Wireless Power Transfer
Since the ubiquitous implementation of wireless communication, the “last cord” that needs to be cut in order to obtain fully mobile devices is the power cord. Wireless power transfer offers the main advantage of improved convenience and user experience. It also results in higher durability and robustness. It facilitates automation and increases safety in hazardous industrial environments. However, both fundamental and technological challenges still exist to fully implement a wireless society.

Within the Cosys-Lab group, we study different types of wireless power transfer, from inductive and capacitive (distances up to tens of centimetres) to radiofrequency power transfer (distances up to tens of meters). On the one hand, we focus on the fundamental understanding of the interplay between the electromagnetic wireless link and the energy transfer characteristics in order to unlock new wireless power transfer principles. On the other hand, we work together with companies and sector organizations to lower the threshold for implementing wireless energy transfer in practical industrial applications and IoT devices.