Recent selected publications

Konijnenberg A, Ranica S, Narkiewicz J, Legname G, Grandori R, Sobott F*, Natalello A*
Opposite Structural Effects of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and Dopamine Binding to α-Synuclein.
Anal Chem. 88 (2016), 8468

Martens C, Stein RA, Masureel M, Roth A, Mishra S, Dawaliby R, Konijnenberg A, Sobott F, Govaerts C, Mchaourab HS.
Lipids modulate the conformational dynamics of a secondary multidrug transporter.

Nat Struct Mol Biol. 23 (2016), 744

Konijnenberg A, Sobott F
Bouncing off the walls: Excited protein complexes tell their story.
Chem Biol 22 (2015), 583


Warnke S, Seo J, Boschmans J, Sobott F, Scrivens JH, Bleiholder C, Bowers MT, Gewinner S, Schöllkopf W, Pagel K*, von Helden G*
Protomers of benzocaine: Solvent and permittivity dependence.
JACS 137 (2015), 4236


Konijnenberg A, Yilmaz D, Ingólfsson HI, Dimitrova A, Marrink SJ, Lid Z, Vénien-Bryan C, Sobott F*, Koçer A*
Global structural changes of an ion channel during its gating are followed by ion mobility mass spectrometry
PNAS 111 (2014), 17170

Lermyte F, Konijnenberg A, Williams JP, Brown JM, Valkenborg D, Sobott F
ETD allows for native surface mapping of a 150 kDa noncovalent complex on a commercial Q-TWIMS-TOF instrument
J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 25 (2014), 343

Konijnenberg A, Butterer A, Sobott F
Native ion mobility-mass spectrometry and related methods in structural biology
BBA proteins and proteomics 1834 (2013), 1239

Smith RM, Marshall JJT, Jacklin AJ, Retter SE, Halford SE, Sobott F
Organization of the BcgI restriction-modification protein for the cleavage of eight phosphodiester bonds in DNA
Nucl acids res 41 (2013), 391

Vercammen Y, Moons N, van Nuffel S, Beenaerts L, van Vaeck L
Experimental study of the organic ion intensity distribution in the ion imaging of coated polymer fibres with S-SIMS
Appl surface sci 284 (2013), 354

Onghena M, Geens T, Goossens E, Wijnants M, Pico Y, Neels H, Covaci A, Lemière F.
Analytical characterization of mannosylerythritol lipid biosurfactants produced by biosynthesis based on feedstock sources from the agrofood industry
Anal bioanal chem 400 (2011), 1263