Together with Flanders AI, we organize a workshop on Conversational Agents Research in Flanders and The Netherlands, where we will present different research projects from both countries about chatbots.
The workshop will be open to both academic and industry partners and we hope to inspire the sharing of Dutch chatbot-related data and knowledge and spur future (cross-border) collaborations.
📆 September 21st 2023, 13:00h - 17:30h
📌 Stadscampus University of Antwerp, Building S.C.002, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp
✎ Registration is free of charge but mandatory via this form.
Please register before 5 September.
13:00-13:30 Registration + poster placement
13:30-13:40 Welcome (Walter Daelemans - University of Antwerp)
13:40-14:00 Conversational Agents in the Flanders AI Program (Jeska Buhmann - University of Antwerp)
14:00-14:20 BLISS (Iris Hendrickxs - Radboud University)
14:20-14:40 Look Who’s Talking (Erkan Basar - Radboud University)
14:40-15:20 Coffee break + poster session
15:20-15:40 NeFCA presentation: The impact of a human-like communication chatbot with different mistake levels on user experience (Marianna De Sa Siqueira - Radboud University)
15:40-16:00 Smooth Operators (Florian Kunneman - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
16:00-16:20 LESSEN (Panagiotis Eustratiadis - University of Amsterdam)
16:30-17:30 Reception