Well-chosen graphics and summarization techniques are the key to success when studying large data sets with many variables.
In this course, we outline the most common techniques to uncover structure in high-dimensional data. Lectures on theoretical background are illustrated using real-life examples and hands-on practical exercises in the software package R.
For this course, we offer the possibility to take an exam. For the PhD students in the faculties IOB and Applied Economics, this is a requirement to obtain a credits for these courses, but people from other faculties are allowed as well.
If you are interested in taking the exam, check the wants-to-take-exam-box in the registration form. Participating in the exam costs 10€, which is deduced automatically from your educational credit.
Course contents
- Graphical representations, summary statistics and outlier detection
- Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis
- Correspondence Analysis
- Cluster Analysis
- Discriminant Analysis
Target audience / prerequisites
Pre- and post doctoral researchers who are already familiar with elementary statistical data analysis.
A little experience with R would be great (to have Workshop in R before).
PhD student UAntwerpen : € 50
UA-affiliated : € 90
Academic non-UA : € 160
Publicand non-profit sector : € 250
Private sector : € 500
Time and place
in City campus on May 5, 6, 8, 9 2025 from 9 to 14.00.
- 05/05 to H.E.201
- 06/05 to H.E.201
- 08/05 to S.A.107
- 09/05 to S.A.206