Vedran Kopljar (& parents) – MEAN

18 May - 8 September 2024, M HKA

Creating and cultivating meaning stand at the heart of Vedran Kopljar’s art. In his practice—which includes painting, video, performance and words—Vedran Kopljar continuously searches for and experiments with different systems used to create meaning. For him, conceptualizing an art exhibition or playing a game of Remi (a variant of Rummy) are equally significant experiences in this quest for making more or less sense. Each action or interaction represents an opportunity to experience, reflect upon and challenge specific sets of rules and formal processes. Both conceptual and existential, Kopljar’s works attempt to grasp and understand the underlying logic behind the construction of reality and the making of its norms and values.

For his first institutional exhibition, Vedran Kopljar apprehends the space as a closed circuit. At times logical, at times contradictory, but never conclusive, a constellation of painted works plays with the idea of forming a cohesive system. The works on display include didactic paintings boldly enunciating words and designs; poems as paintings; painted game scores, and psychedelic paintings resembling mental images that exist outside any classification Kopljar manipulates a variety of registers: educational language and ideological terms are intersected with laid-back expressions and uncontrolled phrasings, all of which contribute to his experiment with the mechanisms of learning and unlearning, identification and standardization, consciousness and abstraction.

All info at M HKA

Laurence Petrone - 4d

15 June - 6 July 2024, FRED & FERRY Gallery - Antwerp

In 4d, Laurence Petrone shows works made from what the earth brings forth. Red-fired clay, wood worked with wax and turmeric, suspended structures of bronze, copper, brass, laid-down ceramics, sturdy casting clay and objects immersed in it. In their interplay, they double, split, mirror, enlarg and shrink themselves. In their movement brought to standstill, they make room for the onlooker. The narrow definition of sculpture is to add or remove volume. Every breath is like sculpting.