Recent news from the BECO research group
On the 24th of February 2023 Reyes Salas defended her PhD thesis, entitled "Colonial breeding in a rapidly changing world". Congratulations!!

New study species: Marwa Kavelaars was interviewed for De Standard on orientation in pigeons.

Mira Van den Broeck wins the Master Student Poster Prize at the Benelux Congres of Zoology/NVG Meeting 2019 in Groningen (NL). Congratulations!!

Women in Science: Marwa Kavelaars featured in Oriolus

Marwa Kavelaars wins second prize at the Press>Speak Competition. Congratulations!

WeChangeForLife - 250 Belgian scientists (including BECO scientists) testify about their lifestyle changes for protecting the planet
Jan Baert's article entitled High-resolution GPS tracking reveals sex differences in migratory behaviour and stopover habitat use in the Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus received 1, 001 article views in 2018, placing it as one of the top 100 read ecology papers for Scientific Reports in 2018.
Raising awareness to the Biodiversity crisis which involves BECO study species - Ode to that what dissappears
About BECO
The main research interest of the research group Behavioural Ecology & Ecophysiology is the study of the causes and consequences of variation in behavioural traits among individuals. Most studies are carried out within an ethological framework, focusing on all four major aspects of animal behaviour: causation, development, function and evolution. We use an integrative and multidisciplinary approach to study reproduction and sexual selection in different animal groups, but primarily in birds. Whilst our core research is in behavioural ecology, our current research interests span physiology to population ecology.