Stijn is an architect and urban planner. He is currently assisting in the design studios of the master in urbanism and spatial planning at the faculty of design sciences. Since 2015 he is a member of the research group for urban development.
Through his research on Bicycle Oriented Development he aims to provide insight into the factors that determine the 'bikeability' of our cities and indicate how we can improve the cycling conditions and the physical environment of the cyclist. His research focusses on the relation between infrastructure and urban development.
Favorite (place in the) city
My favorite city, the city where I started to think about urbanism and where I discovered the city as research object: Paris. Throughout my master in Architecture I studied for half a year at the “ENSAPVS Paris Val de Seine”. Every day I cycled from one side of the city (La Defense) to the other side (Bercy). So far, it is still my favorite cycling experience.