Effective Governance in private organisations: the influence of multiple stakeholders' incentives on organizational outcome and the mediating role of governance
01/10/2009 - 31/01/2014
The aim of this research project is to study governance practices from a holistic perspective, in contrast to the piecemeal approach of the extant literature and to develop a contingency model of governance. Taking into account that universal remedies are counterproductive (Ostrom, 2007), we develop a contingency perspective that diagnoses the specific conditions needed to make specific governance practices contribute to organizational outcome (e.g. success or failure measured by multi-attributes). The specific conditions relate to actor characteristics (owners, directors, managers and employees), to the institutional environment, to the organizational form and to other intervening variables (e.g. life cycle of the company, industry antecedents, etcetera). Besides the development of the contingency model for governance, individual research themes in the individual workpackages will be addressed too. (e.g. changes in governance practices over the life cycle of an organization, the introduction of family heterogeneity in family governance research, the impact of works council''s demographic variables on organizational outcome).
Principal investigator: Jorissen Ann
Co-principal investigator: Boone Christophe
Co-principal investigator: Deloof Marc
Co-principal investigator: van Witteloostuijn Arjen
Research team(s)
ACED/Management/Accountancy and Finance