Seminars 2005
Departmental Seminars
- Prof. dr. D. Ninno, University of Naples "Federico II"
Physical and chemical properties of low dimensional silicon
6 July 2005
Group Seminars
- Dr. Joseph Betouras
Thermodynamics of Fermi liquid in a magnetic field
Wednesday 6th July 2005, Time 11:00 Location U203 Campus Groenenborger - Mr. Giovanni Piacente
Static and dynamical properties of classic quasi-one-dimensional Wigner crystals
Tuseday 5th July 2005, Time 16:00 Location U024 Campus Groenenborger
Ph.D Defense - Dr. Alexei Vagov
BCS-BEC transitions in Fermi gases with resonant scattering
Wednesday 1st June 2005, Time 15:00 Location U203 Campus Groenenborger - Dr. Geoffrey Pourtois
An atomistic insight of an engineering worls: a quick survey of the atomistic modeling activities of the QDM (IMEC) group.
Wednesday 25th May 2005, Time 15:00 Location U203 Campus Groenenborger - Mr. Pedrag Krstajic
Spin-dependent Tunneling phenomena in DMS systems
Wednesday 4th May 2005, Time 16:00 Location U203 Campus Groenenborger - Dr. Ben Baelus
Experimental distinction between multivortex and giant vortex states in thin mesoscopic superconduction disks
Wednesday 27th April 2005, Time 15:00 Location U203 Campus Groenenborger - Prof. Algirdas Matulis
Quantum Computer
Wednesday 15th May 2005, Time 15:00 Location U338 Campus Groenenborger - Prof. dr. Irina Schweigert
Kinetic analysis of interaction of ion flow with charged dust particles for technological applications
Wednesday 30th March 2005, Time 15:00 Location U338 Campus Groenenborger - Dr. Clara Riva
Semiconductor quantum rings
Wednesday 21st March 2005, Time 15:00 Location U338 Campus Groenenborger - Mr. Yosyp Sidor
Exciton in a quantum wire in the presence of parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields
Wednesday 23th februari 2005, Time 15:00 Location N0.08 Campus Drie Eiken - Mr. Golibjon Berdiyorov
Surface barrier for flux entry and exit in mesoscopic superconducting samples
Wednesday 16th februari 2005, Time 15:00 Location N0.08 Campus Drie Eiken - Mr. Giovanni Piacente
Properties of a quasi-1D chain like system of charged particles interacting with a contact point potential
Wednesday 8th februari 2005, Time 15:00 Location N0.08 Campus Drie Eiken - Prof. Mauro Doria (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3D simulations of the Ginzburg-Landau theory
Monday 24th januari 2005, Time 15:00 Location N0.08 Campus Drie Eiken