graphical possibilities of R and who want to improve their graphical skills in R using the traditional graphics system, plus the add-on package ggplot2.

Course contents

Day 1 - Traditional graphics

  • High and low level plot functions
  • Annotations 
  • Multipanel plots
  • Loops
  • Custom-made functions
  • Lists

Day 2 - ggplot2

  • Building a plot layer by layer
  • Faceting
  • Multiple plots on the same page
  • Adding statistical summaries

Target audience / prerequisites

Participants should be able to read in and manipulate data in R. If you have no idea what the following commands mean, the course is too advanced for you.

mydata <- read.table (“c:/temp/rawdata.txt”,header=T, dec=”,”)

Course is open for researchers from all fields. No prior knowledge on statistics is assumed. The course does not involve statistical data analyses.


Roma Siugzdaite


PhD student or postrdoc from Flemish university
50  €
Other academic
120 €
non-profit or social sector
200 €
400 €


Time and place

October 1, 2 in 2024 

From 9.00 to 16.00 (Online)