Wim Trijsburgprijs voor Psychotherapie
We are proud to announce that prof. dr. Greet Vanaerschot won the Wim Trijsburgprijs for Psychotherapy!
More information can be found here.
New book on psychotherapy
Prof. dr. Greet Vanaerschot published a new book on psychotherapy, 'Supervisie als proces'.

Book on Empathy
Greet Vanaerschot published the book 'Empathie' in 2016.
Without empathy there is no good therapeutic relationship. And without a good alliance between patient and therapist no optimal treatment result. Yet for the training to become a psychiatrist or psychotherapist students are not selected for their empathic ability. For those who have talent for it, that is no issue. For everyone else there is this textbook. 'Empathy – the secret weapon of psychiatrists and psychotherapists' provides tools for the effective application of empathy. It highlights empathy from different angles, showing how empathy can work in different settings.

Research report on Cross-sectoral collaboration between Child Welfare and Child Psychiatry
Helena Van den Steene (supervisors: Prof. Inge Glazemakers and Prof. Dirk van West) wrote a research report on Cross-sectoral collaboration between Child Welfare and Child Psychiatry for girls with multiple and complex needs.
This report can be downloaded here
New book on Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology in Europe
Author: Kris Goethals
This study guide aims to make European trainees in forensic psychiatry and psychology and young forensic psychiatrists and psychologists aware of the differences and commonalities in forensic psychiatry and psychology in different countries within Europe and to enable them to learn from the approaches adopted in each country. The guide is divided into five main sections that address legal frameworks, service provision and frameworks, mandatory skills, teaching and training in forensic psychiatry and psychology, and capita selecta. In addition, recommendations are made with respect to the practice of teaching and training across European countries. It is anticipated that the guide will provide an excellent means of improving specific skills and that, by learning about the offender/patient pathways in the different jurisdictions of Europe, the reader will gain a deeper understanding of the principles that govern methods and practices in their own work with mentally disordered offenders.
Research of brain collection
Over 3,000 brains from the Corselis Collection have been moved from London to Antwerp.
Reseach of the brains will lead to improved knowledge of psyciatric disorders.
More information about the research can be found here.
Train your gambling away
In cooperation with the university of Amsterdam, CAPRI has launched a free online training program for adults (18 years and older) who want to reduce their gambling behaviour or quit gambling completely on their own. The program is in Dutch or in French.
The most important research question is which TOP-training is the most effective. For participants there's a 65% chance that they will get atleast one to be expected effective training. Moreover, participants can start the training again after participating at the research, in which case they will surely get the versions of which the most positive outcome is expected.
New book on Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders
Prof. dr. Geert Dom has published a new book, together with Prof. Moggi, called "Co-occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders - A Practice-Based Handbook from a European Perspective". This book provides a comprehensive, state of the art overview covering both the diagnosis and the treatment of dual disorders – joint psychiatric and substance use disorders – in a way that is highly relevant to clinical work and the organization of care systems. It is designed to meet the real need for a European perspective on dual disorders, taking into account the realities of European treatment organization. All chapters have been written by European authors on the basis of existing European treatment programs or guidelines and European research.
Prof. dr. Sabbe publishes book 'Psychiatry'
Prof. dr. Bernard Sabbe has published the book 'Psychiatry' (in Dutch), together with Raf de Rycke. This introduction to psychiatry is meant for non-specialists who are interested in the topic.
Prof. dr. Inge Glazemakers publishes a new book: 'Slaap Zacht'
The book that can save you many sleepless nights.
About the Book:
'I am not tired yet!' Does this sound familiar to you? You are not alone. Research shows that 43 percent of parents were regularly taken from his sleep the past six months by his offspring. Unfortunately, there is no panacea for your child to sleep every night like a baby. But with a good sleep ritual and a positive approach to the sleep behavior of your child, goes a long way. Developmental psychologist Inge Glazemakers guides you step by step. You discover what type of sleep associated with your child and what techniques and tips in your family will have the most effect. And above all, she shows how to work in a fun way with your child to a better nights sleep!
A practical answers to frequently asked questions such as:
- How much sleep does your child need?
- What if your child really does not want to go to bed?
- Or what if your child always gets the wrong side of the bed?
- How dispel your fears and nightmares?
- And how do you go to bed wetting?
Prof. dr. Geert Dom publishes 'Handboek dubbele diagnose'
Professionals in addiction and mental health care have in their practice a lot to do with clients with addiction problems and psychiatric disorders that are strongly intertwined. In that case, integrated treatment and support is necessary so that from an integrated optical assistance is provided by a multidisciplinary team care providers.
The Handbook dual diagnosis advocates an integrated treatment for dual diagnosis clients involving complex comorbid disorders in the field of addiction and psychiatry.
The book is a comprehensive compilation of chapters which is designated which treatment and care discussed for various disorders. It offers professionals in mental health care - particularly addiction doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists - a broad overview and practical lessons. The book is also useful for teaching purposes
New 'Leerboek Psychiatrie' published
The third edition of the Textbook of psychiatry is a complete Dutch survey work that has been especially written for the profession of psychiatry in medical education.
Into four parts - psychiatric pathology, psychiatric disorders, special psychiatry and social aspects - the textbook treats the whole material. Although intended for teaching psychiatry to medical students, the book is also useful for the education and training of other professionals, such as psychiatrists, general practitioners, nursing home, rehabilitation specialists and all psychiatric interested medical specialists, as well as gz psychologists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatric nurses.
The online learning environment that is linked to the textbook, is completely renewed. The website contains many case studies drawn from psychiatric practice, in the first, second and third line. By practicing these cases, the student may be psychiatric knowledge tests and beaten a bridge between theory and practice. Also, an e-learning module has been added in which students using videos and case histories learn to recognize psychiatric symptoms and naming. On the Textbook of psychiatry worked more than 100 authors from the Netherlands and Belgium.