Most recent publication in the UAntwerp library:

Relating mental health, health-related quality of life and well-being in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic : a cross-sectional comparison in 14 European countries in early 2023

Public health - ISSN 0033-3506-238 (2025) p. 16-22

Linear mixed modeling of federated data when only the mean, covariance, and sample size are available

Statistics in medicine - ISSN 0277-6715-44:1-2 (2025) p. 1-13
    Marie Analiz April Limpoco, Christel Faes, Niel Hens

A fractional order SIR model describing hesitancy to the COVID-19 vaccination

Applied numerical mathematics - ISSN 0168-9274-207 (2025) p. 608-620
    Constantino Caetano, Luisa Morgado, Pedro Lima, Niel Hens, Baltazar Nunes