Sammy Verbruggen obtained a joint PhD degree in Bioscience Engineering – Catalysis from UAntwerpen and KU Leuven in 2014. As a fellow of the national science foundation (FWO) he studied materials and reactors for gas phase photocatalysis, for which he was awarded the prestigious Belgian Industrial R&D (BiR&D) Multidisciplinary PhD Thesis Award in Science & Technology in 2015. After completing a FWO postdoctoral fellowship from 2014-2017, part of which at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, CNRS, France, he worked as a senior researcher and guest professor at UAntwerpen from 2017-2019. In 2019 Sammy was appointed as Tenure Track Assistant Professor, and in 2024 as a tenured Associate Professor.
Sammy’s research focuses on (plasmonic) photo(electro)catalysis for environmental and energy applications (link to publication list) . A holistic bottom-up approach is taken, in which every aspect of this research theme is addressed. This goes from the level of surface science (catalyst synthesis, surface modification, morphological engineering, etc.), all the way to reactor design. We believe a thorough fundamental mechanistic understanding of these nanomaterials is key to facilitate their application. Within A-PECS, Sammy’s main research topics comprise:
- Plasmonic metal nanoparticles. This includes everything from the synthesis of the particles using wet-chemical reduction methods, to their physicochemical characterization and theoretical simulation of their opto-physicochemical behavior. The team is developing a strong focus on the use of non-critical raw materials.
- Photo(electro)catalyst synthesis and characterization.
- Photo(electro)catalytic activity testing with a prime focus on gas phase applications (e.g. air purification and CO2 conversion), and water splitting for H2 generation.
- All-gas-phase photoelectrochemical cells for gas treatment coupled to hydrogen recovery in separate compartments.
- Membraneless (photo)electrolyzers as platform technology, e.g. for H2 production.
- Use of alternative feedstocks (e.g. seawater and wastewater) in photo(electro)catalytic reactions.
His educational activities comprise the chemistry-related aspects of the bioscience engineering program, including general chemistry, analytical chemistry, catalysis, nanotechnology, renewable energy, and an introductory course to scientific research and reporting, as part of the Bachelor theses.
His institutional responsibilities comprise an active role in the department counsel, the faculty of science meeting, the educational committee and the exam committee. He is also the coordinator of the faculty of science Honors Program, that attracts talented students to come in contact with scientific research already at an early stage.
Sammy is a member of the NANOlight Center of Excellence , which unites all main PIs from UAntwerpen with expertise on synthesis, characterization and application of nanomaterials and their interaction with light. He is part of the InSusChem industrial research consortium, focusing on potential valorization of sustainable chemistry, and also to the knowledge-business platform CAPTURE which is focused specifically on CO2 conversion technologies.