International and industrial relations
International collaborations
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) - Chemical Sciences Division
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) - Computational Research Division
- INRIA Bordeaux - Hiepacs group
Industrial collaborations
- Janssen Pharmaceutica Belgium
- IMEC R&D Belgium - ExaScience Life Lab
- Intel
Cooperative projects and joint work
Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Software for Future High Performance Computing
The ExaScience Lab develops software for High Performance Computing or HPC. This software will run on future exascale computer systems, delivering 1,000 times the performance of today’s fastest supercomputers. The lab is a unique collaboration between Imec®, Intel® and all five Flemish universities - University of Antwerp (UA), Ghent University (UGent), Hasselt University (UHasselt), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Intel® ExaScience Life Lab
Opened in 2013 by Intel, Janssen Pharmaceutica, imec and five Flemish universities: UA, UGhent, KU Leuven, UHasselt and VUB. ExaScience Life Lab is an extension of Intel’s ExaScience Lab for High Performance Computing. ExaScience Life Lab combines Intel’s and imec’s supercomputing expertise with imec’s multidisciplinarity and the extensive expertise in Flanders in life sciences and biotechnology. Exascience Life Lab creates new supercomputer solutions to generate breakthroughs in life sciences and biotechnology.
Applied Mathematics Research Group Associate Researchers :
- Prof. Dr. Wim Vanroose
- Dr. Ir. Michiel Van Dyck
- Dr. Valdemar Melicher
The EXA2CT project brings together experts at the cutting edge of the development of solvers, related algorithmic techniques, and HPC software architects for programming models and communication. It will take a revolutionary approach to exascale solvers and programming models, rather than an incremental approach. We will produce modular open source proto-applications that demonstrate the algorithms and programming techniques developed in the project, to help boot-strap the creation of genuine exascale codes.
Applied Mathematics Research Group Associate Researchers :
- Prof. Dr. Wim Vanroose
- Dr. Bram Reps
- Dr. Siegfried Cools
System Biology Project "A System Biology Approach of Leaf Morphogenesis"
Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksactie (G.O.A.) supported by the research council of the University of Antwerp.
This project is a joint work between the UA Mathematics and Computer Science Department and the UA Biology Department.
Applied Mathematics Research Group Associate Researchers :
- Prof. Dr. Wim Vanroose
- Dr. Przemyslaw Klosiewicz
- Delphine Draelants
Other UA Associates Researchers:
- Prof. Dr. J. Broeckhove (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
- Prof Dr. G. Beemster (Biology Department)
Flanders region local collaborations
University of Antwerp (BE)
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
University of Leuven (BE)
Department of Mathematics
Flemisch Supercomputing Center (BE)