Seminars 2006
Departemental Seminars
- Prof. Dr. P. Lievens, from Deptartement Fysica, K.U. Leuven
Tuning the electronic structure of clusters by size, shape and composition
6.12.2006 - Prof. Dr. Mauro M. Doria, from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & CMT
Some scaling properties of superconductors
31.10.2006 - Prof. Dr. Algirdas Matulis, from Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania & CMT
Schrödinger equation and dissipation
24.10.2006 - Prof. Dr. K. Arutyunov, from University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Quantum fluctuations in ultranarrow superconducting nanowires
18.10.2006 - Prof. Dr. Xavier Gonze, from UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
Phonon band structure and electron-phonon interactions in thin metallic nanowires
10.10.2006 - Prof. Dr. R.G. Mints, from Tel Aviv University
Unquantized vortices in YBCO films
2.08.2006 - Prof. C. G. Van de Walle, from Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara,USA
New applications of ZnO in electronics and optoelectonics
Group Seminars
- Dr. Arkady Shanenko
Andreev-like states in nanoscale superconductors
13.12.2006 - Prof. Dr. Irina V. Schweigert, from Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia & CMT
Effect of dust particles on rf discharge plasma
8.12.2006 - Dr. Wim Vanroose, from Departement Wiskunde-Informatica, UA
Iterative Methods for large scale Eigenvalue problems
7.12.2006 - Dr. Wim Vanroose, from Departement Wiskunde-Informatica, UA
Iterative Methods for large scale linear and non-linear systems
5.12.2006 - Dr. Igor V. Schweigert, from University of California, Irvine, USA
Orbital-dependent exchange-correlation functionals from first principles: Two functionals based on second-order perturbation theory
29.11.2006 - Kwinten Nelissen
Dynamics of topological defects and the effects of the cooling rate on large two-dimensional screened Coulomb clusters
22.11.2006 - Hartwin Peelaers
Formation and segregation energies of B and P doped, and BP codoped silicon nanowires
15.11.2006 - Antonio R. de C. Romaguera
Tilted vortex matter in a finite size superconducting nanocylinder
8.11.2006 - Golibjon Berdiyorov
Vortex structure and critical current in superconducting films with arrays of antidots
20.09.2006 - Prof. T. Vasilopoulos
Spin-dependent transport due to spin-orbit interaction in quasi-one-dimensional systems
23.08.2006 - Dr. Vyacheslav Misko
Nonuniform Self-Organized Dynamical States in Superconductors with Periodic Pinning
19.07.2006 - Dr. Milton Pereira
Confined states and direction-dependent transmission in graphene quantum wells
13.07.2006 - Dr. Peter Foldi, from University of Szeged, Hungary
Multilevel spin dynamics in molecular nanomagnets
28.06.2006 - Roeland Geurts
The vortex-antivortex state in a mesoscopic superconducting square
21.06.2006 - Predrag Krstajic
PhD defense: Magnetism and tunneling in diluted magnetic semiconductor structures
19.6.2006 - Kathleen De Bleecker
Modeling of the synthesis and subsequent growth of nanoparticles in reactive hydrocarbon- and silane-based plasmas
27.04.2006 - Kwinten Nelissen
Induced order and reentrant melting in classical two-dimensional binary clusters
22.03.2006 - Dr. Vyacheslav Misko
Critical Currents in Quasiperiodic Pinning Arrays: Chains and Penrose Lattices
09.03.2006 - Predrag Krstajic
Hole tunneling through trilayer structures
1.03.2006 - Yosyp Sidor
High-field magneto-excitons in unstrained GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots