A.A.C. 2012

Each year, ACED invites researchers from another university or research group to provide (junior) researchers with a platform to present their work and to discuss some of the overlapping research issues that we work on. This year, we have decided to join forces with some of the researchers at TilburgUniversity, such as Jeroen Kuilman and Geert Duysters. The overarching theme of this workshop is ‘organizational learning’, a theme that can be interpreted very broadly: from learning from performance feedback, acquisitions, or external shocks, to issues such as knowledge flows and absorptive capacity. Given the amount of overlap as well as differences between the research interests of the researchers in ACED and TilburgUniversity, we believe that the ACED workshop will present a unique opportunity to stimulate new ideas on existing or future research in both research groups.

The workshop will be composed of four sessions, distributed over two days. The sessions broadly deal with a topic associated with the workshop’s overarching theme: ‘organizational learning’. Each presentation should take about 20-25 minutes. The presenters should bring their PowerPoint presentation on a USB-stick or mail it to tine.buyl@uantwerpen.be before Wednesday September 26th. After the presentation, a discussant will present a short review of the paper (maximum 5 minutes, no PowerPoint) and raise a substantial question to open up the discussion. The remaining 30-35 minutes are split into two parts: a discussion of about 20-25 minutes and a short coffee break, which can be used for informal bilateral discussions or other activities. Having time for bilateral discussions after every presentation as well as during the day and in the evening is an intentional choice in order to encourage the discussion of questions that people might not want to ask in a larger audience. On Wednesday evening, we close the day with dinner at restaurant Le Zoute Zoen. Thursday features a keynote presentation of Geert Duysters (TilburgUniversity).


Wednesday September 26th:

  9u:       Opening & introduction (Christophe Boone/Arjen van Witteloostuijn)


            Session Chair: Tine Buyl

9u30:    Elise Meijer: R&D alliance team's numerical composition and team performance: The mediating effects of coordination and identification

            Discussant: Korcan Kavusan

10u30:  Korcan Kavusan: Non-absorptive benefits of absorptive capacity: Antecedents of learning and complementary specialization in alliances

            Discussant: Doan Thu Trang

11u30:  Doan Thu Trang: How do firms learn to complete acquisition deals? The effects of acquisition and divestiture experience on acquisition completion

            Discussant: Jean-Malik Dumas



            Session Chair: Johanna Vanderstraeten

14u:      Zilin He: Cross-sectional and inter-temporal attention variation in adaptive aspirations: A study of the German magazine industry

            Discussant: Tine Buyl

15u:      Tine Buyl: Performance feedback and executive exploratory and exploitative attention

            Discussant: Jens Prüfer

16u:      Jean-Malik Dumas: A glimpse of eternity: Existential concerns and decisions in public firms

            Discussant: Kim De Meulenaere

  19u:      Dinner at restaurant Le Zoute Zoen, Zirkstraat 15/17, Antwerpen

  Thursday September 27th:


            Session Chair: Ellen Loots

9u30:    Johanna Vanderstraeten: The influence of strategic choices and the cognitive institutional context on incubator performance

            Discussant: Wolfgang Sofka

10u30:  Kim De Meulenaere : The effect of workforce age diversity on organizational performance: a theoretical framework

            Discussant: Zilin He

11u30:  KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Geert Duysters



            Session Chair: Tine Buyl

14u:      Wolfgang Sofka: Knowledge protection through secrecy: How success in the past and knowledge inflows matter

            Discussant: Sofie Rogiest

15u:      Gilmar Zambrana: Political spaces, dimensionality collapse and party competition

            Discussant: Joeri van Hugten

16u:      Joeri van Hugten: Cause or co-incidence: Market entry and interarrival times among foreign banks in Tokyo, 1907-2005

            Discussant: Dendi Ramdani

  17u30:  Closing words (Christophe Boone/Arjen van Witteloostuijn)