We're proud to announce again our participation in this science festival! Our team has crafted an engaging board game that simulates strategic changes in the Antwerp Zoo. "De weg naar verandering" offers a playful yet profound insight into the dynamics of corporate strategy. Through this game, we're bringing to life the financial acumen, governance challenges, and the emotional and cognitive considerations that are pivotal in steering firms through times of change. The game even focusses at a real strategic change of the Antwerp Zoo, where the Day of Science takes place.  

♟️ Ready to Roll the Dice? Come and play "De weg naar verandering" and gain an experiential understanding of what it takes to navigate and implement strategic changes in the complex ecosystem of firms. Our researchers will be there to guide you through the nuances of the game and discuss the rich tapestry of knowledge that weaves together the fabric of business transformation. 

🦁 Meet Us at the Zoo! Curious to experience the thrill of strategic decision-making? Join us on November 26th at the Day of Science in the Antwerp Zoo for a unique blend of science and fun. More information: https://www.dagvandewetenschap.be