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Navigating hostility : how political contexts affect the strategies of LGBTQ+ interest groups

Interest groups & advocacy - ISSN 2047-7414-13:2 (2024) p. 96-122

Understanding bias better : a qualitative exploration of bias in advisory councils of EU agencies

Political research exchange - ISSN 2474-736X-6:1 (2024) p. 1-19

The revolving door and access to the European Commission : does the logic of influence prevail?

Journal of common market studies - ISSN 0021-9886-62:1 (2024) p. 186-204

Public support and advocacy success across the legislative process

European journal of political research - ISSN 0304-4130-62:2 (2023) p. 397-421

The revolving door in Brussels : a process-oriented approach to employee recruitment by interest organisations

Journal of European public policy - ISSN 1350-1763-30:1 (2023) p. 128-149