Alumni Association Antwerpen in Fiscalibus

Antwerp in Fiscalibus is an association for all the former and current students of the Master in Tax Law. It has been organized since 1997 at the Law Faculty of the University of Antwerp. Antwerp in Fiscalibus organizes a gathering twice a year: one in the spring, and one in the autumn. All the current and former students of the Master of tax law are invited. During the meetings, academic lectures are held on current topics in tax law, defended PhD topics, and tax practice problems. The speakers are either graduates of the program, doctoral students of the Antwerp Tax Academy (, or distinguished external domestic or foreign guest speakers.

During the meetings, members also have the opportunity to make suggestions about future gatherings, and to provide feedback regarding the tax law program at the University of Antwerp.

After each gathering, there is a reception where former and current students can connect.

The members of the association also have the opportunity to participate in seminars and conferences organized by the Interfaculty Institute for Tax Science, i.e., ‘Antwerp Tax Academy’.

 To contribute or to be kept informed of the activities of the association, alumni can contact: * Prof. Bruno Peeters, Head Coordinator Master Tax Law; * Mr. Kristof Wuyts, President Antwerp in fiscalibus and tax consultant.