Seminar numerical analysis

Gaps in the bachelor-master program in numerically oriented research topics in the widest sense are being dealt with in this seminar, as well as topics relating to the theses of the participating students. The seminar format aims at a balance between presentations by the participating students and the responsible research groups. Several guest speakers will also be invited.

Practical information

Master of Mathematics: Financial Mathematics (part 1 or 2)
1st/2nd term 2020-2021
Contact hours
Monday 16.00-18.00, room M.G.016
check the time schedule for the right dates and times
prof. dr. Annie Cuyt
prof. dr. Karel in 't Hout
prof. dr. Wim Vanroose
prof. dr. Uwe Peter Wystup

Time schedule

​5 October
Introduction: sparse interpolation (slides, notes)
19 October
Sparse interpolation: algorithms (slides, notes)
