Research framework

Graphene smart membranes can control water

Superfast vortices seen!

Graphene as a gas sensor

High-temperature electron-hole superfluidity

Direct observation of Josephson vortex cores

Buckled graphene superlattices are the next big thing

High-throughput identification of transparent conducting oxides

Hydrogen induces high-temperature superconductivity in a monolayer material

2D magnetic material as a photocatalyst for water splitting

Super-moiré lattices

Deformation charge density of adsorbed titanium on graphene

Melting graphene flake

Ultrathin superconductor ages like fine wine

Anisotropic packing of C70 molecules inside carbon nanotubes

3D Pb mesocrystals exhibit unique superconducting behavior

Research mission
Our research focuses on nano and mesoscopic physics, with a goal to characterize materials between the atomic and the macroscopic scale, and enable their novel functionalities.
Research consortia
NANOlight Center of Excellence (formerly NANOlab)
Scientific Research Community (FWO-WOG) Computational Modeling of Materials
Excellence-of-Science consortium ShapeME: Shapeable 2D magnetoelectronics by design
European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy (OPERA)
EU-COST Action Nanoscale Coherent Hybrid Devices for Superconducting Quantum Technologies (NANOCOHYBRI)
EU-COST Action High-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition (HI-SCALE)
MultiSuper Network
Open positions
We are supporting applications for prestigious fellowships:
- FWO at PhD and postdoctoral levels (deadline March 1st and Dec. 1st respectively)
- Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowships (deadline mid Sept.)
We also have extensive experience in hosting joint PhD students and are therefore inviting visiting PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from China, Brazil, Iran (alternative), Colombia, Turkey, or other countries that provide visiting scholarships.
More details can be found in the Open positions section.