Call for Papers

Following the success of prior ENTFIN conferences, the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp is proud to organize the seventh conference on Entrepreneurial Finance in the historical city center of Antwerp, Belgium, in collaboration with the Antwerp Management School. Conference sessions will be held on Thursday 6 July and Friday 7 July, 2023. For the first time, the conference will also include a Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium on Wednesday 5 July.
The goal of the conference is to provide a platform for multidisciplinary knowledge spillovers among academics and practitioners interested in the development of entrepreneurial finance. The conference aims at exploring topics such as (but not limited to):
Conference Keynote Speakers
We are delighted to confirm that the academic keynote speaker for the 2023 Entrepreneurial Finance Conference will be Tim Jenkinson, Professor of Finance at Oxford University. In addition, Jürgen Ingels, founder of fintech firm Clear2Pay and founder and managing partner of venture capital fund SmartFin, will share a practitioner’s view on entrepreneurial finance, both from an entrepreneur’s and an investor’s perspective.
Conference Organizers
- Marc Deloof (University of Antwerp and Antwerp Management School)
- Ann Jorissen (University of Antwerp)
- Sophie Manigart (Vlerick Business School and Ghent University)
- Ine Paeleman (University of Antwerp)
- Tom Vanacker (Ghent University and University of Exeter)
Paper Submission
Authors interested in presenting their paper at the conference should send the paper in a complete (including author information) and a blind PDF-version to the conference address below, no later than 15 March, 2023. Papers will be reviewed anonymously and authors will be notified of the decision by 30 April, 2023. All presenting authors are expected to discuss another paper. There is no conference submission fee. Early bird conference registration fee (before 1 June) is €350; the fee for registration between 1 June and 30 June is €450. The registration fee covers the opening reception, meals, coffee breaks, and conference dinner.
The British Accounting Review - Fast Track
Linked to the Entfin conference will be a sponsored issue of The British Accounting Review with fast tracking for a regular issue. The British Accounting Review is the official journal of the British Accounting and Finance Association and publishes original studies on both accounting and finance. The British Accounting Review's 2020 CiteScore (7) and Impact Factor (5.577) rank the journal top 2 and 3 respectively among accounting journals as well as 7 in accounting and finance. It’s rated A* and 3 in ABDC and ABS Journal Quality Guides respectively. More information will become available on the journal's website.
- Start-up and SME financing and/or investment activities
- ESG and entrepreneurial finance
- Crowdfunding
- Business angels
- Venture capital
- Banking and the growth of entrepreneurial finance markets
- Blockchain and smart contracts
- Cryptocurrencies
- Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
- Peer-to-Peer lending
- Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
- Private equity and buyouts
Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium
Doctoral students and early career (junior) researchers are warmly invited to attend and present their research at the ENTFIN Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium. The colloquium will be held on 5 July, 2023 in Antwerp, the day before the ENTFIN conference’s main program. The colloquium offers a unique opportunity to network with other early career scholars, as well as with established researchers in the domain of entrepreneurial finance. It will focus on supporting and conducting high-quality research in the domain of entrepreneurial finance.
The colloquium will be divided into two parts: (1) morning sessions centering on the research process and career development, and (2) afternoon paper development round-table sessions, where participants will have the opportunity to present and receive detailed developmental feedback on their research from experienced entrepreneurial finance scholars.
Keynote Speaker
The keynote speaker of the colloquium will be Douglas Cumming, DeSantis Distinguished Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at the College of Business, Florida Atlantic University.
Deadline and Submission
Doctoral students and early career researchers should submit their papers for the colloquium at the same submission deadline (15 March, 2023) as the one of the main conference to the address below. Please indicate during submission that you submit for the colloquium. You will have the possibility to submit your paper only for the colloquium or for the colloquium and the main conference.
Scientific Committee
- Yan Alperovych (EMLYON Business School)
- Guillaume Andrieu (Montpellier Business School)
- Cristiano Bellavitis (Syracuse University)
- Fabio Bertoni (SKEMA Business School)
- Jörn Block (University of Trier)
- Stefano Bonini (Stevens Institute of Technology)
- Vincenzo Buttice (Politecnico di Milano)
- Vincenzo Capizzi (University del Piemonte Orientale)
- Veroniek Collewaert (Vlerick Business School)
- Massimo Colombo (Politecnico di Milano)
- Douglas Cumming (Florida Atlantic University University)
- Diego D'Adda (Universita Politecnica delle Marche)
- Marc Deloof (University of Antwerp and Antwerp Management School)
- Dimo Dimov (University of Bath)
- Emmanuelle Dubocage (Institut de Recherche en Gestion)
- Supradeep Dutta (Rutgers University)
- Christian Fisch (Université du Luxembourg)
- Daniel Forbes (Carlson School of Management)
- Dimitrios Gounopoulos (University of Bath)
- Alexander Groh (EMLYON Business School)
- Massimiliano Guerini (Politecnico di Milano)
- Nadja Guenster (University of Münster)
- Ulrich Hege (University of Toulouse)
- Winifred Huang (University of Bath)
- Sofia Johan (Florida Atlantic University)
- Ann Jorissen (University of Antwerp)
- Thomas Lambert (Erasmus University)
- Benjamin Le Pendeven (Audencia Business School)
- Sophie Manigart (Vlerick Business School and Ghent University)
- Michele Meoli (University of Bergamo)
- Miguel Meuleman (Vlerick Business School)
- Paul Momtaz (TUM School of Management)
- Klaas Mulier (Ghent University)
- Jeroen Neckebrouck (IESE)
- Ine Paeleman (University of Antwerp)
- José Martí Pellon (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Sophie Pommet (Université Côte d'Azur)
- Anita Quas (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale)
- Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University)
- Peter Roosenboom (Erasmus University)
- Aurélie Sannajust (Kedge Business School)
- Denis Schweizer (Concordia University)
- Armin Schwienbacher (SKEMA Business School)
- Andrea Signori (Catholic University of Milan)
- Jeffrey Sohl (University of New Hampshire)
- Monika Tarsalewska (University of Exeter)
- Tereza Tykvová (University of St. Gallen)
- Elisa Ughetto (Politecnico di Torino)
- Tom Vanacker (Ghent University and University of Exeter)
- Silvio Vismara (University of Bergamo)
- Wim Voordeckers (Hasselt University)
- Ru Xie (University of Bath)
Programme Schedule
Wednesday 5 July
10:30-16:30: Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium (Antwerp Management School)
19:00: Conference Welcome Reception (Antwerp Management School)
Thursday 6 July
9:00-18:15: Conference Day 1 (Stadscampus)
19:00: Gala Dinner (Universiteitsclub)
Friday 7 July
9:00-13:00: Conference Day 2 (Stadscampus)
13:00: Lunch and Conference Ending (Stadscampus)
A detailed schedule will be available in May 2023
Registration fee
- Before 1 June: €350
- Between 1 June and 30 June: €450
Registration will open in April.
Practical information
The Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium and the opening reception of the conference on Wednesday 5 July will be held at the Antwerp Management School, Boogkeers 5, 2000 Antwerp.
Directions to the Antwerp Management School can be found here.
The venue of the Conference on Thursday 6 July and Friday 7 July is the Stadscampus of the University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp.
Directions to the Stadscampus can be found here.
The Gala Dinner will be at the Universiteitsclub, Prinsstraat 13B, 2000 Antwerp. Entrance to the Universiteitsclub is next to the entrance for the Stadscampus.
Hotel accommodation
A number of hotels in Antwerp offer a discount to conference participants. To book a hotel, please follow the steps below in the right order.
- Go to the online booking tool
- First enter your code UAACB19 (in capital letters) and click on ‘Search’
- Then enter the arrival and departure dates and click on ‘Search’
- You’ll see an overview of all available hotels and their Best Available Rate -10%, at that moment, including any cancellation conditions
- Choose a hotel and book your room
With thanks to the Antwerp Convention Bureau (ACB)