Reenchantment, Postsecularity, and the Question of the Recovery of Religion

A study day organized by the Center for European Philosophy


Friday 24 May 2019, 14:00-19:30


University of Antwerp, Stadscampus, Room E.207, corner Grote Kauwenberg & Vekestraat, 2000 Antwerp.

Description and program

In the wake of widespread critique and growing skepticism of classical secularization theory, Weber’s thesis of the ‘disenchantment of the world’ has been subjected to serious reexamination. By and large, criticism of secularization and criticism of disenchantment proceed along similar lines of argumentation. When it comes to assessing the resilience or vitality of religion in the modern world, however, there appears to be a divergence of views between theories of ‘postsecularity’ and theories of ‘reenchantment’. In this study day, we set out to examine this divergence of views more closely.

14:00-14:30 Introduction: themes of the return of religion in recent literature on the ‘reenchantment of the world’

14:30-15:30 Close reading session: “Charles Taylor’s Idea of Reenchantment in ‘Recovering the Sacred’” by Michiel Meijer (University of Antwerp)

16:00-17:30 Keynote lecture: “Postsecularity, Reflexive Secularization, and the Question of the Recovery of Religion” by Justin Beaumont (Queen Mary University of London)

17:30-18:30 Soup and sandwich dinner

18:30-19:30 Workshop and discussion: Reenchantment without Religion?

Practical information

Course coordinators: Herbert De Vriese and Guido Vanheeswijck (University of Antwerp)

This study day is part of series of lectures and study days devoted to a critical analysis of philosophical discourse on reenchantment. For more information, follow this link.