Events (organization)

- 'The Art of James Joyce', XXVI International James Joyce Symposium (University of Antwerp, 11-16 June 2018)
Between 11 and 16 June 2018, the University of Antwerp’s Centre for Manuscript Genetics hosted the 26th International James Joyce Symposium in the city that Joyce and his family visited in the summer of 1926. Belgium is small, so much so that all of the sites Joyce toured that year (Ostend, Bruges, Ghent, Brussels and, most importantly, Waterloo) are within a 100-kilometre radius of the conference venue. In his earliest prose writings, James Joyce described himself as an artist. His brother Stanislaus’s diary and Richard Ellmann’s 1959 biography reinforced this image of Joyce as the lone and dedicated creator who was prepared to give up everything for his art. We interpret the title of this conference as both an objective and a subjective genitive – from Joyce’s aesthetic or artistry to pictures of Cork in cork frames – and as a reminder of Joyce’s long afterlife in the creative arts. We want to explore the role of art as a socially constructed commodity in Joyce’s work as well as trace his fortunes in the fine art and rare book marketplace; we invite studies of the ways in which Joyce crafted his oeuvre, in the wake of The Art of James Joyce, A. Walton Litz’s pioneering study of the creation of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake; and we are also interested in contributions that, creatively or critically, address the impact of Joyce’s artistic persona and work on other artists, in various forms and different mediums.
- 'Lire les brouillons / Reading Drafts.' A Master Class by Almuth Grésillon and Daniel Ferrer, organized by the Centre for Manuscript Genetics in honor of Almuth Grésillon's reception of a honorary doctorate at the University of Antwerp. (30 March 2017, University of Antwerp).
'The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project Training Workshop.' A Workshop on Digital Scholarly Editing, sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC),
the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network DiXiT (Marie Curie ITN), and the University of Antwerp. Download Programme (docx., 300kb).
- 'DiXiT 3 / ESTS 2016: Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory, Practice, Methods.' Thirteenth annual international conference of ESTS, organized in conjunction with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network (DiXiT). (3-7 October 2016, University of Antwerp).
As digital publications are reaching a stage of maturity and scholarly editors are becoming increasingly aware of the seemingly endless possibilities of hybrid or fully Digital Scholarly Editions, the impact of the digital medium on the field of Textual Criticism has become undeniable. As a result of this ‘digital turn’, textual scholars are now faced with new challenges and opportunities that have called for a re-evaluation of the field’s established theoretical and practical framework. For the thirteenth annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), organized in association with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network ‘DiXiT’, we intend to face this new direction in textual scholarship head-on, by focussing on the recent developments in textual scholarship that are instigated by this reassessment of the theories, practices, and methods of scholarly editing in general, and of the Digital Scholarly Edition (DSE) in particular. Keynote speakers: Kathryn Sutherland and Paul Eggert. Guests of honour: Hans Walter Gabler and Peter Shillingsburg
Beckett and Modernism. Second annual conference of the Samuel Beckett Society. (27-30 April 2016, University of Antwerp).
'DHBenelux 2015.' Second annual conference on Digital Humanities in the Benelux. (8-9 June 2015, University of Antwerp).
'Beckett Digital Manuscript Project Workshop'. A workshop organized by Dirk Van Hulle (Department of Literature) to discuss theoretical and practical issues between BDMP collaborators. (8 September 2014, University of Antwerp).
'Enactive Cognition.' A colloquium organized by Dirk Van Hulle (Department of Literature) and Erik Myin (Department of Philosophy), which explores the possibilities of interaction between philosophy and literature, focusing on the current paradigms of extended cognition and enactivism. (22-23 May 2014, University of Antwerp).
Tenth annual international conference of ESTS (European Society for Textual Scholarship): "Variance in textual scholarship and genetic criticism/La variance en philologie et dans la critique génétique" (22-24 November 2013, École Normale supérieure, Paris).
Colloquium on Genetic Criticism: "Figures of Thought: Between Thinking and Writing / Denkfiguren: Der Zwischenraum von Denken und Schreiben" (24-25 November 2011, University of Antwerp).
Sixth annual international conference of ESTS (European Society for Textual Scholarship): "Texts Beyond Borders: Multilingualism and Textual Scholarship" (19-21 November 2009, The Royal Flemish Academy for of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB), Brussels).
- EST COST 'Interedition' Workshop 'Current Issues in Digitally Supported Collation' (18-19 November 2009, Fondation Universitaire, Brussels)
ESF COST Workshop ‘Genetic Criticism and Scholarly Editing’ (20-22 September 2007, University of Antwerp).
Workshop ‘Genetic Joyce and Beckett Studies’ (16-17 March 2006, University of Antwerp , with Geert Lernout).
ESF Exploratory Workshop ‘Scholarly Editing and Nation Building in Europe ’ [in preparation] (14-15 December 2005, Amsterdam ) + ESTS Conference ‘Histories of Editions’ (16-17 December 2005), together with Geert Lernout, the Huygens Instituut, Marita Mathijsen and Joep Leerssen (Univ. of Amsterdam).
Annual Conference VAL (Vlaamse Vereniging voor Algemene en Vergelijkende Literatuurwetenschap) (10 May 2005, University of Antwerp).
Annual Conference BAAHE (Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education) (20 November 2004, University of Antwerp – City Campus, Antwerp).
Conference Genetic Criticism ‘Denken op papier’ (10 November 2004, AMVC-Letterenhuis, Antwerp) (with the Constantijn Huygens Instituut (CHI Den Haag), CTB, UG, & AMVC-Letterenhuis).
ESF Exploratory Workshop ‘James Joyce and Samuel Beckett, Translating Europe,’ sponsored by the European Science Foundation (23-25 October 2003, Hof van Liere, UA Stadscampus, Antwerpen).
- 'Reading Notes.’ 2nd Colloquium ESTS – European Society for Textual Scholarship (6-7 December 2002, Hof van Liere UA Stadscampus, Antwerpen).
Conference Genetic Criticism ‘Geboorte van het vers’ (5 November 2003, AMVC-Letterenhuis, Antwerp) (with the Constantijn Huygens Instituut (CHI Den Haag), CTB, UG, & AMVC-Letterenhuis) Conference ‘Genetic Joyce Studies’ (29-30 March 2001, UFSIA, Antwerp , with Geert Lernout).
Conference Genetic Criticism ‘Parafernalia’ (23 October 2002, AMVC, Antwerp).
Conference Genetic Criticism ‘Paralipomena’ (23 March 2000, AMVC, Antwerp).
Conference Genetic Criticism ‘In het klad’ (29 March 1999, AMVC, Antwerp).
Conference on Scholarly Editing ‘Studiedag Editiewetenschap’ (3 Dec. 1997, UIA, Antwerp, with Edward Vanhoutte).
Conference on Genetic Joyce Studies ‘Genetic Networks’ (10-11 Dec. 1998, Antwerp , UFSIA/MuHKA; with Geert Lernout).
Conference on Genetic Joyce Studies ‘Genitricksling Joyce’, (20-21 May 1997, Antwerp, MuHKA; with Geert Lernout).