Urban History and Urbanity on the web
A collection of academic associations and institutes around the world concerned with the broad topics of urban history and urbanity, followed by a list of useful and interesting webresources.
Associations and institutes - Belgium and the Netherlands
- Amsterdam Centre for Urban History (UvA) (NL)
- Brussels Stadsplatform (BE)
- Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City (UAntwerpen) (BE)
- Centrum voor Historisch Onderzoek naar Stedelijke Transformatieprocessen - HOST (BE)
- Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies (CeMIS) (Uantwerpen) (BE)
- City and Society in the Low Countries (BE - NL)
- COSMOPOLIS City Culture & Society (BE)
- Midden-Kennemerland (NL)
- Urban Sciences (NL)
- Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten (BE)
- Vlaams Architectuur-Instituut (BE)
Associations and institutes - Europe
- Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (IT)
- Centre d'Histoire Urbaine (FR)
- Centre for Metropolitan History (UK)
- Centre for Scottish Urban History (UK)
- Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe (UA)
- Centre for Urban History (UK)
- Dansk Center for Byhistorie (DK)
- European Association for Urban History (EU)
- European Association for Urban History (Lyon 2008) (EU)
- Gesellschaft für Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung (DE)
- Institut d'urbanisme de Paris (FR)
- Institut für Stadtgeschichte (DE)
- Institut für vergleichende Städtegeschichte (DE)
- Institute of Urban History, Stockholm (SU)
- Medieval English Towns (UK)
- Schinkel-Zentrum für Architektur, Stadtforschung und Denkmalpflege (DE)
- Société Française d'Histoire Urbaine (FR)
- Urban Morphology Research Group (UK)
Associations and institutes - Outside Europe
Webresources and books
- Architecture Guide (NL)
- 'Gated Communities? Regulating Migration in Early Modern Cities' (Book)
- 'Town Planning in the Netherlands since 1800. Responses to Enlightenment Ideas and Geopolitical Realities' (Book)
- Europeana - think culture (EU)
- H-Urban | Humanities-Net forum for urban history and urban studies
- The Density Atlas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US)
- UGent Passage | UGent Memorie (UGent) (BE)