Reports and Minutes (selected)


- Derboven, J., Marx, I. & Verbist, G. (2024), Progressieve tewerkstelling in diverse uitkeringsstelsels. Verkennend onderzoek naar de opportuniteiten en valkuilen. Onderzoek in opdracht van de Vlaamse minister bevoegd voor Werk en het Departement Werk en Sociale Economie, in het kader van het VIONA-onderzoeksprogramma. Antwerpen: Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck (Universiteit Antwerpen).

- Lenaerts, H., Audenaert, B., Baki, J., Cools, P., Marchal, S., Mulayi, M.-L., Neelen, W., Van Herreweghe, L., Van Lancker, W. & Cantillon, B. (2024), Sociale Economie en Armoede. De impact van de sociale economie op armoede in Vlaanderen (SOCIAL): evaluatie en vooruitblik. Onderzoek in opdracht van het departement Werk & Sociale Economie. Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck (Universiteit Antwerpen), Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek (KU Leuven), Onderzoeks- en expertisecentrum Stadskracht (AP Hogeschool Antwerpen), 123 p.


- Cantillon, B., de la Porte, C., Akarçeşme, S. (2023), Background paper 'Social inclusion and the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights' : academic support for the Belgian EU presidency 2024. Copenhagen Business School, 32 p. 

- Decancq, K. & Gamage, S. P. (2023), Well-being convergence in the European Union, EuSocialCit Working Paper, February 2023. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7628683

- Marchal, S., Mechelynck, A., Dumont, D., Vanpoucke, E., Marx, I., Janssens, J., Steyaert, L., Ramlot, N., & Van Lancker, W. (2023), Changing work, changing incomes: designing a responsive social protection system for all: State of the Art. Belspo, 13p.


- Delanghe, H., Cantillon, B., Decancq, K., Frederickx, M.,  Marchal, S.,  Marx, I., Penne, T., Storms, B., Verbist, G. & Vinck, J. (2021), Wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar een Vlaamse indicatorenset om omgevingsfactoren en beleidsevaluatie inzake armoede te meten. VISA: Vlaamse indicatorenset armoede. Een rapport in opdracht van de Vlaamse overheid, Departement Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin. Maart, 198 p. 


- Van Limberghen, G., Bertrand, O., Dumont, D., Fontaine, M., Tojerow, I., Cantillon, B., Delanghe, H., Hermans, K., Louckx, F. & Marchal, S., (2020), L’accès des travailleurs salariés et indépendants à la sécurité sociale en Belgique. Mission d’étude pour le SPF Sécurité sociale 2019-DGBESOC-SOC PROTECT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université libre de Bruxelles en Universiteit Antwerpen. Rapport final, November 2020, 722p.


- Boone, J., Derboven J., Figari F., Kuypers S., & Verbist G. (2019). WETAXE 2 - Update and Extension of the EUROMOD Wealth Taxation Project , JRC Working Papers on Taxation and Structural Reforms No. 07/2019.


- Kuypers, S., Figari, F., Verbist, G. & Verckist, D. (2017). EWIGE - European Wealth data InteGration in EUROMOD, JRC Working Papers on Taxation and Structural Reforms No. 4/2017.


- Kuypers, S., Figari, F. & Verbist, G. (2016). The Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey: a new underlying database for EUROMOD. EUROMOD Working Paper 10/16.


- Decoster, A., Vandelannoote, D., Vanheukelom, T. & Verbist, G. (2014). Gross incomes in the Belgian Silc dataset: An analysis by means of Euromod. EUROMOD Working Paper 14/06.

- Marx, I. & Vandelannoote, D. (2014). Matthew runs amok: The Belgian Service Voucher Scheme, IZA DP No. 8717.

- Vandelannoote, D. & Bogaerts, K. (2014). Het gebruik van lastenverlagingen in België en hun impact op het tewerkstellingsniveau. Flemosi Working Paper DP 30. 


- De Graeve, D., Van Mechelen, N., Vandelannoote, D. & De Wilde, M. (2013). Measuring health care expenditures in Belgium: the at-risk-household approach. Flemosi Working Paper DP 23.

- Hufkens, T., Vandelannoote, D., Van Lancker, W. & Verbist, G. (2013). Hervorming van de Vlaamse kinderbijslag en armoedebestrijding: een simulatie van alternatieven. Flemosi Working Paper DP 29.

- Van Mechelen, N., Bogaerts, K. & Vandelannoote, D. (2013). Supplementary financial support by local welfare agencies and inactivity traps. Flemosi Working Paper DP 19. 

- Marx, I., Horemans, J., Marchal, S., Van Rie, T. & Corluy, V. (2013). Towards a better marriage between job growth and poverty reduction. GINI Policy Paper 5.

- Vandelannoote, D., Vanleenhove, P., Decoster, A., Ghysels, J. & Verbist, G. (2013). Maternal employment: the impact of triple rationing in childcare in Flanders. Flemosi Working Paper DP 18. 


- Salanauskaite, L. (2010). Microsimulation Modelling in Transition Countries: Review of Needs, Obstacles and Achievements. MGSoG Working Paper 10/003.

- Salanauskaite, L. & Verbist, G. (2010). The 2004 Law on Allowances to Children in Lithuania: What Do Microsimulations Tell Us About Its Distributional Impacts? MGSoG Working Paper 10/002.


- Carpentier, S. & Van den Bosch, K. (2008). Problematische schulden in België. Indicatoren op basis van SILC 2004 en profiel van de bevolking in (problematische) schuldsituaties. FOD Sociale Zekerheid 08/07.

Other Papers: ImPRovE Working Papers

16/17 The impact of social transfers on income poverty and material deprivation by Geranda Notten & Anne-Catherine Guio

16/16 Improving poverty reduction in Europe: what works (best) where? by Chrysa Leventi, Holly Sutherland & Iva Valentinova Tasseva

16/15 The design of in-work benefits: how to boost employment and combat poverty in Belgium by Dieter Vandelannoote & Gerlinde Verbist

16/14 Scenarios for reducing poverty in Belgium, Greece and the United Kingdom by Tim Goedemé, Holly Sutherland, Paola Di Agostini, Chrysa Leventi, Manos Matsaganis, Dieter Vandelannoote & Gerlinde Verbist

16/13 The Europe 2020 social inclusion indicators: main conclusions of the ImPRovE project on validity, methodological robustness and interrelationships by András Gábos & Tim Goedemé

16/12 The antipoverty performance of universal and means-tested benefits with costly take-up by Alari Paulus

16/11 Towards a more effective governance of socially innovative policies – First insights from the case studies by Stijn Oosterlynck, Andreas Novy, Yuri Kazepov, Gert Verschraegen, Tatiana Saruis, Fabio Colombo, Pieter Cools, Roberta Cucca, Bernhard Leubolt & Carla Weinzierl

16/10 The integration of place-based social innovations into the EU social agenda by Gert Verschraegen & Sebastiano Sabato

16/09 The distributive effects of work-family life policies in European welfare states by Tine Hufkens & Gerlinde Verbist

16/08 The end of cheap talk about poverty reduction: the cost of closing the poverty gap while maintaining work incentives by Diego Collado, Bea Cantillon, Karel Van den Bosch, Tim Goedemé & Dieter Vandelannoote

16/07 Climbing out of crisis: characteristics of the newly employed in Europe by Justin van de Ven & Sarah Voitchovsky

16/06 Improving territorial cohesion: the role of stakeholders in OMC and cohesion policy by Roberta Cucca & Yuri Kazepov

16/05 Can reference budgets be used as a poverty line? by Tess Penne, Irene Cussó Parcerisas, Lauri Mäkinen, Bérénice Storms & Tim Goedemé

16/04 The tsunamis of educational attainment and part-time employment, and the change of the labour force 1960–2010: what can be learned about self-reinforcing labour-market inequality from the case of the Netherlands, in international comparison? by Wiemer Salverda

16/03The usage of EU resources in local social innovation by Sebastiano Sabato & Gert Verschraegen

16/02 Has the potential for compensating poverty by women’s employment growth been depleted? by Rense Nieuwenhuis, Wim Van Lancker, Diego Collado & Bea Cantillon

16/01 The importance of income-tested benefits in good times and bad: lessons from EU countries by Chrysa Leventi, Olga Rastrigina & Holly Sutherland

15/22 Consistent poverty across the EU by Anna B. Kis & András Gábos

15/21 The EU framework for social innovation - Between entrepreneurship and policy experimentation by Sebastiano Sabato, Bart Vanhercke & Gert Verschraegen

15/20 Decent incomes for the poor: which role for Europe? by Bea Cantillon, Sarah Marchal & Chris Luigjes

15/19 Towards social investment and social innovation in EU member states? First observations of recent developments in Austria by Karin Heitzmann & Florian Wukovitsch

15/18 Stemming the tide. What have EU countries done to support low-wage workers in an era of downward wage pressure? by Sarah Marchal & Ive Marx

15/17 Welfare systems, governance and social innovation: case study country profiles of Austria, Belgium and Italy by Stijn Oosterlynck, Yuri Kazepov, Andreas Novy, Pieter Cools, Tatiana Sarius & Florian Wukovitsch

15/16 Chronic material deprivation and long-term poverty in Europe in the pre-crisis period by Fotis Papadopoulos & Panos Tsakloglou

15/15 Local social innovation and welfare state restructuring: analysing their relationship by Stijn Oosterlynck, Yuri Kazepov, Andreas Novy, Pieter Cools, Tatiana Sarius & Florian Wokuvitsch

15/14 A fresh look at an old question: is pro-poor targeting of cash transfers more effective than universal systems at reducing inequality and poverty? by Abigail McKnight

15/13 Mobility into and out of poverty in Europe in the 1990s and the precrisis period: The role of income, demographic and labour market events by Eirini Andriopoulou & Panos Tsakloglou

15/12 Trends in the Swedish Social Investment Welfare State: ‘The Enlightened Path’ or ‘The Third Way’ for ‘the Lions’? by Joakim palme & Axel Cronert

15/11 The social legitimacy of differently targeted benefits by Wim van Oorschot & Femke Roosma

15/10 Do employment-conditional earnings subsidies work? by Lane Kenworthy

15/09 The joint decision of labour supply and childcare in Italy under costs and availability constraints by Francesco Figari & Edlira Narazani

15/08 Tracking, schools’ entrance requirements and the educational performance of migrant students by Jaap Dronkers & Roxanne-Amanda Korthals

15/07 Non-cash benefits from social housing in Europe: a comparative perspective by Markus M. Grabka & Gerlinde Verbist

15/06 Employment and poverty dynamics in the EU countries before, during and after the crisis by András Gábos, Réka Branyiczki, Barbara Lange & György Tóth

15/05 The role of immigration policies for immigrants’ selection and economic success by Irena Kogan

15/04 The impact of child care costs and availability on mothers’ labor supply by Daniela Del Boca

15/03 The end of decent social protection for the poor? The dynamics of low wages, minimum income packages and median household incomes by Bea Cantillon, Diego Collado & Natascha Van Mechelen

15/02 Involuntary part-time employment: perspectives from two European labour markets by Michail Veliziotis, Manos Matsaganis & Alexandros Karakitsios

15/01 The interrelationships between the Europe 2020 - social inclusion indicators by Sara Ayllón & András Gábos

14/07 A new kid in town? Active inclusion in European minimum income schemes by Sarah Marchal & Natascha Van Mechelen

14/06 Estimating the poverty reduction effect of tax and benefit policies in Finland 1993-2013 using a microsimulation method by Pasi Moisio, Kirsi-Marja Lehtelä & Susanna Mukkila

14/05 Mountains on the move: recent trends in national and EU-wide income dynamics in old and new EU Member States by Tim Goedemé, Diego Collado & Leen Meeusen

14/04 Distributive Effects of the Crisis and Austerity in Seven EU Countries by Manos Matsaganis & Chrysa Leventi

14/03 A lost decade? Decomposing the effect of 2001-11 tax-benefit policy changes on the income distribution in EU countries by John Hills, Alari Paulus, Holly Sutherland & Iva Tasseva

14/02 Can education bridge the gap? Education and the employment position of immigrants in Belgium by Vincent Corluy & Gerlinde Verbist

14/01 Components of income inequality and its change in EU countries, 2004-2010 by Márton Medgyesi

13/15 The relationship between incomes and living arrangements: variation between countries, over the life course, and over time by Maria Iacovou

13/14 In-work poverty in times of crisis: do part-timers fare worse? by Jeroen Horemans & Ive Marx

13/13 Measuring performance: does the assessment depend on the poverty proxy? by Geranda Notten

13/12 Exploring the multi-level governance of welfare provision and social innovation: welfare mix, welfare models and rescaling by Stijn Oosterlynck, Yuri Kazepov, Andreas Novy, Pieter Cools, Florian Wukovitsch, Tatiana Saruis, Eduardo Barberis & Bernhard Leubolt

13/11 Trends and convergence of Europe’s minimum income schemes by Natascha Van Mechelen & Sarah Marchal

13/10 Testing the Statistical Significance of Microsimulation Results: Often Easier than You Think. A Technical Note by Tim Goedemé, Karel Van den Bosch, Lina Salanauskaite & Gerlinde Verbist

13/09 Measuring low work intensity – an analysis of the indicator by Terry Ward & Erhan Ozdemir

13/08 The indicators of intertemporal material deprivation: a proposal and an application to EU countries by Conchita D'Ambrosio

13/07 Alternative vs. current measures of material deprivation at EU level: What differences does it make? by Anne-Catherine Guio & Eric Marlier

13/06 The effect of local labour market conditions on educational choices: a cross country comparison by Alberto Tumino

13/05 Why has social security become less pro poor? by Bea Cantillon, Natascha Van Mechelen, Olivier Pintelon & Aaron Van den Heede

13/04 Money or kindergarten? Distributive effects of cash versus in-kind family transfers for young children by Michael Förster & Gerlinde Verbist

13/03 The butterfly and the elephant: local social innovation, the welfare state and new poverty dynamics by Stijn Oosterlynck, Yuri Kazepov, Andreas Novy, Pieter Cools, Eduardo Barberis, Florian Wukovitsch, Tatiana Saruis & Bernhard Leubolt

13/02 Towards a common framework for developing cross-nationally comparable reference budgets in Europe by Bérénice Storms, Tim Goedemé, Karel Van den Bosch & Kristof Devuyst

13/01 The Evolution of Poverty in the European Union: Concepts, Measurement and Data by Koen Decancq, Tim Goedemé, Karel Van den Bosch & Josefine Vanhille