Fournier, M., Olson, R. Van Wassenbergh, S. & Provini, P. (2024). The avian vocal system: 3D reconstruction reveals upper vocal tract elongation during head motion. J. Exp. Biol. 227, jeb247945. full text (PDF), link to publication (html).

Successful experiments in the spring of 2024 for the Nature4Nature project on filter feeding in ducks.

Conference presentation: Mielke, M. & Van Wassenbergh, S. (2023) XROMM analysis reveals complex movements of beak and tongue during seed processing in canaries. DOI:10.48448/qn4e-5g91

Aerts, P. Mielke, F., Vanden Hole, C., Van Gorp, M. & van Ginneken, C. (2023) Early development of locomotion in the term piglet model : does size matter? Integr. Comp. biol. 63, 610-624. full text (PDF), link to online publication (html).

Sanctorum, J. G., Van Der Jeught, S., Van Wassenbergh, S., Dirckx, J.J.J. (2022). Assessment of perceptual quality measures for multi-exposure radiography and tomography. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12304, 123042K. full text (PDF), Link to publication (html)

Provini, P., Brunet, A., Filippo, A. & Van Wassenbergh, S. (2022) In vivo intraoral waterflow quantification reveals hidden mechanisms of suction feeding in fish. eLife 11, e73621. full text (PDF), Link to publication (html)

Piet, J., Mielke, F., Veryser, D., Lories, R., Aerts, P., Van Wassenbergh, S. & Jonkers, I. (2021) Estimation of knee contact forces in the rat, based on integrated XROMM setup data. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 29, S174-175. Link to publication (html)

Sanctorum, J., Van Wassenbergh, S., Nguyen, V., De Beenhouwer, J., Sijbers, J. & Dirckx, J.J.J (2021). Extended imaging volume in cone-beam x-ray tomography using the weighted simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique. Phys. Med. Biol. 66, 165008.full text (PDF)

Sanctorum, J. G., Van Wassenbergh, S., Nguyen, V., De Beenhouwer, J., Sijbers, J. & Dirckx J.J.J. (2021) Projection-angle-dependent distortion correction in high-speed image-intensifier-based x-ray computed tomography. Meas. Sci. Technol.32, 035404. full text (PDF)

Nguyen, V., Sanctorum, J.G., Van Wassenbergh, S., Dirckx, J.J.J., Sijbers, J. & De Beenhouwer, J. (2021). Geometry calibration of a modular stereo cone-beam X-ray CT system. J. Imaging. 7, 54. full text (PDF) Link to publication (html)

- First sucessful stereoscopic X-ray videos were recorded with synchronised ground-reaction forces for a collaborative project with Dr. Judith Piet and Prof. Ilse Jonkers from Leuven University. Click on the image to start a Youtube video
- Sanctorum, J. G., Van Wassenbergh, S., Aerts, P. & Dirckx, J. (2020) Technical note: Correction of geometric X-ray image intensifier distortion based on digital image correlation. Med. Phys. 47, 597-603. full text (PDF)

- Nguyen, V., De Beenhouwer, J., Sanctorum, J.G., Van Wassenbergh, S., Bazrafkan, S., Dirckx, J.J.J. & Sijbers, J. (2020). A low-cost geometry calibration procedure for a modular cone-beam X-ray CT system. Nondestruct. Test. Evaluation. 35, 252-265. full text (PDF)
- Steendam, C., Verhelst, P., Van Wassenbergh, S. & De Meyer, J. (2020). Burrowing behaviour of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla): effects of life stage. J. Fish Biol. 97, 1332–1342. full text (PDF)
- Nguyen, V., De Beenhouwer, J., Bazrafkan, S., Hoang, A.-T., Van Wassenbergh, S. & Sijbers, J. (2020). BeadNet: a network for automated spherical markerdetection in radiographs for geometry calibration. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, 518-521. full text (PDF)
- Sanctorum, J.G., Adriaens, D., Dirckx, J.J.J., Sijbers, J., Van Ginneken, C., Aerts, P. & Van Wassenbergh S. (2019). Methods for characterization and optimisation of measuring performance of stereoscopic x-ray systems with image intensifiers. Meas. Sci. Technol. 30, 105701.full text (PDF)

- Nguyen, V., De Beenhouwer, J., Sanctorum, J.G., Van Wassenbergh, S., Aerts, P., Van Ginneken, C., Dirckx, J. J. J., Sijbers, J. (2019) A low-cost and easy-to-use phantom for cone-beam geometry calibration of a tomographic X-ray system. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography. full text (PDF)

- Recordings of suction feeding in carps and tilapias for the IOFLOW project by Sam Van Wassenbergh and Pauline Provini from the Muséum of Natural History in Paris. Small tracers are used to track water flows inside the mouths of these fishes. Click on the image to start a Youtube video

- Recordings of tail grasping in chameleons for the PhD project by Alison Luger from the Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates lab at Ghent University. Click on the image to start a Youtube video

- Recordings of digging by moles for a project lead by Prof. Raphaël Cornette from the Muséum of Natural History in Paris. Click on the image to start a Youtube video