Symposium prof. dr. D.C. Hambrick

On April 25th, prof. Donald C. Hambrick (Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University) will be awarded Doctor Honoris Causa (promoted by prof. Christophe Boone) at the University of Antwerp. A CED (the Antwerp Centre of Evolutionary Demography), an international, multidisciplinary research-oriented centre of excellence at the Department of Management (Faculty of Applied Economics; University of Antwerp), is both proud and pleased to welcome prof. Hambrick to the University of Antwerp and to present a symposium in his honour, as the work of prof. Hambrick is a source of inspiration for most of the ACED members.

Donald C. Hambrick is the Evan Pugh Professor and Smeal Chaired Professor of Management of the Smeal College of Business at The Pennsylvania State University. He is also the Samuel Bronfman Professor Emeritus of Columbia University's Graduate School of Business, where he served for 23 years. Prof. Hambrick is, without doubt, one of the most well-respected academics in the fields of strategic management. An internationally recognized scholar in the field of top management, he is the author of numerous articles, chapters, and books on the topics of strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and the composition and processes of top management teams. His top article, 'Upper echelons: The organization as a reflection of its top managers', received over 1600 citations in Web of Science.

The symposium will be structured as follows. Before the coffee break four ACED researchers (Tine Buyl, Elise Meijer, Olivier Van der Brempt, and Kim De Meulenaere) will present scholarly contributions which are inspired – in one way or another – by prof. Hambrick's seminal work. It will become clear that prof. Hambrick's contribution to the academic field goes beyond 'upper echelons' or the mere composition of top management teams. After the coffee break, prof. Hambrick will give an overview of some of the latest developments in his research. There will be ample time for questions and discussion during and after the lecture. The symposium will be concluded with an informal lunch, during which all participants can have the opportunity to meet and talk to our guest of honour.


Programme Symposium  

8h30-9h00              Registration

 9h00-9h05              Introduction Christophe Boone

 9h05-9h30              Inside the black box of TMT composition – Executive attention patterns    Tine Buyl     

9h30-9h55              Factional faultlines and subgroup formation – On the composition of R&D alliance teams Elise Meijer                                    

9h55-10h20            Intra-team power distribution and structural features – The case of work councils Olivier Van der Brempt                              

10h20-10h45          On the diversity of diversity measures Kim De Meulenaere

 10h45-11h00          Coffee break

11h00-12h30          Some new ideas and findings about top management teams Donald C. Hambrick

 12h30-12h35          Closing words  Christophe Boone

 12h35-14h00          Informal lunch

  Venue:  University of Antwerp, City Campus, K-building (K.201)