The Consequences of Financial Leverage: Certified B Corporations’ Advantages Compared to Common Commercial Firms

Paeleman, I., Guenster, N., Vanacker, T., & Siqueira, A. C. O. (2024). The consequences of financial leverage: Certified B Corporations’ advantages compared to common commercial firms. Journal of Business Ethics189(3), 507-523.

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Do dividend policies of privately held firms follow a life cycle?

Cadenovic, J., Deloof, M., & Paeleman, I. (2024). Do dividend policies of privately held firms follow a life cycle?. The European Journal of Finance30(5), 457-480.

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Financing constraints and SME growth: the suppression effect of cost-saving management innovations.

De Blick, T., Paeleman, I., & Laveren, E. (2024). Financing constraints and SME growth: the suppression effect of cost-saving management innovations. Small Business Economics62(3), 961-986.

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International entrepreneurship without investor protection : evidence from initial public offerings in Belgium before the First World War

Deloof, M., & Paeleman, I. (2024). International entrepreneurship without investor protection: Evidence from initial public offerings in Belgium before the First World War. The Economic History Review77(2), 523-553.

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Founder's financial knowledge and the new firm's ability to obtain debt financing

Rijssegem, L., Paeleman, I., Hünermund, E., & Andries, P. (2024). Founder's financial knowledge and the new firm's ability to obtain debt financing. British Journal of Management, 35(3), 1408-1424.

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The more concerned you are, the greener you are: The role of consumer personality towards adoption of biobased shopping bags.

Handrito, R. P., Larasatie, P., Suryadi, N., Rahman, A. F., Sari, D. M., Fitriastuti, T., & Satria, D. (2024). The more concerned you are, the greener you are: The role of consumer personality towards adoption of biobased shopping bags. BioProducts Business.

Assessing the importance of ICT on high-educated poverty in East Java using random forest methods.

Satria, D., Handrito, R. P., Paksi, G. M., Aurellia, P.J. (2024). Assessing the importance of ICT on high-educated poverty in East Java using random forest methods. Statistika, 104 (1), 27-41.

Women’s tendency in work involvement: A study of female labour force in Indonesia.

Susilo., Yuniashri, E., Handrito, R. P. (2024). Women’s tendency in work involvement: A study of female labour force in Indonesia. Economics and Sociology, 17 (1). 151-165.

I Am Not Aiming to Be Too Famous: The Exploration of Social Entrepreneurial Intention.

Handrito, R. P., Slabbinck, H., & Vanderstraeten, J. (2024). I Am Not Aiming to Be Too Famous: The Exploration of Social Entrepreneurial Intention. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, April. 1–23.

Founder’s financial knowledge and the new firm’s ability to obtain debt financing

Rijssegem, L., Paeleman, I., Hünermund, E. (Vaznyte), & Andries, P. (2024). Founder’s financial knowledge and the new firm’s ability to obtain debt financing. British Journal of Mangement

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Using technology broadcasting to explore market applications: The moderating role of a firm’s domain‐specific and general knowledge.

Rijssegem, L., & Andries, P. (2024). Using technology broadcasting to explore market applications: The moderating role of a firm’s domain‐specific and general knowledge. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 

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Why do companies integrate products and services? Linking decision-makers’ personality traits and decision-making logics

Coreynen, W., Vanderstraeten, J., van Hugten, J., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2024). Why do companies integrate products and services? Linking decision-makers’ personality traits and decision-making logics. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, (ahead-of-print).

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Unraveling paradoxical tensions in digital servitization ecosystems : an analysis of their interrelationships from the technology provider's perspective

Smania, G. S., Osiro, L., Ayala, N. F., Coreynen, W., & Mendes, G. H. (2024). Unraveling paradoxical tensions in digital servitization ecosystems: An analysis of their interrelationships from the technology provider's perspective. Technovation131, 102957.

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Spiraling between learning and alignment toward digital service innovation

Coreynen, W., Matthyssens, P., Struyf, B., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2024). Spiraling between learning and alignment toward digital service innovation. Journal of Service Management35(2), 306-331.

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The student entrepreneurial intention cloud: A review of reviews.

Ismail, R., Vanderstraeten, J., & Slabbinck, H. (2024). The student entrepreneurial intention cloud: A review of reviews. Cogent Business & Management11(1): 2344046.

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