Anne-Sophie Robilliard - How large are African inequalities?
In this seminar, Anne-Sopie Robilliard will be sharing insights on recent research regarding African inequalities. Using the most recent data available on to estimate inequality for the African continent, three main results are worth highlighting. First, the analysis confirms that inequality levels in the African region are extremely high, with average country-level top 10% income shares estimated at 50%. Second, we show a clear North-South gradient of increasing inequality across the continent, which reflects both the situation at Independence and the political economy and institutions that followed. Third, inequality levels seem to have changed very little on average over the last decades but contrasted dynamics are observed at the sub-regional level. These dynamics remain to be investigated.
Further reading
The seminar was centered around research results presented in this policy brief. Further information on the preparation of the dataset can be found in this technical note.
About the speaker
Practical information
AIPRIL Seminar Series Spring 2021
Anne-Sophie Robilliard - How large are African inequalities?