“Strategic change in family businesses” – follow up the results!

“How can family firms successfully deal with change?” This is the central question of the SBO project on “Strategic change in family businesses”. Family firms, the dominant organizational form in Flanders, are confronted with an environment that is constantly changing. In order to survive and continue to distinguish themselves from the competition, it is therefore crucial that family firms constantly reinvent themselves. However, many family firms often appear to adopt a rather conservative attitude and are quite reluctant to strategic change. Therefore, the question for academics and policymakers is under what conditions family firms can overcome this strategic inertia and successfully change strategically. To answer this question, a team of professors and doctoral students from UAntwerp and UHasselt have jointly started a large-scale research project on strategic changes in family firms. This project is funded by the SBO program of the Research Foundation (FWO). 

In this project, not only the academic research is important, but also the practical relevance of the research results. The ultimate goal of this project is therefore to convert the scientifically innovative insights into practical tools that are useful for various stakeholder groups, such as social organizations and family firms. Some of these stakeholders are even involved as partners in the project. They assist the researchers throughout the project and provide the necessary advice to ensure the practical relevance of the project. 

In order to keep partners and other interested parties informed of the results, a project website has been developed: www.strategicchange.be. Here you will also find a description of the project, the background of the researchers and an overview of the partners. Do you want to receive the latest updates about the project? Subscribe to our newsletter!