ANT/OR | Antwerp Operations Research

​ANT/OR (University of Antwerp Operations Research Group) focuses on (applications of) Operations Research. Our main research topic is the development of optimisation methods to solve a wide range of decision-making problems.

Generally, research in the ANT/OR group is application-driven in the sense that models and algorithms are developed and studied out of a real-life need rather than because of theoretical interest. In other words, the ANT/OR group focuses on solving real-life planning problems that cannot be adequately tackled using existing algorithms.

The group also has considerable expertise in the development of (meta)heuristic and other algorithms and investigates how to design and test such methods in a scientifically valid way.

ANT/OR is part of the Department of Engineering Management.

For more information, contact Kenneth Sörensen.


University of Antwerp Operations Research Group
Stadscampus - Building B, B5xx
Prinsstraat 13
2000 Antwerp, Belgium