Research centres:
Researchers involved (ranked alphabetically by family name):
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Frank is a Guest Professor at the Institute of Development Policy (IOB) of the University of Antwerp where he teaches a course on International Migration and Development under the Advanced Masters in Development Studies. He is also a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda. He teaches courses related to forced migration, refugee studies, conflict and peace building, human rights and political economy of Africa and Uganda. His research focuses on forced migration and refugees in the Great Lakes Region and Horn of Africa.
Research Centre: IOB - Institute of Development Policy (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Forced migration, refugees and host communities, refugee law, refugee rights, durable solutions
Sarah is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp and Assistant Professor at Utrecht University. As an anthropologist of migration and mobility, her research explores different aspects of migrant youth’s transnational lives between West Africa and Europe – including their mobility patterns, affective experiences, and educational and professional trajectories. In a 3-year research project (2024-2027) funded by the Research Council – Flanders (FWO), Sarah will further investigate the fundamental role of social media and digital platforms in the changing character of young people’s transnational engagements and mobilities. Methodologically, she employs multi-sited, mobile and multimodal ethnographic approaches, with a focus on graphic anthropological, participative and digital methods.
Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp); ViDi - Visual and Digital Cultures Research Centre (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Media and Mobility – Keywords: migration and youth, digital media, migration-mobility nexus, transnational relationships, West Africa, ethnography
Hanne is a PhD candidate affiliated with the Centre for Population, Family, and Health within the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences. With a background in psychology and anthropology, Hanne's research is centered on the intersection of migration and mental health. In her PhD-research, she explores the explanatory models of mental health among migrants with an East-African background residing in Belgium. Additionally, she investigates the perceptions of healthcare professionals on these explanatory models and the impact thereof on their healthcare practices. Her research is guided by a team of supervisors, including Sarah Van de Velde from the University of Antwerp, Lore Van Praag from Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Christiana Nöstlinger from the Institute of Tropical Medicine.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CPFH - Center for Population, Family and Health (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Inclusion, Labour Market, Welfare State
Joelle has a background in humanitarian aid and emergency response and is interested in migration studies and children on the move. She is currently pursuing a PhD as a doctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp. Her research is centered around the unaccompanied refugee minors’ experiences of solidarity and recognition in their everyday social life in Belgium. Joelle is supervised by Prof. Dr. Stijn Oosterlynck at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, and co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Thomas Kampen at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht, the Netherlands. She is affiliated with the European research consortium ‘Solidarity in Diversity’ (SOLiDi).
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Solidarity, Recognition, Migration, New Social Studies of Childhood, Social Work
Anne-Sophie is a PhD student at the Department of Linguistics under the supervision of Mieke Vandenbroucke and co-supervision of Jürgen Jaspers (ULB). She is part of the GaP (Grammar and Pragmatics) research group. Her research focuses on elite education for transnational families: international schools in particular. It takes the form of a linguistic ethnographic case study of one such a school in Flanders. She is particularly interested in how these schools have a clearly exclusive, prestigious character (exuberant tuition fees, preparing students for world-class universities and leadership positions in global corporations later in life), but balance this with the proclamation of progressive views and placing great importance on inclusion.
Department: Linguistic pragmatics – Research Centre: GaP - Grammar and Pragmatics (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: International school, Transnational families, Language-based elitism, Linguistic ethnography, Sociolinguistics
Milena is Assistant Research Professor at the University of Antwerp where she coordinates the Network on Migration and Global Mobility -MIGLOBA. Her research mainly concerns refugees’ migration dynamics and inclusion pathways, transnational refugee families, migrant smuggling, protracted displacement in Europe and in the Global South, home and housing studies, and ethnographic methods.
Department: Sociology – Research Center: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Refugees, Eritrea, transnational families, migration decision-making, family reunification
Imane is a Ph.D. student at the University of Antwerp's Sociology Department. Her research, employing multi-sited ethnography and life-history interviews, examines the migration aspirations of Senegalese street traders in Morocco, with a focus on how internal borders and social boundaries influence their mobility and efforts to create and maintain a sense of belonging in Morocco.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Internal Borders, Borders And Boundaries, Senegalese Migration, Morocco, Migration Externalisation Policies, Migration Aspirations
Akofa is a PhD candidate at the University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and an Early Stage Researchers in the SOLiDi (Solidarity in Diversity) Consortium. Her supervisors at the UvH are Evelien Tonkens and Thomas Kampen but she is also supervised by UAntwerpen's Stijn Oosterlynck. Broadly, her research is about social work and solidarity at neighbourhood level. More specifically, she is doing qualitative research in two neighbourhoods in the Netherlands in which she asks how social work practices can bridge boundaries and promote a sense of solidarity in diverse neighbourhoods.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp); Citizenship and Humanisation of the Public Sector (University of Humanistic Studies) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Solidarity, Boundaries, Boundary-Work, Diversity, Community, Social Work
Didier is researcher for the Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (CRESC) and teaching assistant within the Department of Sociology and the Master of Social Work and Welfare Studies. He has studied urban arrival infrastructures and intercultural mediation to overcome barriers between Roma and mainstream education in earlier projects. In his doctoral research, Didier Boost is focusing on social work as a human rights profession. Currently, he is conducting research within Médecins Du Monde (Doctors of the World) in Antwerp, Belgium. Within this context of medical humanitarianism, he questions how social work takes shape as a human rights profession with undocumented migrants and people who largely find themselves outside of the purview of the welfare state. His research is underpinned by critical realism as a philosophy of science.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Social work, Undocumented migrants, Human rights, Humanitarianism, Critical realism
Imke is a PhD student working in the field of Sociology of Education. Her research focuses on the intersection of citizenship and belonging and how it is experienced by young people attending secondary education in Flanders. Her research project aims to advance current understandings of citizenship and belonging in education by investigating the covert processes of emotions in the construction of identities and shared feelings of belonging of young people with and without migration backgrounds. Her supervisors are Prof. Noel Clycq and Prof. Jan Vanhoof.
Department: Department of Training and Education Sciences – Research Centre: EDUBRON (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Social cohesion, Processes of belonging and citizenship in education, Citizenship education, Ethnic minority students and collective identities
Katiuscia holds a PhD student working in the field of Theorical and Social research at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Her research aimed to understand how "ethnic" identity and religious affiliations intertwine in the new generations. She conducted the first field research inside a Quranic School in Italy.
Department: Education (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Education, New generations, Identity, Quranic schools
Lukas is psychiatry resident (UZ Brussel - VUB) and doctoral researcher (UA). He works under supervision of prof dr Seline van den Ameele (UA/VUB) and prof. dr. em Bernard Sabbe (UA). His research focuses on the use of the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) in asylum seekers. He wants to find out what the added value of this instrument can be in mental healthcare for asylum seekers. He also aims to gain more insight into asylum seekers' experience of this instrument, and what themes the CFI adds to the asylum seekers’ illness narrative. He is involved in several national working groups to help further improve mental healthcare for asylum seekers.
Research Centre: CAPRI - Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Research Institute (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Cultural formulation interview, Mental healthcare, Cultural psychiatry, Psychiatric diagnosis, Asylum seekers
Noel is research professor at the Department of Training and Education Sciences. His research is on consequences of migration within formal and informal educational settings. This research sprang from the idea of large inequalities existing within the Flemish education system. Additionally, he focuses on citizenship education, the role of emotions in education, feelings of belonging and exclusion, student-teacher relations and how teachers discuss 'controversial' topics in the classroom.
Department: Training and Education Sciences – Research Centre: EDUBRON (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Education and learning, Identity, Belonging, Resources, Power
Elisabetta is Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Studies and a digital anthropologist. Her research focuses on the use of social media and digital platforms in people's everyday life. Her research also investigates the role of the digital in transnational communication, migration, and mobility in Europe and Turkey.
Department: Communication Studies – Research Centre: ViDi - Visual and Digital Cultures Research Centre (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Media and Mobility – Keywords: Media and migration; media and mobility; Kurdish migration; mobile media and professional migration; work and gender
Blansefloer is a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences (Department of Training and Education Sciences). Her research focuses on the impact of community-based educational spaces organised by various ethnic-cultural minoritised groups on ethnic educational inequality. She is supported by Noel Clycq (supervisor UAntwerp) and Orhan Agirdag (supervisor KuLeuven).
Department: Training and Education Sciences – Research Centre: EDUBRON (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society; Social Inclusion and Migrants Populations – Keywords: Education systems and achievement gap / Educational inequality - Ethnic-cultural minority students- Community-based educational spaces, - Effectiveness and impact of CBES on student outcomes and learning processes, Mixed methods
Woldegebriel is a doctoral researcher at Ghent University and the University of Antwerp. His research examines the right to work for refugees, with a specific focus on urban refugees in Ethiopia as a case study. He is supervised by Prof. Dr. Ellen Desmet (Ghent University) and Prof. Dr. Milena Belloni (University of Antwerp).
Department: Faculty of Law and Criminology – Research Centre: Migration Law Research Group (Ghent University); CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrants Populations– Keywords: Urban refugees, Refugees’ Right to work, Refugees’ livelihood, Refugee integration, Ethiopia
Eline is a social anthropologist and currently works as a PhD candidate within the European project “SOLiDi” (solidarity in diversity). In her research, she investigates the relationship between solidarity and deservingness in third sector organisations, focusing specifically on social enterprises which work with and for people with a migration background. She is a member of CRESC, with Stijn Oosterlynck (UAntwerpen) and Yuri Kazepov (University of Vienna) as her supervisors.
Department: Social anthropology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp); SOLiDi - Solidarity in Diversity (University of Antwerp and University of Vienna) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Solidarity; Deservingness; Social enterprises; Third sector; Migration
Anke is doctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp, supervised by Prof. Stijn Oosterlynck and Prof. Milena Belloni. Her current research is centred around urbanisation dynamics, feelings of home and mobility decision-making in Belgium. She is part of Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (CRESC) and MIGLOBA.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Rural-urban dynamics; Placemaking; Belonging; Migration; Polarisation
Roos is a PhD student at the Institute of Development Studies (IOB). She focuses on the refugee policy process in Uganda, as there is limited understanding of how these policies are shaped and managed in countries of first asylum. Her research aims to understand the effects of political interactions at the international, national, and local level on national refugee policies and refugees.
Department: Development studies – Research Centre: IOB - Institute of Development Policy (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Refugee policy process, Multi-level governance, Power relations, Politics, Uganda
Elien is a PhD researcher affiliated to the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute and the University of Antwerp Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change. She conducts research on migration and integration policies at the local level from an interdisciplinary point of view (combining sociology and public administration).
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp); Public Governance Institute (KU Leuven) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Migration And Integration Policies, Multilevel And Multi-factor Governance, (Local) Policy Networks, Social Network Analysis
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Paolo is an anthropologist and artist with an interest for the meaning of images in human life. Professor of Visual Anthropology and Cultures and Head of the Dept. of Communication Studies at the University of Antwerp, Paolo’s key interest is the nexus between visual culture, care and existential matters. He does today research on images, death and mourning but he is also active in the integration of emerging visual technologies and participatory techniques in the terrain of research, storytelling, and documentary. He is the author of 4 monographs and among them Image-Making-India: Visual Culture, Technology, Politics (Routledge 2020). His new book, co-authored with Asko Lehmuskallio Visual Studies: a social scientific perspective is forthcoming in 2025 with Routledge.
Department: Communication Studies – Research Centre: ViDi - Visual and Digital Cultures Research Centre (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Media and Mobility – Keywords: Visual anthropology, Visual ethnography, Sensory ethnography, Postcolonial studies, South Asia
Sari is a Joint PhD student (main institution: UAntwerp, guest institution: UGent) currently working on a project looking into the influence of an interpreter on the entextualisation process during sham marriage investigations in Flanders, both on a municipal and police level. She has also worked as a researcher at UGent on a Fedasil National Project looking into the digital competencies and needs of asylum seekers in Belgium. As she is connected to UGent, she is also affiliated with CESSMIR. At UAntwerp she is part of the Faculty of Arts and the GaP research group (Grammar and Pragmatics).
Department: Linguistic pragmatics – Research Centre: GaP - Grammar and Pragmatics (University of Antwerp), Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication (Ghent University); MULTIPLES - Research Centre for Multilingual Practices and Language Learning in Society (Ghent University); CESSMIR - Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (Ghent University) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Entextualisation, Interpreting, Marriage migration, Pragmatics, Transnational relationships
Marijn focuses her research and teaching on the intersections of security, migration, and global mobility. She is specifically interested in technologies of border control and migration management, the growing automation and digitalisation of borders, and the role of the high-technology sector in practices of border control.
Department: Political Science – Research Centre: Politics and Public Governance (University of Antwerp); IP - International Politics (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Critical security studies, International relations, Technology, Data, Drones
Ines is a third-year PhD student at the Department of Economics with Sunčica Vujić as supervisor, and Joana Clifton-Sprigg from the University of Bath as co-supervisor. She works on a project that examines the relationship between international migration and anti-immigration attitudes. As this is a two-way relationship, her research uses exogenous shock events and recent econometric methods to uncover causal estimates.
Department: Economics – Research Centre: Department of Economics (Ghent University) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: labour economics; applied econometrics; international migration; anti-immigration attitudes; public attitudes
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Amalia is a doctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp. Her research delves into the complex ways both civil society and authorities manage the corpses and grief practices related to migrants who lost their lives in the Mediterranean.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: migration, death, Mediterranean Sea, corpses
Mark is a Teaching and Research Assistant and PhD candidate at the Institute of Development Policy (IOB), at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. He is currently working on several studies on refugees and host communities in Uganda and Ethiopia. The broad focus of his doctoral research is on the migration and sustainable development nexus. He is investigating the socio-economic dynamics within a refugee hosting context, and the related outcomes. Specifically, with his research, he aims to contribute to the understanding of the socio-economic effects of hosting refugees, and attitudes and perceptions in refugee-hosting contexts.
Department: Development studies – Research Centre: IOB - Institute of Development Policy (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Refugees, Labor Markets, Coping Strategies, Perceptions, Integration
Adeodata is a PhD researcher and teaching assistant in EU law. She has a deep interest in international and European asylum and migration law. She completed her thesis on the potential right of free movement for recognised refugees in the EU under the supervision of Professor Dirk Vanheule. For her PhD, she is exploring the possibility of granting international protection to climate-displaced individuals seeking refuge in the EU through comparative perspectives, currently supervised by Professor Johan Meeusen.
Faculty: Law – Research Centre: Government and Law (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Climate displacement, EU asylum and migration policy, International protection, Comparative law, Australia and New Zealand asylum and migration policy
Jasper is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp. His PhD research, which he completed at the University of Manchester in 2022, examined the role of Country of Origin Information (COI) in European asylum systems. His current research explores the design, use and impact of new technology in both asylum and warfare. He works at the intersection of critical security studies, socio-legal studies and science and technology studies. His work has been published in International Political Sociology, Citizenship Studies and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Department: Political Science – Research Centre: International Politics (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Migration; Asylum; Knowledge; Technology; Politics
Ella is a health sociologist currently affiliated with the Sexual Health unit at the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM). Her research explores key areas such as the implementation of PrEP among people with a migration background in Belgium, the social networks and quality of life of individuals living with HIV, and community-based participatory action research. Her primary research interests lie in social inequalities in health, with a particular emphasis on sexual and reproductive health and migration as a social determinant. She specializes in qualitative methodologies, including in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Currently, Ella is pursuing a PhD under the supervision of Milena Belloni, focusing on how intersectional vulnerabilities shape migrants' perceptions of sexual health, their HIV prevention behaviors, and their navigation of HIV prevention and care systems.
Department: Public Health – Research Centre: Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Group (Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: HIV, Prevention, Migration, Intersectionality, Public Health
Irene is a YUFE post-doctoral research, specialized in international migration and immigrant integration into host societies. She is interested in investigating the main obstacles to and the strategies prompting integration in the domains of welfare and formal education. Her education background is in political science, and she currently carries out research at the intersection of political science and sociology. She is a member of EDUBRON research group (Educational research with impact) at the University of Antwerp. She is also a research fellow at the Centre for Migration Studies, at the University of Essex in the UK.
Department: Social sciences-Training and Education – Research Center: EDUBRON (University of Antwerp); Centre for Migration Studies (University of Essex) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords immigrants, integration, education and learning, welfare-migration nexus, ethnicity
Annemie is an Assistant Professor in the Master of Film Studies and Visual Culture, where she teaches the course Beeldende Kunst (Visual Arts). She is a member of the research group ViDi at the University of Antwerp. Her research focuses on art and artists' reputations from a historiographical angle, specialising in the early modern period (1400-1800) and artistic literature, particularly biographies and technical literature. Annemie's work intersects with medical, religious, and cultural history.
Department: Communication Studies – Research Center: ViDi - Visual and Digital Cultures Research Centre (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Media and Mobility – Keywords: Historiography, Early modern artist reputation, Network studies, Artistic literature, Demythologising
Dries is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp and a consultant for Myria (the Federal Migration Institute). Within the University, he has worked for MIGLOBA's predecessor CeMIS and is currently affiliated with the Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy. His research focuses on migration and the integration of migrants and their offspring, with a focus on Belgium.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: University of Antwerp (previously CEMIS and CSP) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Economic Migration; Posting Of Workers; Labour Market Integration; Integration And Activation Measures; Refugees; Self-Employment; Service Voucher Scheme
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Amal is a postdoctoral researcher and coordinates ReIncluGen a European Horizon project on gender empowerment and the role of civil society in Europe. Her PhD was on marriage migration, motherhood and integration among Moroccan mothers in Belgium. She was also a member of MIGLOBA's predecessor, CeMIS.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society; Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Migration - Gender - (religious) Agency - Empowerment - Participatory Research - arts & culture
Ninke is a researcher at the Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy since 2000. her research focuses on migration, intra-EU mobility and the labour market integration of migrants and their offspring.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CSB - Centre for Social Policy Herman Deleeck (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Economic migration; Labour Market Integration; intra-EU mobility; Labour Migrants; Posting; Third Country Nationals
Alberto is professor at the Faculty of Law, focusing on comparative law and legal pluralism, including migration law and the politics of migration. He is also Senior Policy Analyst and the head of the European Migration and Diversity Programme at the European Policy Centre, a Brussels-based think tank.
Department: Law – Research Centre: Faculty of Law (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance; Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: European Union; Common European Asylum System; Cooperation; Labour Migration; Narratives.
Giovanni is a doctoral scholarship holder. The preliminary title of his research is "Outsourcing family visa processes: the role of non-state actors in migration border management". He will investigate this topic by analysing the policies of European countries and carrying out ethnographic research with migrant populations living in crisis-affected areas
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Visa policy, Visa outsourcing, Border externalisation, Refugee families, Ethnography.
Dominika is a postdoctoral researcher at GOVTRUST Centre of Excellence and Politics & Public Governance (PPG) working together with prof. Peter Bursens and prof. Koen Verhoest. Currently she is developing a new line of research on (COVID-19) vaccination and access to health care of Polish migrants in Flanders. Previously, she has worked on political trust at local/national/EU levels of governance, political attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 vaccination strategies in EU countries. In her research, she focuses on migrant communities, their trust to the government of the home/receiving country and the health behaviors resulting from it.
Department: Political sciences – Research Centre: GOVTRUST Centre of Excellence (University of Antwerp); PPG - Politics & Public Governance (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Political trust, Public opinion, EU governance, Vaccination, Health care
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Lena has a background in anthropology and migration studies and a PhD in religious studies. She currently works as an MSCA YUFE4Postdoc at the Faculty of Social Sciences, where she is affiliated with the Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change. As part of MIGLOBA, her project explores potential secular and religious biases in the European mobility system. By looking at the experiences of nonreligious people from Muslim-majority contexts who move to a more secular European context, her research aims to shed light on the experiences of nonreligious people on the move.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Categorisations; Geneva convention; mobility; biases; intersectionality
Paul is a medical practitioner and Professor, working at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. He works as a general practitioner within the city centre of Antwerp, with patients from different ethnic backgrounds. Within his research on health sciences and medical practices, he is involved in projects on migration and medical decision making. In 2023, his new research project on improving medical decision-making in a superdiverse society started. He was also associated with MIGLOBA's predecessor, CeMIS.
Department: Family Medicine and Population Health – Research Centre: ELIZA - Primary and Interdisciplinary Care (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Patient-oriented care, Communication, Medical decision-making, Human rights, Primary care
Magali is a YUFE postdoctoral researcher at the University of Rijeka, where she conducts research in anthropology focused on the uses of artificial intelligence, particularly in the fields of education and language within contexts of migration and mobility. She is affiliated with the Department of Cultural Studies at the University of Rijeka, GaP - Grammar and Pragmatics at the University of Antwerp, and the Institute Convergences Migration in France.
Department: Linguistics – Research Centre: GaP - Grammar and Pragmatics (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Anthropology, Education, Languages, Migration
Chiara is a phd researcher and part of the ROBUST project, under the supervision of Prof. Wouter Van Dooren. Her research on crisis governance explores the role of knowledge (its exchange, development, and heterogeneity) in adapting and innovating in turbulent times. The Belgian response to the influx of asylum seekers in 2014-2015 is among the cases she has been analysing, together with vaccination promotion, contact tracing, and school closure during the COVID-19 pandemic
Department: Political Science – Research Centre: PPG - Politics & Public Governance (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: crisis, knowledge, intermediaries, experts, networks
Mieke is Assistant Professor in the Master of Social Work and CRESC. In her research and teaching, she focuses mainly on issues of urban social work, (trans)migration and mobility, transnational social work, diversity and informal social work practices. In CRESC, she is involved in the Soligion project. This is an FWO-SBO project (2020 – 2024) that focuses on religiously inspired solidarity initiatives in Flanders and their relationship with the welfare state. One of the findings of this project is that these solidarity initiatives often target or reach people with a migration background.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp), UA, KU Leuven, Universiteit Gent – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society; Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Social Work, Solidarity Initiatives, Welfare State, Migration, Mobility
Jasper is a doctoral researcher at the Centre for Urban History at the History department under supervision of Hilde Greefs and Greet De Block. His research focuses on migrant groups and the commercial accommodation sector of lodging houses in late nineteenth century Antwerp. He is particularly interested in the spatial dynamics of migrant presence and experience caused by governance, housing markets and urban planning in the long term.
Department: History – Research Centre: Centre for Urban History (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society– Keywords: Migration history, urban migration, temporary migration, migrant housing, segregation
Jana is an FWO predoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp and member of the Government and Law research group. Her research focuses on the elaboration, emphasis, conceptualisation, and enforcement of the principle of “EU solidarity” within the context of EU Asylum and Migration law, with focus on the EU’s external border legal set-up.
Faculty: Law – Research centre: Government and Law (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: EU Asylum and Immigration Law; EU Law; Principle of Solidarity; External Border Control
Olivier is a research professor at IOB (UAntwerp) and associate professor at the University of Oxford. He has a PhD in economics and conducts research on refugee economiees in East Africa. His research uses mixed-methods, with large-scale quantitative and qualitative surveys carried out with refugees and host communities in camp and urban settings. Additionally, he has worked with the World Food Program and the World Bank on e.g. the impact of cash-based assistance to refugees.
Department: Development studies – Research Centre: IOB - Institute of Development Policy (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Refugee Economies, Cash Transfers, Impact Evaluations, Mixed Methods, East Africa
Nik is affiliated to the IOB - Institute of Development Policy (University of Antwerp) and holds an FWO senior post-doctoral fellowship. As a development economist, he tries to address policy relevant questions through empirical microeconomics. His work on migration can be summarised by the questions “Who helps the displaced, and why?”. Through a combination of large-scale surveys, experimental approaches and qualitative data collection, he studies the determinants of public attitudes and helping behaviour towards those who are forcibly displaced - and how this compares across a variety of contexts.
Research Centre: IOB - Institute of Development Policy (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Displacement, Hosting, Helping behavior, Preferences for migrants, Experiment
Kristof is a political scientist and full professor at the Institute of Development Policy. He is specialized in conflict and governance in Central and Eastern Africa. He is broadly interested in the relations between the international community and national governments in this region. From this perspective, he has an interest in the politics of refugee policies; which has led him to work on internal displacement, donor politics, corruption in refugee policies, and the role of UNHCR in Uganda. He is a regular contributor to The New Humanitarian on these issues; and has published academically on these in for example Third World Quarterly.
Department: Development studies – Research Centre: IOB - Institute of Development Policy (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Refugee policy; Humanitarian Policy; UNHCR; Donor aid
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Mieke is a tenure track research professor in linguistic pragmatics. Her current research is typically ethnographic in nature and broadly concerns the institutional management of migration-related multilingualism. She also supervises many (PhD) projects which relate to migration, such as the role of language and interpreters in government investigations into alleged sham relations, so-called 'expats' living in Brussels, elite multilingualism in an international school, and the reception of Global English spoken by migrants by institutions in Belgium.
Department: Linguistic pragmatics – Research Centre: GaP - Grammar and Pragmatics (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Language and Migration; Marriage Migration; Multilingualism; Urban super diversity; Language Policy; Government Communication
Dirk is full professor at the Faculty of Law and member of the Government and Law research group. He was a founding member of MIGLOBA's predecessor, CeMIS. His research focuses on national, EU and international asylum and migration law and civic integration policy from a legal and multilevel governance perspective.
Faculty: Law – Research Centre: Government and Law (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Immigration and Asylum Law; Due process, procedural law and judicial review in immigration procedures; Civic integration
Flore is working as a PhD researcher for the research group of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care Antwerp ELIZA, part of the department of Family Medicine and Population Health (FAMPOP). She is working on the MEDIMIG research project, together with Nina Van Eekert and other colleagues from the faculties of Medicine, Social Sciences and Law. She is working on the preferences and challenges in medical decision-making among patients with a migration background in Belgium.
Department: Family Medicine and Population Health – Research Centre: ELIZA - Primary and Interdisciplinary Care (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Medical Decision-Making, Primary Care, Culturally Sensitive Healthcare, Family Involvement, Health Law
Mieke is a PhD researcher and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp, and member of the Government and Law research group. Her research focuses mainly on proof in Belgian migration procedures (burden of proof and object, means and value of evidence) and how these elements correlate to principles of good administration and human rights obligations. Previously, she has worked as a lawyer in asylum and migration law, as a protection associate at UNHCR and as an advisor to the Belgian State Secretary for asylum and migration.
Faculty: Law – Research Centre: Government and Law (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Migration and Asylum Law; Due process, procedural law, and judicial review in immigration procedures; Family reunification; Labour migration; Statelessness; Multi-level governance; Common European Asylum System
Gert is Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and a member of CRESC. His research and teaching focus on citizenship, diversity, migration and mobility, transnational and global sociology, cultural sociology and the sociology of science and knowledge. He also supervises a number of (PhD) projects related to migration and diversity, dealing with issues such as everyday ethnic boundary work, urban diversity and youth musical practices, ethnicisation processes in civil society, and the outsourcing of visa policies.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: CRESC - Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations; Diversity and Civil Society; Global Mobility and Governance – Keywords: Culture; Citizenship; Migration; Mobility; Social Theory
Marloes is a PhD researcher focusing on citizenship education and diversity at upper-secondary schools in majority-minority cities. Her project is a qualitative case study on classroom and school practices in Flanders. Themes related to migration come up in her research in different ways. In the context of the majority-minority city, most students have a "migration background". Moreover, some schools in the research project offer education for newcomers to Flanders (OKAN). Her research also raises relevant questions, such as those concerning exclusions going together with citizenship education practices. She is an early-stage research fellow at the European "Solidarity in Diversity" (SOLiDi) research consortium and a member of Edubron's focus group "Diversity and Inclusion" at the University of Antwerp’s Department of Training and Education Sciences.
Department: Training and Education Sciences – Research Centre: EDUBRON (University of Antwerp) – Research Area: Diversity and Civil Society – Keywords: Citizenship education, solidarity, diversity, Case study
Jonas is assistant professor and FWO postdoc fellow at the Centre for Population, Family and Health. He supervises various research projects related to the unfolding of migrant groups’ life courses, ranging from research on policies to stimulate labour force integration, the social inclusiveness of social policies towards groups with a migration background, or patterns of intergenerational adaptation between first and second generation migrants. His work relies upon the combination of longitudinal modelling using large-scale administrative data in combination with innovative qualitative research methods.
Department: Sociology – Research Centre: University of Antwerp (previously CEMIS and CSP) – Research Area: Social Inclusion and Migrant Populations – Keywords: Labour market integration, Active Labour Market Policy, Life Course Perspective, Family Formation, Gender