Ongoing projects
Ethical reflection about generative AI
How do you make professionals reflect on the ethical aspects of generative AI? Which dialogue and reflection exercises are relevant? This design-based research develops a reflection methodology. The approach is part of the COntent research project at Odisee.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: De Schrijver Jelle
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Language launch
Since the school year 2021-2022 school, all 5-year-old preschoolers in mainstream primary schools have to be screened annually to evaluate their academic listening skills in Dutch by means of the KOALA screening instrument. The screening helps school teams to identify preschoolers who need extra language support in order to safeguard their chances of being successful at school during the first years of primary education. The aim of this governmental policy measure is for schools to actively follow up the results of the screening with a sustainable, effective language integration program. There is little empirical evidence on how school teams carry out and follow up the screening. In this project, we aim to fill this gap through a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods, more specifically through a combination of (a) a case-oriented in-depth analysis in a purposive selection of schools that are known to experts as successful providers of language integration programmes, (b) survey research in a representative sample of Flemish primary schools, and (c) broad exploratory observation research in schools that are identified through latent class analysis based on this survey research. The survey study will be linked to the Flemish component of the IELS survey of 2025. The survey research investigates (1) the way schools organise and experience the KOALA screening, (2) the way in which the results of the KOALA screening result in joint deliberation and the design of concrete language trajectories, (3) the extent to which school team members feel competent to actively contribute to the implementation of the language trajectories, and (4) the needs for support they experience in this respect. The data collected are described in a report in which we also distinguish school types based on latent class analysis. These results are further explored through two waves of case-based in-depth analysis. The first wave of data collection runs for 14 months and allows us to conduct in-depth analysis not only of the actual approaches to language pathways in successful schools, but also of their impact on selected focus pupils. In a second wave, which is based on the survey results, we select schools that complement the analyses of wave 1. We distinguish two subgroups: on the one hand, schools that also seem to excel but that implement other practices or show a different profile (e.g. in terms of pupil composition) than schools from wave 1, and on the other hand, schools that report that in implementing the KOALA and/or shaping the language integration trajectories, they face many doubts or fail to be successful. For the latter group, we will identify which obstacles hinder the design and implementation of language integration trajectories and which support can help them overcome these obstacles. This study will lead to far-reaching insights into how primary schools in Flanders actually react to the governmental policy measure regarding the KOALA screening, and will provide schools and education support staff with concrete recommendations to design language integration trajectories more effectively.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
- Co-promoter: Van Mieghem Aster
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Understanding the enrollment process and education for students oriented towards type 9
Over the past years, the number of pupils in type 9 has increased both in mainstream and special education. In this research, our objectives are twofold. Firstly, we aim to gain well-founded insights into the explanatory mechanisms underlying this growing orientation of pupils towards type 9, whether they have a report (GC, IAC, or OV4) in mainstream education or go to special education. Secondly, we seek to understand how these pupils can be supported in education within a continuum of customized educational contexts. The orientation towards type 9 education is a decision-making process influenced by various factors. Different theoretical models provide insight into these complex and dynamic decision-making processes, each from a various perspective. The Andersen-Newman model is a static, explanatory model that describes the determinants and relationships between these various determinants. However, decisions regarding the orientation to type 9 are not static but rather dynamic. Choice theories account for these dynamics in decision-making. The Rational Choice Theory (RCT) describes decision-making as a process in which an actor decides based on preferences, available information, and weighing costs and benefits. The dynamic Network Episode Model (NEM) offers insight into decision-making as a complex social process. To gain an understanding of various support and educational initiatives for pupils with an orientation towards type 9 the multidimensional model proposed by Norwich provides a suitable framework. The model moves beyond the traditional uni- dimensional approach of different placement continuums, as it considers support and educational initiatives to be placed on flexible interrelated continuums. These theoretical frameworks provide a solid foundation for addressing the research questions. To this end, the following quantitative and qualitative studies will be conducted: (1) a study of administrative data, (2) a focus group study, (3) a survey study, and (4) a case study. These studies will involve stakeholders from learning support centers (Leersteuncentra), educational counseling centers (CLB's), mainstream and special education schools, as well as parents and pupils. Based on the results of these studies, policy recommendations will be formulated regarding the orientation towards and education for pupils in type 9. The desirability and feasibility of each of these recommendations will be assessed in expert panels. This research will result in recommendations for policy and practice, moreover a scientific research report will provide insight into the mechanisms involved in the orientation and education for pupils in type 9.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Understanding the enrollment process and education for students oriented towards type 2
Not for all pupil with a type 2 orientation currently a suitable school and learning environment can be found. In this research, our objectives are twofold. Firstly, we aim to gain well-founded insights into the explanatory mechanisms underlying this growing orientation of pupils towards type 2, whether they have a report (GC, IAC, or OV4) in mainstream education or go to special education. Secondly, we seek to understand how the these pupils can be supported in education within a continuum of customized educational contexts. The orientation towards type 2 education is a decision-making process influenced by various factors. Different theoretical models provide insight into these complex and dynamic decision-making processes, each from a various perspective. The Andersen-Newman model is a static, explanatory model that describes the determinants and relationships between these various determinants. However, decisions regarding the orientation to type 2 are not static but rather dynamic. Choice theories account for these dynamics in decision-making. The Rational Choice Theory (RCT) describes decision-making as a process in which an actor decides based on preferences, available information, and weighing costs and benefits. The dynamic Network Episode Model (NEM) offers insight into decision-making as a complex social process. To gain an understanding of various support and educational initiatives for pupils with an orientation towards type 2 the multidimensional model proposed by Norwich provides a suitable framework. The model moves beyond the traditional uni- dimensional approach of different placement continuums, as it considers support and educational initiatives to be placed on flexible interrelated continuums. These theoretical frameworks provide a solid foundation for addressing the research questions. To this end, the following quantitative and qualitative studies will be conducted: (1) a study of administrative data, (2) a focus group study, (3) a survey study, and (4) a case study. These studies will involve stakeholders from learning support centers (Leersteuncentra), educational counseling centers (CLB's), mainstream and special education schools, as well as parents and pupils. Based on the results of these studies, policy recommendations will be formulated regarding the orientation towards and education for pupils in type 2. The desirability and feasibility of each of these recommendations will be assessed in expert panels. This research will result in recommendations for policy and practice, moreover a scientific research report will provide insight into the mechanisms involved in the orientation and education for pupils in type 2.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Professionalisation of Teacher Educators in English and Mathematics (ProTEEM).
ProTEEM provides Professionalisation of Teacher Educators in English and Mathematics for students' academic equity and success through quality literacy and numeracy education. More than 30 senior or junior teacher educators from four universities in the DR Congo (UNIKIN, UNILU, UCB) and Zambia (KNU), will profit from the expertise in scarce resource education from Antwerp University (B), Kaunas University of Technology (LT), Stellenbosch University (SA) and Rhodes University (SA): ProTEEM focuses on continuous professional development (CPD) in inclusive, autonomy-enhancing and blended learning environments for English and Maths to increase gender equality and reduce poverty through quality education. Next to teacher training, the Inspectorate and teacher associations are also involved in the dissemination of project outputs: lesson plans and materials for flipped classrooms, blended learning, gender-responsive tasks, low-tech digital tools, etc. Research into the project outcomes has added capacity building value that all our HEIs as education and research institutions with a community service mission benefit from: the partners collaborate in PhD projects on the effectiveness of the project's hybrid CPD approach in the specific context of low-income countries. Four female PhD students, affiliated to each DRC HEI and to UNZA (Zambia), will collect and analyse CPD (transfer) data from the CPD participants and their students. ProTEEM efficiently (1) focuses on CPD of teacher educators, capitalising on their multiplier effect (train the trainer & trickle-down effects), (2) improves both literacy and numeracy, because quality English and Maths education is crucial for educational equity and socioeconomic emancipation, and (3) adopts a sustainable hybrid on-site/online training approach, with evidence-informed modular blended learning. It attains a combination of Sustainable Development Goals, the main one being SDG 4.6: ensure that all youth (…), both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
- Co-promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
- Education Project
The effect of Translanguaging in Reading on learning engagement in multilingual Content-Based Instruction classrooms.
Given Western society's demographic hybridity and multiculturalism, monolingual classroom interaction is becoming increasingly rare. Learners from different linguistic and other related backgrounds constitute a target group to be addressed by adopting optimal methods that fulfill the needs but also use the strengths of multilingual classrooms. For multilingual language practices in such contexts as second/foreign language learning, the generic term 'translanguaging' (TL) has come into use. With the rapid expansion of CBI (Content-Based Instruction), known in the institutionalised setting of secondary education as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and EAL/AAL (English as an Additional Language/Afrikaans as an Additional Language), multilingualism is entering education with a great heterogeneity of idiosyncratic TL practices. This proliferation makes critical TL research necessary and urgent, especially since recent studies indicate that teachers lack confidence in how to deal with (the role of) language and students' reading competences are in steady decline (PIRLS 2021). Given the long history of research into language alternation in South African multilingual classrooms, the latter provide a productive research context to contrastively and complementarily combine with an empirical study in Flemish CLIL and South African EAL/AAL classrooms to address the question 'How do TL pedagogical practices in multilingual CBI classrooms impact on reading education?'Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The school as an attractive and high-quality workplace to retain teachers.
With ongoing demographic shifts and an influx of trainees into the teaching profession, the projected teacher shortage is anticipated to worsen in the coming years, affecting both primary and secondary education. As educators play a pivotal role in shaping students' learning experiences, this scarcity of teachers poses a significant risk to the overall quality of education. The situation in Flanders reflects a clear correlation between the teacher shortage and outcomes such as the IDP results in primary education. This project answers important research questions through both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The research team working on this project has extensive experience and expertise in the field of teacher shortage and related topics. The first research question focuses on identifying different school profiles with regard to attracting and retaining teachers. Various factors are taken into account, such as school context (location, student population, etc.), age structure of teachers, experience and continuity of school leaders, and other relevant characteristics. The goal is to understand which characteristics schools have that show higher or lower teacher retention. Available administrative data will be used to answer this question, with due observance of the privacy rules. The second research question focuses on identifying schools that manage to better retain teachers despite similar characteristics and circumstances. These schools and school boards are analyzed to gain insight into their policies, practices and processes. Aspects such as professionalization and guidance at the start of the career, career development, psychosocial well-being and workload of teachers, school organization, team composition and leadership are examined. In addition, supra-school factors, such as school boards, school communities and scale size, are examined, and which strategies are applied there. The aim is to learn from these schools and identify their approaches to promoting teacher retention. In addition to generating knowledge, valorisation is an important aspect of this research project. We actively disseminate and use the research findings, so that they have a real impact on the educational field and policy makers. Various valorisation activities are planned such as study days, webinars and a professionalization trajectory. In addition, a practice-oriented manual is being developed about school policy aimed at HR policy. The aim is to provide practical guidance and recommendations to school principals and policy makers to support them in developing and implementing effective HR policies aimed at retaining teachers. Another result of this research project is the development of an early warning dashboard. It offers schools (boards) the opportunity to recognize signals at an early stage that indicate a possible increased risk of teacher turnover, so that they can take appropriate measures in time. This research project contributes to increasing the insight into the teacher shortage and its consequences for the quality of education in Flanders. Through thorough research and analysis, the project team aims to generate valuable knowledge and recommendations that can contribute to addressing this pressing problem. The aim is to provide policy makers and educational institutions with actionable insights and effective strategies to improve teacher retention and thus ensure the quality of education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Research on effective classroom management and a safe classroom climate that supports learning: from setting boundaries to connecting with pupils.
This research is aimed at preventing disorder and reducing the prevalence of disruptive behavior of students in Flemish mainstream primary and secondary schools. The project has two goals. First, we make a scientific analysis of important characteristics of a classroom climate that supports students' learning and prevents disruptive behavior of students. We also pay attention to the levers and barriers to the development of such a classroom climate and how factors at the macro-, school- and classroom level play a role in this. Second, we invest in valorization outcomes and write a practice-oriented book. For the realization of the first goal, we set up an extensive literature study (with three phases). Based on this cyclical process, we develop a first version of the theoretical framework. We test the theoretical framework against Flemish and international practice. We set up focus groups with relevant actors in Flanders (school teams, principals, support staff, teacher trainers and scientists). We will also discuss the framework and the challenges we are facing in Flanders with actors from education systems abroad where - at least according to TALIS results - fewer problems are experienced with classroom management. After adjusting and testing the theoretical framework, we will make a selection of at least 10 concrete practices and look for schools in which these practices are meaningfully applied. We aim to find practices across various educational levels and contexts, which refer to various essential characteristics/building blocks and levers described in the theoretical framework. We organise one school visit per practice, richly describing this practice. We inventory experiences with this practice from various stakeholders (school teams, students, and externals) through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and observations when appropriate. In the interviews we also probe the preceding process and critical success factors and (Flemish) preconditions, with in view of formulating recommendations for implementation. The insights from this case study research form the basis for the practice-oriented book. The project results in two scientific reports, a practical guide and recommendations for implementation in Flemish schools, teacher training, professionalization in the educational field (CLB, pedagogical guidance services, support networks, ...) and for cooperation with other relevant actors.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Advisor project Language profiles
The Taal in de stad within the AG SO is working through a project on a database of language profiles for every field of study within every finality in secondary education. The aim is to develop an instrument that enables class councils to make a correct assessment of the required language competence within a course of study and to compare this with the competence of a pupil to be oriented. In addition, the tool also provides incentives for targeted remediation based on the required language competences of the direction. Prof dr. Jordi Casteleyn is co-designing this project. He develops the methodology to determine the required language level per study area via anchor texts and to report on this efficiently via an online database. In the first instance, he and the AGSO project team are investigating in what respect existing writing tasks from the educational field are representative of the language level within the specialisation. Subsequently, the team develops guidelines on how teacher teams can arrive at categories of anchor texts in a substantiated way that are indicative of the different levels of mastery. Subsequently, the team checks which anchor texts can be included in the internal database, which can be consulted online, for each school, grade, field of study and finality. The criteria and proposed methodology are closely monitored by the project team in order to develop and guarantee equality in language competence within the secondary schools. In this way, different teams of teachers have access to and insight into the different linguistic competences that are typical for study options, which gives student orientation a greater chance of success. Such a tool is especially needed for pupils with a language-poor profile and/or an OKAN background. The current trial runs from September 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Tackling secondary school students' misconceptions about science through philosophical dialogue: an empirical study.
How can secondary school students learn to reflect about science? A widening gap between scientific consensus and public opinion on topics such as climate change, vaccine safety or evolution, makes this question ever so relevant. Misconceptions about science contribute to the skepticism towards scientific knowledge and the rise of fake news. Science education can play a key role to turn the tide. The question is which classroom approach is effective. This PhD-project focuses on what the effect may be of allowing students to participate in dialogues about science. Because learning science is more than grasping scientific ideas such as evolution or the molecular structure of a virus. It also entails learning about the building processes of scientific knowledge. This knowledge about science is known as 'Nature of science' (NOS). A dialogue-based approach is poorly implemented or studied in NOS education. In particular, a dialogue technique from the field of humanities seems an interesting instrument to stimulate reflection about NOS in this context: the philosophical dialogue. This teaching method helps students reflect about big questions and clarify the meaning of concepts. The aim of this PhD project is to investigate and evaluate the effect of the implementation of philosophical dialogues on the NOS understanding of third grade secondary school students. First, the current didactic practices with regard to NOS in secondary science education are charted through a document study and teacher interviews. Then, a systematic literature review allows categorizing and analyzing current approaches towards NOS education. These steps will allow formulating the conditions for implementing dialogue-based NOS education in the scienceclass. Lastly, a quasi-experimental intervention study will allow introducing the philosophical dialogues about NOS in secondary school classes. This explorative study will allow measuring the effect of the intervention on the NOS understanding of students. Thus, the study increases our understanding of the impact of dialogue-based NOS-education. This longitudinal study is unique in its combination of two different didactic paradigms in the field of humanities and science didactics. The study allows studying and evaluating a new didactic approach and sharing the findings in the research community. In turn, the study can contribute to empower students in recognizing and debunking fake news about science.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: De Schrijver Jelle
- Co-promoter: Pinxten Annie
- Co-promoter: Van Petegem Peter
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Exploring, STudying And Fostering Effects of Team Teaching on students and teachers. Moving beyond perception (ESTAFETT).
This research project aims to advance insight in the impact of team teaching, a collaborative teaching model in which two or more teachers collaborate to a certain extent in the planning, teaching and/or evaluation of a course. Despite its overall attractiveness, both in research and practice, there is scant empirical evidence with convincing data on team teaching's effectiveness to date. Considering the lacunae in the state-of-the-art and the clear call for evidence formulated by the field, the overall research objective of this project is to map the effects of team teaching on both students and teachers. To accomplish this objective, four research lines (RL) are proposed: (1) a large-scale cross- sectional survey study, (2) a video-based observation study, (3) a quasi- experimental study, and (4) an intervention study. These research lines will result in four evidence-based utilization products (UP): (1) a Flemish-wide professional learning community, (2) an online knowledge-based platform, (3) a professional development program, and (4) a white paper with policy recommendations on team teaching. On a methodological level, this project clearly distinguishes itself from the current state-of-the-art by conducting large-scale studies that move beyond perceptions, by including more direct measures and a quasi- experimental study. The current proposal will culminate in pioneering contributions to a more comprehensive theory on team teaching, and elevate empirical research on team teaching to the next level. The proposed utilization products tackle urgent needs formulated by the Flemish educational field in general, and a diverse and large group of already engaged stakeholders in particular. For this research project, a new and complementary expert consortium, consisting of two universities and two universities of applied sciences has been established.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Exploring, STudying And Fostering Effects of Team Teaching on students and teachers. Moving beyond perception (ESTAFETT).
This research project aims to advance insight in the impact of team teaching, a collaborative teaching model in which two or more teachers collaborate to a certain extent in the planning, teaching and/or evaluation of a course. Despite its overall attractiveness, both in research and practice, there is scant empirical evidence with convincing data on team teaching's effectiveness to date. Considering the lacunae in the state-of-the-art and the clear call for evidence formulated by the field, the overall research objective of this project is to map the effects of team teaching on both students and teachers. To accomplish this objective, four research lines (RL) are proposed: (1) a large-scale cross- sectional survey study, (2) a video-based observation study, (3) a quasi- experimental study, and (4) an intervention study. These research lines will result in four evidence-based utilization products (UP): (1) a Flemish-wide professional learning community, (2) an online knowledge-based platform, (3) a professional development program, and (4) a white paper with policy recommendations on team teaching. On a methodological level, this project clearly distinguishes itself from the current state-of-the-art by conducting large-scale studies that move beyond perceptions, by including more direct measures and a quasi- experimental study. The current proposal will culminate in pioneering contributions to a more comprehensive theory on team teaching, and elevate empirical research on team teaching to the next level. The proposed utilization products tackle urgent needs formulated by the Flemish educational field in general, and a diverse and large group of already engaged stakeholders in particular. For this research project, a new and complementary expert consortium, consisting of two universities and two universities of applied sciences has been established.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Simons Mathea
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Past projects
Gaps in the knowledge base regarding supporting students
Through a literature review, survey and Delphi study, we identify knowledge needs in practice and knowledge gaps in the literature on effective classroom practices with regard to supporting all students. For the survey and delphi study, we involve 30 education experts , with different profiles, so that experts from across mainstream compulsory education are represented. With the information obtained, we support Leerpunt's new knowledge agenda (
- Promoter: Van Mieghem Aster
- Co-promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Effective CLIL education in Flanders. Profiles of schools and students, perceived effects and preconditions.
What does an effective methodology for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) look like? To what extent does CLIL in Flemish secondary education meet these characteristics? And what can stakeholders do to support effective CLIL education? This study aspires to provide answers to these questions based on a mixed-methods approach and does so in three lines of inquiry: (1) a literature review (umbrella review) that identifies the characteristics of effective CLIL education; (2) a quantitative study in which a Flanders-wide survey on the one hand identifies profiles of schools that offer CLIL and students following CLIL (latent profile analysis), and on the other hand identifies perceived effects and determinant variables (structural equation modeling); and (3) an in-depth qualitative study that uses a delphi study to identify those characteristics of effective CLIL education as well as the preconditions for successful implementation in Flanders among a selection of schools (on the one hand schools that offer 'effective' CLIL education; on the other hand schools that have recently stopped offering CLIL). This study can provide valuable input to the actors involved in CLIL in Flanders. First, they gain an evidence-informed insight into the core elements that influence the effectiveness of CLIL education. Secondly, the results clarify to what extent Flemish CLIL education meets these characteristics of effectiveness, how these effects are experienced at different levels (pupils, teachers and school teams), and in this way policy makers can make data-based decisions. Thirdly, schools starting CLIL education can be supported by identifying essential prerequisites for successful implementation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
- Co-promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The inflow and outflow in the teaching profession from a comparative perspective
This research consists of two major research parts. Overall (i.e. both for regular new teachers and for second career teachers) we want to develop a framework based on literature research with the factors that contribute to the retention of new teachers in Flemish education and the measures that can be taken to reduce outflow/attrition The following research questions are addressed: 1. How many graduates of teacher training courses/second career teachers start as teachers in Flemish education? How do these numbers evolve over time? 2. What are the profile characteristics of graduates who do or do not start as teachers? Which factors can explain whether or not graduates enter the profession? 3. How many new teachers/second career teachers leave Flemish education within five years of starting their work as a teacher? Evolution? Comparison with other sectors? 4. What are the profile characteristics of new teachers/second career teachers who may or may not continue to work as teachers in Flemish education? Which factors can explain whether starting teachers leave the profession or not?Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Increasing children's resilience towards misinformation
This project studies how to make children (8-12 years old) more resilient against disinformation by focusing on media literacy, both on the side of (youth) journalists and on the side of children. For journalists, we develop a child policy and conversation guide: recommendations for responsible reporting on disinformation tailored to children. These recommendations include ethical guidelines on how to report on fake news tailored to children and how to respond to questions that come in around disinformation. On the children's side, we provide innovative educational materials focused on how children deal with disinformation. These methodologies and teaching aids can be used in the Media Literacy Curriculum in primary education. In addition, the project includes a checkpoint for disinformation on social media, to which children can send messages about which they have doubts. This checkpoint supports journalists, children, and researchers alike, as it allows disinformation to be monitored and countered via reactions and news reports. This research project is a collaboration between research groups (Arteveldehogeschool, Odisee, University of Antwerp), the news media sector (VVJ), the media wisdom field (imec-Mediawijs), knowledge institutions (Scivil, KeKi) and development partners (gameWise and Het Geluidshuis).Researcher(s)
- Promoter: De Schrijver Jelle
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Monitoring of author residencies
International and national tests indicate that the reading skills of pupils from the work-oriented and transfer finality are below the desired level. Several meta-analyses indicate that instruction in writing skills has a positive impact on students' reading comprehension (Graham & Hebert, 2011; Graham et al., 2017; Graham & Santangelo, 2014). The Reading Offensive therefore introduces author residencies at a selection of schools with these pupils. To maximize the impact of the author residency project, we are introducing the ambassador concept. Teachers who participate in the author residencies undertake to act as ambassadors for fellow teachers who were unable to participate in the author residencies in the following months (maximum 18 months). These fellow teachers do not receive author visits at school, but do use the programs developed within the author residencies project. In this way we aspire to create a network of teachers, so that the insights from the programs are efficiently disseminated. The central research question of this project is therefore: To what extent does the author residencies project have an impact on the reading and writing education of the participating schools? Ultimately, the Reading Offensive expects that the author residencies and the role of ambassador will have an impact on the views of the teachers (and the didactics they apply) and the language competence of their students. For this specific target group of students, functional writing skills are an illustrative example of this language competence. Based on this, we can formulate the following research questions: 1) To what extent does the author residencies project have an impact on the project teachers (the so-called ambassadors)? a. To what extent is there an impact on the views on language teaching of these teachers? b. To what extent is there an impact on the language didactics used by the teachers? c. To what extent is there a difference in views on language teaching between the ambassadors and fellow teachers? 2) To what extent does the author residencies project have an impact on the students in the project? a. To what extent is there an impact on the literary, resp. functional writing skills of the students? b. To what extent is there an impact on students' beliefs about reading and writing?Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: T'Sas Jan
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
"Traject taal +": a professional development program for sustainable language programs in all primary schools
How can schools develop effective language programs for pupils who have insufficient command of the language of instruction and/or who experience problems with reading skills? The project 'De schijnwerper op taal. Taalondersteuning voor leerlingen die daar extra nood aan hebben' commissioned by the Department of Onderwijs en Vorming g offers an answer to this (Trioen et al., 2021). It maps out effective building blocks of effective language pathways that provide sustainable, intentional and intensive language learning opportunities in the language of instruction to students in need of language support. The project translated these insights into the educational field via a practice guide in the form of six building blocks (Geudens et al., 2021). Since the project 'Taaltrajecten' was only published in September 2021, not all school teams are yet familiar with the six building blocks and how to design an effective language program accordingly. Moreover, the building blocks do indicate a clear direction, but the unique context of each school and the initial situation of each target group mean that the development of a language program will differ from school to school. All primary school teams in Flanders recognize the need for professional development in designing effective language programs. In addition, all teachers and school leaders should be given the opportunity to professionalise in the use of effective didactics in their teaching in order to prevent or reduce language-related delays and achieve greater learning effectiveness among students. We therefore aspire to develop a learning platform that enables all interested schools to go through a professionalization trajectory about language trajectories. To this end, we first coach 18 schools during a model trajectory that consists of two modules. Subsequently, these 18 schools each supervise 3 schools ('uitdijscholen') via collegiate visitation. Their experiences serve as the basis for the content of the learning platform. In the final phase of the project, a selection of schools ('nabloeischolen') can get started with this learning platform. After the project, this platform will be opened to all interested schools. The 'starterscholen' go through the following seven-step plan, in which the last 4 steps are always repeated cyclically: 1) compose a core team for language policy, 2) make an initial situation analysis (BSA), 3) develop a vision on language policy together, 4) the screens results and observations analyze and explain with the whole team, 5) deploy well-thought-out actions and measures for language development (=language trajectories), 6) evaluate the actions and measures of the past year, 7) start a new cycle. These last four steps illustrate the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. When these 'starterscholen' have completed the model program of two modules, they each take care of 3 'uitdijscholen' for a teacher peer observation. There are therefore 54 'uitdijscholen' in total. In addition, in project year 2, we will launch a learning platform within Teams & SharePoint for at least 100 'nabloeischolen'. This is an online platform with mapped out learning paths including knowledge clips, practical examples, learning activities, self-assessment moments, etc., where teachers communicate with each other in a creative and direct way and share experiences. We feed this platform with the material from the Teams environment of the 'starterscholen'.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Climate citizens. From climate controversy to climateconnection
In secondary education, lessons on global warming can be quite challenging. Scientific ideas and ideological beliefs of pupils and teachers do sometimes clash. The confrontation of ideas can also be an opportunity. It is an opportunity to train young people's citizenship skills, especially the ability to dialogue with each other and understand people with different beliefs. Here, philosophical dialogues are a promising tool to channel the conversation between students. In this study, we identify the design criteria for managing dialogue on climate in a school context.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: De Schrijver Jelle
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Realizing customized and more inclusive education: research on high-quality cooperation between mainstream and special education schools.
This research aims to gain insights into forms of cooperation between schools for special education and mainstream schools, in order to shape education together, to offer high-quality education pathways tailored to pupils' needs and to facilitate a smoother transition from special education to mainstream education. To this end, we firstly analyse the careers of pupils making the transition from special to mainstream education within the same educational level. Secondly, we analyze characteristics, forms and practices of cooperation between mainstream and special schools. In addition to a detailed description of the forms of cooperation, we also wish to gain insights into processes, mechanisms and preconditions. To achieve these goals, we set up a research project using (1) available administrative data collected by the Department of Education, (2) a large-scale survey (at all schools of special education in Flanders), (3) telephone interviews and (4) a case study. We opt for a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. In this way, we obtain - in width - an overview of the school careers of pupils, existing forms of collaboration between school for special education and mainstream schools and their relationship with pupil and school variables. In addition, we obtain - in depth - an insight into the explanatory mechanisms of this relation, the experiences of the stakeholders involved and a more in-depth description of success and risk factors. The research results in a scientific research report, a scientifically based, practice-oriented inspiration guide for the development and design of collaboration between mainstream and special education schools, and scientifically based recommendations for policymakers.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
B+: destination reached for mathematics teachers in the B stream.
The B+ project is a further training project, aimed at mathematics teachers B-stream and financed by the Flemish Government. The professionalization within the B+ project consists of a combination of substantive and subject didactic professionalization based on scientific frameworks in which the ownership of the mathematics teachers is central. Work is done both at individual teacher level and at department level. Based on his or her initial situation analysis, the mathematics teacher 1st grade B stream shapes his or her own B+ professionalization trajectory. Through lesson study, among other things, professionalization is organized school-based with collective learning by departments of mathematics teachers who work in an activating way (lesson design, teaching, redesign of the lesson).Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Fulbright Scholarship Postdoctoral Researcher 2022
Globalized communication increasingly takes on a written form. A positive relationship between reading and writing has been empirically substantiated, although more research on L2 writing is needed. Reading being the best-researched language skill, evidence-based writing pedagogy is essential. Our objective is to present in TEXT EDITING IN GERMAN breakthrough insights in written text production and editing by adopting a Cognitive Grammar perspective to German L2 writing products of (young) adult writers, which calls for a collaboration with Prof. C. Arnett. The project included giving lectures on German variational linguistics at UC Davis.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Quality education for pupils with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities.
Despite the right to education for all children, achieving quality education for students with severe multiple disabilities is not easy. In practice, schools and care providers have taken a variety of initiatives to develop integrated or complementary education and care for these students. In this project, based on a review, an assessment framework will be developed that makes explicit the expectations regarding a qualitative offer for students with severe multiple disabilities. Also, based on case studies and a vignette study, an analysis will be made of the way in which educational and welfare arrangements for these students are designed today and of the thresholds and obstacles that are experienced in these arrangements. Finally, in an action study with five students with severe multiple disabilities, the insights of this project are implemented to develop an integrated education and welfare arrangement plan.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
FLEXIO: collective professionalization on flexible education and diversity.
The objective of this pilot project is to develop a phygital learning environment (FLEXIO) that facilitates collective learning between teachers, student teachers, teacher educators and pedagogical counselors about inclusive education and makes the learning outcomes more sustainable. The output consists of (1) a blueprint for setting up a learning community between teacher educators, schools and educational counselors with room for professionalization both inside and outside of the classroom practice and (2) an online learning platform that facilitates the mix of physical and digital collective learning and that makes the practice-oriented, evidence-informed insights and tools on diversity and inclusive working widely accessible.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
GO ALL for learning! Strengthening shared educational and transformational leadership through learning communities aimed at preventing and remedying learning disabilities
Professionalization trajectories for school leaders effective factors for sustainable development processes School leaders (i.e. directors of schools in regular education) in Flanders participate during their career in (mandatory) professionalization initiatives, organized by various education partners. Empirical research into the real (long-term) effects of their participation and into underlying explanatory processes is limited. There is, however, a clearer view of the success conditions for professionalization initiatives in education (including Merchie, Tuytens, Devos & Vanderlinde, 2018) as well as, for example, increasing evidence regarding recommendations for the approach and nature of the professional development of school leaders (Daniëls, Hondeghem & Dochy , 2019). In-depth quantitative and qualitative research into factors of professionalization initiatives perceived by school leaders as effective into the nature and focus of the development processes they generate and the interaction between the two is indicated to optimize the added value of the future professionalization offer. An important outcome of the intended professionalization offer is the stimulation of real change down to the classroom floor. A literature study forms the basis for mapping the current knowledge about the effectiveness of professionalization initiatives for school leaders. Due to the possible interaction between factors related to the school leader and the context in which the school leader functions, it is also opportune to explore the specific context of school leadership in Flanders – more specifically for secondary education – in terms of, among other things, regulations, tasks and career development. -research. A two-year professionalization program in which approximately 80 school leaders and 80 student counselors participate forms the scope of this doctoral research. The research is conducted by Dra. Els Tanghe with Prof.Dr. Wouter Schelfhout. The written initial analysis, follow-up analysis and final analysis of the participating school leaders contribute to the research into the interaction between person- and context-related factors and the effect of the professionalization trajectory followed. On the basis of an observation instrument that is drawn up on the basis of the literature study, it is mapped during the contact moments on which development processes the teachers actually use, how they do this, and which success conditions are discussed in the literature. . The observation data serve as a basis for focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with the participating school leaders both at the end of the first and second year and six months after the program has ended to examine the relationship between the approach, contents and the changes within the school and to map out the associated perceived effectiveness. In addition, the observational data serve to question the teachers of the professionalization initiative about their approach and choices in function of the set goals and their perception of the effectiveness of this professionalization trajectory. Given the aim of professionalization initiatives to bring about development processes at a certain level in function of quality education, it is relevant to map the perceived effectiveness of the offer and the interaction with factors related to the school leader and school context. This is done by means of 360° feedback by team members of the school leaders participating in the training initiatives and of the students who attend school there and their parents.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Lessons in Reading. Effective Reading Instruction in Primary and Secondary Education in Flanders.
This project aims at a scientific analysis (vertical and horizontal) of the Reading at School projects. In a first step, we conduct a systematic meta-review of effective reading education, covering all phases of the process of learning to read as well as other important actors outside education (insofar as they have a direct link with education). At the same time, we describe in detail the projects related to reading at school. The extent to which these projects contain these insights is determined on the basis of the conclusions from the meta-review. Finally, we engage teachers who develop a practice-relevant inspiration guide through a professionalization process.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
This VVOB-supported project between the Antwerp School of Education and the Kwame Nkrumah University (Kabwe, Zambia) allows to effectuate a jointly drafted action plan to strengthen the partnership. Educational exchange is a central component of the plan, that, moreover, contributes to a sustainable interinstitutional link, involving students and staff who contribute equally to achieve the necessary growth in quality achievement (in view of a subsequent VVOB grant). Within the project the partners work on intercultural competences and diversity, which is a very important VVOB goal (SchoolLinks). To this end and on the level of the students, the project set itself four goals concerning global citizenship education (GE), which it will reach through four GE activities: (1) students will be prepared for the intercultural exchange and skills transfer; (2) students participate in an exchange trip to Belgium / participate in an internship in a secondary school in Belgium monitored by the partners' staff / participate in hosting Belgian students and staff in their classes as a process of internationalisation, cultural interaction and integration; (3) students perform a group task to make a report (video, photo and written) on the exchange activity; (4) on-line meetings and presentations (due to COVID-19) between students and staff from both partner universities. On the level of staff, the project set itself three goals concerning capacity building (CB), which it will reach through three CB activities: (1) staff from both institutions will discuss paper presentations at conferences on research findings; (2) KNU staff can invite a Belgian lecturer to follow and/or give courses/guest lectures and lecturers and participate in the evaluation of lessons; (3) online lesson presentation and conference participation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Education Project
Learning scenarios to support inclusive language and culture education for heterogeneous school classes (E-Learnscene).
Through numerous language policy initiatives on the one hand and new findings from language teaching research on the other, existing input-oriented language acquisition and learning models have been replaced by an output- and competence-oriented language acquisition and learning perspective, at the same time demonstrating the complexity and dynamics of language acquisition by multilingual individuals. Above all, however, the introduction of the Common European Framework of Reference (CFR) (Council of Europe, 2001) has led to national curricula changing the progression of learning towards a process-based perspective on language learning, and to the addition of pedagogical aspects such as intercultural learning, media competence and other personality-related competences (ability to work in a team, critical competence). In spite of all these substantial changes, most textbooks and teaching materials for German are still backward-looking, which proves to be most explicit in countries with German as an official language (or minority language) coexisting with other speech communities (Italy, Belgium, Poland, etc.) and those with an increased demand for German as a foreign language in many fields (Sweden). In these countries, the promotion of German is generally falling short, which most prominently emerges in teaching wanting in innovation and pedagogical measures that are modestly successful. Against this background, the project aims to use the expertise of an international consortium in the field of German as a foreign and official language to develop, implement and evaluate learning scenarios that provide in-service and pre-service teachers with pedagogical support for collaborative and learner-centered teaching in present-day heterogeneous classes. Joining expertise in a transnational consortium of this kind will make an essential contribution to the national curricula involved (in particular to the systematic improvement of their teaching quality) and will thus meet the special needs of German in the different countries. The project sets for itself the following objectives: • Promoting and supporting a comprehensive approach to language teaching and learning, capitalizing on the diversity of today's increasingly multilingual classrooms. • Supporting synergies with research and innovation activities and promoting new technologies as incubators and drivers of improvements in language and culture pedagogy. The project combines both the expertise of academic partners with proven experience in language teaching research, teaching materials design and development, and in- and pre-service teacher training (Universities of Bozen, Antwerp, Louvain, Poznan and Gothenburg), as well as the practice-oriented profile of the Belgian German Teachers' Association and school partners representing the different teaching contexts targeted in the project, that will contribute to support the development, evaluation and dissemination of the learning scenarios through integration into the relevant professional networks and the numerous associated schools and institutions, safeguarding the transfer between theory/research and practice. The project will impact on the level of the students, the (trainee) teachers, and the subject-specific school teams and learning communities for German.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Education Project
- Research Project
The development of a questionnaire to detect reading motivation based on existing research and validated tests.
If we want students to read more books, we need an inspiring range of books and an inspiring learning and reading environment. To achieve this, the school must cooperate with the library. In all areas we seek advice from the library's expert reading (media) consultant to help coordinate the efforts of the various partners. In order to realize the first 3 strategic objectives, we therefore also focus on these 4 operational sub-objectives, which underpin and enable the strategic objectives: 1. We provide an up-to-date, varied and challenging collection with an inspiring range of books in the form of trendy book boxes for the 6th grade and the 1st stage, with special attention to the B-stream and (ex-) OKAN. 2. We design an inspiring learning and reading environment as part of the wider language vision of each school involved. 3. We work with the library's expert reading (media) consultant to advise and support the language policy coordinator and school team in the choice of book. 4. We guarantee strategic network cooperation through the reading policy of the school and library.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Zambia
This mobility project enables Antwerp University (UAntwerp) and Kwame Nkrumah University, Kabwe (Zambia) to improve the quality of teacher education as to 21st-century opportunities of diversity, migration and multiculturalism. The project partners will ally with Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, experienced in internships in Kabwe schools. Zambia's imminent teacher (salary) shortage and dependence from China make this project all the more pressing. Moreover, it concretises the partners' internationalisation strategies and their cooperation agreement (MoU). UAntwerp and the Antwerp School of Education in particular can develop its internationalized curriculum through the course module 'Profileringsstage Wereldleraarschap'.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Education Project
Research Language Integration Projects.
How can schools develop effective pathways for learners who have an insufficient command of the language of instruction? Schools need concrete tools and feasible practical examples that match the needs and context of primary and secondary education in Flanders. In this project, we develop a nuanced, systematic meta-review of the scientific literature, resulting in a scientific report on the one hand and a practice-oriented, paper and digitally accessible guide for the educational field on the other hand. For this practice guide, we work with a selection menu that meets the various contexts. Schools are urged to first fill in the process factors that are important for the effectiveness of the language pathways before determining structural choices. We also present a varied range of inspiring practical examples for nursery, primary and secondary education, each with sufficient detail to build on. We also visit and analyze a number of practical examples that meet the criteria resulting from the meta-review. To guarantee that the presented practical examples fit in well with the Flemish educational context, the preconditions are screened by means of a Delphi study together with actors from the professional field.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
It takes two to teach! The effects of team teaching models on experiences, learning patterns and learning outcomes in student teachers during field experiences.
Within teacher education, field experiences are crucial in training future teachers. During these internships, student teachers are typically placed individually with a mentor. Since collaboration in schools gains importance (e.g. collegial visitation, co-teaching, learning communities), teacher education institutes show a growing interest in field experiences inspired by collaborative learning. Collaboration between student teachers has several benefits (e.g. enhanced communication skills). Therefore, a paired placement, during which two student teachers share a mentor, is suggested to be a good alternative for an individual placement. During paired placements, opportunities for team teaching, which refers to two or more teachers in some level of collaboration in the planning, delivery, and/or evaluation of a course, arise. Different team teaching models exist (e.g. assistant teaching, equal status model). However, research comparing these models is limited. Therefore, this project investigates how the actors involved in team teaching (student teachers, mentors, teacher educators) experience different team teaching models. Moreover, it examines the effects of these models on student teachers' learning patterns and learning outcomes. In this way, the proposed research contributes to theory development on (dis)advantages of different team teaching models and to a comprehensive understanding of student teachers' learning in paired placements.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
- Co-promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
- Fellow: De Backer Loan
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
"Do you understand me?" The speaking skills of low-literate adult learners of Dutch.
Adults who want to learn to speak Dutch (NT2 learners) do not easily find a role model, because significant differences in speaking skills can be detected among native speakers. Although native speakers experience a large amount of freedom in their speaking, "correct" intonation of Dutch sentences is considered to be a success factor for highly educated adult learners with a medium level of Dutch. In this project however we focus on low-literate NT2 learners with a low level of Dutch and a mother language (L1) from a non-Germanic language family. The following research questions are answered: 1) Do word knowledge and intonation of Dutch determine the variation in the quality of speaking, and 2) Is the quality of speaking determined by L1? Participants complete speaking assignments and a test on word knowledge. The results of this project could give substance to an important societal debate and might emphasize the important role of Antwerp University in this domain.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Using semi-automated feedback and assessment for mathematical proficiency: a quasi-experimental study on student learning effectiveness, reliability and time savings.
Feedback is the most powerful engine of any learning process. In the field of Mathematics Education, the possibilities to assess automatedly are therefore being thoroughly explored. However, students face difficulties expressing themselves mathematically on a computer and learning systems can often only assess the outcome and not the solving method. Research indicates that automated tests focus too much on procedural fluency, at the expense of mathematical thinking questions. It takes much effort to develop digital tests and teachers are sceptical of using automated assessments, meaning that paper-and-pencil tests still dominate the math class. One of the characteristics of mathematical assessment is that wrong answers tend to exhibit patterns among the student population. Consequently, teachers often repeat their feedback and marks. This brings us to the idea of semi-automated feedback and assessment: by correcting handwritten tasks digitally, feedback can be saved and re-used. This could lead to more elaborate feedback and interesting time savings, but also opens up possibilities to extensively monitor the individual learning process of students, and to apply adaptive differentiated instruction using Bayesian networks. A Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model of a student's proficiency. We want to focus on the learning gains that semi-automated evaluation systems can offer, but also explore the reliability, time savings and acceptance levels of such systems.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
- Co-promoter: Colpaert Jozef
- Fellow: Moons Filip
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Controversial heritage. Development and implementation of a reference framework for dealing with sensitive heritage in cultural heritage institutions (REFSHER framework).
With discussions about wrong street names, controversial statues or loaded colonial objects, sensitive heritage has a high topical value. It is not easy to handle this for cultural heritage institutions. The aim of the project is (1) to develop a REference Framework for dealing with Sensitive HERitage (REFSHER framework) that (2) can be applied in the collection presentation and public activities of heritage institutions so that their effects can be measured. Sensitive heritage can be a powerful means of facilitating multiperspectivity. Multiperspectivity is an attitude that expresses the willingness to change perspective mentally. It is about the willingness to put oneself in perspective of others, both in old perspectives and in contemporary interpretations. It is also important to include the perspective of socially vulnerable groups or groups that are less socially involved. Multiperspectivity presupposes bringing together and connecting people with openness to each other's argued perspectives. In this way, multiperspectivity contributes to the development of a critical sense, respect for others and a democratic attitude. Sensitivity is time and space bound and not static and unchangeable. Watson (2016) speaks in this context of "the emotional register of the past". Heritage institutions do try to respond to the sensitivities that exist in society by creating authenticity, experience and tension, but are also wary of hyper-emotional reactions. We mainly work with publicly accepted emotions about suffering, violence and fear. However, that emotional register is not certain. The fierce discussions about controversial statues, wrong street names or the Zwarte Piet policy show that sensitivity is time and space bound. "Sensitivity" is a label that is stuck on heritage, but can fade over time to come back later. The question therefore arises as to which factors determine that something is perceived as sensitive and to what extent this is then associated with heritage. The central research question is: What are the possibilities and limitations to realize multiperspectivity through sensitive heritage in cultural heritage institutions? As partners in the cultural heritage field, we chose institutions that (1) have sensitive heritage in their collections and (2) offer opportunities to respond to important contemporary social issues. The following partners were found willing to actively participate: - ADVN | archive for national movements, specifically the Flemish movement, other national and regional movements in Europe and related themes or derived from them, such as right-wing radicalism, fascism, racism, negationism, based in Antwerp; - Kazerne Dossin - Memorial, Museum and Documentation Center on Holocaust and Human Rights, in Mechelen; - Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent on the history of and current discussions on psychiatry and mental health, care, and art and madness; - AfricaMuseum in Tervuren, place of memory of a shared colonial past and a platform for meeting and dialogue with people of different generations and cultures.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Jacobs Marc
- Promoter: Janssenswillen Paul
- Co-promoter: Meeus Wil
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Towards a stronger and appealing academic teacher education.
This project is aimed at strengthening and supporting the university teacher education programmes in the transition to the new teacher training courses, as described in the draft memorandum "Strengthening teacher education courses: recruiting and qualitative teacher training courses as a basic pillar for high-quality education" of 25 March 2016 and the draft decree on the development of graduate courses within colleges and transfer measures for teacher training, as first approved in principle by the Flemish Government on 14 July 2017. Based on the above-mentioned documents and the objectives of the Coalition Agreement of the Flemish Government 2014-2019 and its objective of high-quality, flexible and attractive teacher training courses, three actions are proposed. These actions fit in with the following thematic lines: 'strengthening and innovation' (theme 1) and 'recruitment' (theme 2). 1. 'Strengthening and innovating teacher education programmes': a. Action 1: Project 'Towards a new university teacher education at masters level'. b. Action 2: Project 'How can this new master-level university teacher education programme best serve the target group of lateral entry teachers'? 2. Recruitment': Action 3: 'Towards recruiting university teacher education programmes': Communication and publication of the new programme with candidate teachers and the professional field, with a specific focus on student diversity.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Multiperspectivity in the museum. The response from local museums on a super diverse society.
The cultural and ethnic diversity in most Western countries has significantly increased in the last decades. This increasing diversity has important implications for museums, especially in the urban context. Museums should incorporate the urban super diversity, in terms of composing the collections as well as of attracting diverse groups of visitors. The aim of the project is to examine how multiperspectivity can be an explicit policy strategy for cultural education and how it can be implemented in the collection presentation and public relations of museums in ways that its effects can be measured. To this end and according to the principles of design-based research three design teams will be established with on the one hand staffs of three important Antwerp museums, in particular the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA), the Museum aan de Stroom (MAS) and the Red Star Line Museum and on the other hand researchers from the UAHA, in particular the specific teacher education programme in visual arts of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp from the Artesis Plantijn University College and of the specific teacher education programme in history and in behavioral and cultural sciences of the University of Antwerp. Each team will be responsible for the analysis of the museum collection from the angle of multiperspectivity and for the development of a policy strategy for multiperspectivity. Two existing research instruments will be used: a matrix for multiperspectivity in heritage education and an analysis tool for learning outcomes of heritage education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
- Co-promoter: Janssenswillen Paul
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The effect of multimedia hyperlinks in fiction on reading motivation and immersion in adolescent readers: An empirical study.
Adolescents' reading habits, particularly of literary texts, are the object of scientific and social concern. Due to the omnipresence of short, digital texts they would read fewer literary texts, be less motivated to do so, and consequently underperform. Especially young adolescents are characterized by a drop in reading motivation. However, reading promoters point out the new possibilities of digital literary texts, such as hypermedia fiction. Hypermedia fiction offers the possibility to read literary texts on tablet, enriched with hyperlinks to supportive or comprehensive information. Hypermedia fiction could address a specific reading audience, particularly young, reluctant readers. In view of its recent character, research on hypermedia fiction is rather scarce and consequently the scientific and societal question whether hypermedia fiction can enhance reading motivation and story world immersion has not yet been answered. This project aims to fill that void. The research will be based on two consecutive studies on 12 to 13-year-old pupils and their teachers of Dutch. Five novels from different literary genres will be used as study material. In study 1 pupils (N=30) and teachers (N=30) are invited to mark the instances where they would like to have hyperlinks. This study results in two different data sets: 60 annotated novels, and qualitative data based on focus groups. These data provide insight in the desirability of hyperlinks (a.o. type, frequency) in literary texts and their influence on reading motivation and story world immersion. The annotated novels serve as the basis for study 2, in which the five novels are first converted to hypermedia fiction, and consequently read by 200 pupils in five so-called tablet schools. Each class is divided in three subgroups. One group reads a novel as hypermedia fiction (= experimental group); the other two groups read it on tablet (without hyperlinks) and on paper (= control groups). The experiment is conducted three times, in which each subgroup adopts the role of experimental group once. Data collection will be carried out with preliminary, intermediate and post-measurements; by monitoring click behaviour in the experimental group and focus groups. The research project will be carried out in close interfacultary cooperation between FSW/ASoE and FLW.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Joosen Vanessa
- Fellow: Vanhees Claudio
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Financial literacy@School.
There is need for increased financial education in view of widespread financial illiteracy and the benefits for individual well-being and society at large that are associated with high levels of financial literacy. Although the OECD policy recommendation to introduce financial education at school is well accepted, there is no consensus on the optimal way to implement financial education at school. We will develop a holistic approach to financial education at school in which we will explicitly acknowledge the influence of the main agents of financial socialisation (such as parents and teachers) and will assess the impact of the learning environment by examining the effect of class differentiation. The possible academic and practical contribution is empirically examined based on randomised field experiments in which the innovative teaching material developed is evaluated in close collaboration with the valorisation partners.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Smart organising of dual learning: electro-mecanic techniques.
Op 1 september 2017 zijn in 4 proeftuinscholen leerlingen gestart in de nieuwe studierichting Elektromechanische technieken duaal (EMT). In voorbereiding hiervan werden in 2016 3 regionale leergemeenschappen opgestart, dit in het kader van het voorafgaande ESF-project met referentie 330-6085. Het uitgangspunt is dat: • het werken met leergemeenschappen de vereiste samenwerking tussen scholen en werkpartners (sectoren, bedrijven, ..) zal kunnen faciliteren, • de leergemeenschappen en de samenwerking daarbinnen best zal worden ondersteund door een (of meerdere) procescoach(en) afkomstig uit dit samenwerkingsverband zodat een engagement op langere termijn kan ontstaan. Deze procescoachen zullen op hun beurt daartoe op een haalbare en praktijkgerichte wijze moeten worden opgeleid (coach-the-coach). We veronderstellen dat dit best kan gebeuren binnen een leergemeenschap van procescoachen die vooraf zullen worden opgeleid, maar ook nadien ondersteund zullen worden bij het coachen van hun leergemeenschappen. De onderzoekers zullen procesmatig nagaan wat de impact is van: • het verloop en de werking van de leergemeenschappen • de rol van de procescoach hierbij • het verloop en de werking van de coach-the-coach sessies op • de aard van het ontwikkelde en uiteindelijk in de praktijk geïmplementeerde pedagogisch-didactisch materiaal en de pedagogisch-didactische aanpak in EMT duaal • het leerproces (en andere ervaringen) van de deelnemers in de leergemeenschappen • het leerproces (en andere ervaringen) van de procescoach van de leergemeenschappen. Het gaat hierbij om design research met als doel om reeds tijdens de ontwikkeling van de concrete casussen duaal leren vanuit de leergemeenschappen op een geïnformeerde wijze de werking van de leergemeenschap bij te sturen en te versterken. Dit gebeurt vanuit observaties van en gehanteerde zelfevaluatie-instrumenten bij de leergemeenschappen, dit op verschillende momenten tijdens de werking gedurende het schooljaar zodat tijdig kan worden bijgestuurd. Ook de stem van de leerlingen is hierbij belangrijk: via hen zal – mits toestemming van de betrokken scholen en bedrijven - tussentijds informatie worden ingewonnen over hun ervaringen (sterktes, werkpunten) met het traject duaal leren. De 'coach-the-coach' sessies vormen verder een goed platform om met deze informatie de procescoachen aan te zetten om – waar nodig – de aanpak binnen a) hun leergemeenschappen en b) het duaal traject dat men concreet aan het vormgeven is, bij te sturen en te versterken waar nodig. Ook deze processen maken deel uit van het onderzoek. Het gehele opzet gaat dus om sterk toepassingsgericht onderzoek met als doel de werking van de leergemeenschappen in wisselwerking met reële ontwikkelcasussen duaal leren EMT te (leren) optimaliseren. Uiteindelijk verwachten we dat deze aanpak gepaard zal kunnen gaan met een concrete kwaliteitsvolle uitwerking van het duaal leren.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Projet Transversal DRC - Anglais Académique - phase 4.
The project ('English for Academic Purposes - Quality, Extension, Sustainability') aims to further deepen teaching processes proper by exploring and developing Blended Learning (BL) solutions for the local context of the seven Congolese universities involved, already introduced in phases 2 and 3. As BL (and in particular its flexible character) allows to cater for different learner groups (level and orientation) and to create a productive virtual English context, it is necessary to concentrate more on this educational approach which is not yet explored in this specific context (where resources and Internet support are very limited). The project also envisages to extend beyond the current target groups, inside and outside the 7 academic institutions involved: i.e. administrative staff, undergraduate students, and paying clients and NGOs. Finally, in view of its dynamics and its sustainability, this project on learning English for academic purposes pursues a much tighter organization per university involved, including a business plan with a financial plan, a timetable and a durable local system of accountability. This represents a major challenge, for which the project needs to benefit from the support of the academic partners ('points focaux').Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Teaching for divercity. A steppingstone to team-oriented perspectives on educating teachers and catering for student diversity.
The project aims at modelling the transition to a renewed teacher education by means of intercollege teams fostering cooperation, expertise sharing and collaborative learning. The project takes its departure from a shared focus on preparing novice teachers for urban education and wants to impact upon class practice in schools and in teacher education itself. The project comprises three subsections ('communities of practice') that concern the central tenet of 'teaching for divercity': (1) Linguistic diversity (co-supervisors: Jordi Casteleyn, Mathea Simons & Rianne Pinxten) (2) Urban education (co-supervisors: Paul Janssenswillen & Wouter Schelfhout) (3) Inclusive education (co-supervisors: Elke Struyf & Ellen Vandervieren). Partner institutions are: CVO Crescendo, CVO Horito, CVO Provincie Antwerpen, CVO HBO 5 Antwerpen, Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool, Karel de Grote Hogeschool and Universiteit Antwerpen. The communities of practice are composed of staff from these partner institutions, constituting genuine learning communities managed by a process coach (Carlijne Ceulemans until 30.09.2017). This approach allows for design-based research into the functioning and effectivity of learning teams.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Many-voiced Heritage. Multiperspectivity in Heritage Education.
Cultural heritage is a powerful instrument because different perspectives can play a role. In addition also the perspectives of forgotten social (etnic-cultural) groups can be discussed and so (super)diversity gets a voice. Heritage could become as though many-voiced. This opportunity is nowadays usually underestimated or underutilized. In this case multiperspectivity points to a substantively approach. In the content of heritage education this project also wants to stimulate a sustainable cooperation between formal education and institutions of heritage education. In which way formal education and institutions of heritage education can learn from each other? What is the added value for each other? We intend to bring institutions of heritage education and representatives of formal education round the table in order to work together at heritage education. This is what's called procedural multiperspectivity. The first objective of this project is to design a theoretical frame for multiperspecitvity in heritage education. This frame aims nog only to respond at the many policy recommendations in recent research on cultural education in Flanders and international, but also functions as a basis and acid test for specific heritage education projects. Based on this theoretical frame we search for existing sets for heritage education both in Flanders as abroad. These sets will be analyzed and valued through the lense of the theoretical frame. Subsequently we'll design three sets for heritage education that match with the conditions of het theoretical frame (substantive multiperspectivity). Three independent design teams with representatives from different domains are responsible for the lay-out. (procedural multiperspectivity). We'll adopt the principles of design-based research. This means that the sets will be designed in different iterations and tested in several groups, in order to valorization. The results will be joined in a publication and disseminated at a congress. The main concern is that the notions of multiperspecitivity and heritage education that will stem from this project certainly will be adopted in the daily practice of institutions of heritage education and formal education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Janssenswillen Paul
- Co-promoter: Meeus Wil
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Smart organising of dual learning: electro-mecanic
Dit project focust op de structurele inbedding van het duaal leren in de school- en arbeidsorganisatie en op de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een gepaste leeromgeving in uitrol van het duale standaardtraject Elektromecanicien. Het wil ondernemingen, scholen en leerlingen in de proeftuinprojecten kwaliteitsvol ondersteunen en dit op een geïntegreerde wijze. Het richt zich op die manier op de focussen (3) Geïntegreerde begeleiding, (4) Concrete leertrajecten en (5) Evalueren.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
- Co-promoter: Gijbels David
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Newspapers in Education: an inquiry into the project "Kranten in de klas"
This projects evaluates the project 'Kranten in de Klas (KiK)' - Newspapers in the classroom. Schools that participate in the project receive different Flemish newspapers for two weeks. The target group corresponds mostly to high school students between 14 and 18 years of age. KiK contains ready-made and digital material for teachers to use with the newspapers. The research projects evaluates the material and the tools from an educational perspective by doing a critical inquiry into the effects of using them as teaching agents for reading. (This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the client. UA provides the client research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.)Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Simons Mathea
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Team teaching during field experiences in teacher education: A study into the effects of student teachers' team teaching.
This study focuses on student teachers' team teaching during field experiences. Several team teaching models (the observation, assistant teaching and equal status model) are implemented. Presage (e.g. motivation, self-efficacy), process (e.g. team teaching experiences, learning activities) and product variables (e.g. performance, reflective thinking) are examined. Both the student teacher's and the mentor's perspective are taken into account.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Baeten Marlies
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Television in education. Search for a selection protocol for archived audiovisuals of public service broadcasting for educational use.
The goal of the research project is two-fold: 1) developing of selection criteria and procedures to efficiently collect audiovisual materials from the public service broadcasting archive for educational use. The test cases are the program courses 'World Orientation' in primary education and 'Technique' in the first stage of secondary education; 2) stating the conditions for the development of a large-scale project aiming for the selection of usable audiovisual materials for large parts of the curricula in education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Qualitative initial support for uncertified students in teacher training.
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen teacher education and schools in supporting second career teachers. Specifically, the aim is to do qualitative research on the experiences of internship mentors and tutors with starting second career teachers. The question is what support needs these teachers have while performing their internship.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Pedagogical centers of competence.
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand ELAnt. UA provides ELAnt research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Schelfhout Wouter
- Co-promoter: Janssenswillen Paul
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
On the road with uncertified teachers.
This project aims for research, development and evaluation of alternative learning pathways for second career teachers in the professional Bachelor's programmes for pre-school children, primary and secondary education within the Antwerp context. The focus is on target groups that are not covered yet by the current range of Antwerp teacher education programmes.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
From Would be to Be it. Research into new forms of training in teacher education.
This project investigates alternative and/or new formats for field experiences. The project started with an inventory of possible formats for field experiences in teacher education. Based on this inventory team teaching was explored in further detail and implemented thanks to pilot projects in two specific teacher training programmes. The project investigates how the actors involved in team teaching (student teachers, mentors, teacher educators and learners in the classroom) experience different team teaching models. Moreover, it examines the effect of the models on student teachers' learning patters and learning outcomes. (This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other ELAnt. UA shall contribute to the project under the conditions as stipulated in the present contract.)Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Deprez Johan
- Co-promoter: Pinxten Annie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Classroom differentiation.
The 'Differentiation' Project is a research and development project that represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand ELAnt. UA provides ELAnt research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Read education and E-hype.
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the Flemish Public Service. UA provides the Flemish Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract. This project aims at inventorying and analyzing new media for reading and at developing a tool which enables teacher trainers to use these media themselves, to present them to pre-service teachers and to implement them in their classes.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Simons Mathea
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Media based education with Media Didactica.
The aim of the project is to design a framework for media literacy in teacher education (Media Didactica), in which curricula for media literacy in the teacher education are elaborated. This framework enables teacher educators to develop and evaluate their expertise in the field of media literacy. Two substantive pillars underpin the curricula: (1) the use of media as a learning tool in and outside the school and (2) critical reflection on the impact of media on learning and development processes in classroom, school and society. The framework is an elaboration of media literacy as it is specified in the development profile of the teacher educator. The curricula are independent of subject matter. They are meant for all teacher educators and by extension also for the students in teacher education and for teachers.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
- Co-promoter: Mets Boris
- Co-promoter: Walrave Michel
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
We are chemistry, development of educational materials and packages for chemistry teachers in the second stage of secondary education.
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Province of Antwerp. UA provides the Province of Antwerp research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Pinxten Annie
- Co-promoter: Janssens Koen
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The intuitive teacher. Deepening sensitivity and reflection-in-action in teacher education and professional development of teachers.
Gradually a different way of knowing beside rational conscience knowing is recognized, particularly intuitive and unconscious knowing. Recent evolutions in neuropsychology support this idea. This research project wants to examine if intuition stimulating teaching methods can be developed usefully for the benefit of the education of teachers, and how these can be integrated in teacher education and the professional development of teachers.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Mentor Education - design for all.
With the new legislation increasing the amount of practice during teacher education, mentors in schools do not always feel sufficiently competent to meet their responsibilities. At the same time the teacher educators are concerned about the quality of the mentoring process as a result of the scaling of the institutional partnerships. This project examines whether it is possible and desirable to develop an innovative course for mentors meeting the expectations of tutors, educators, students and institutions involved in the training of teachers for secondary education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
- Co-promoter: Colpaert Jozef
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Inventory and analysis of portfolios in Flanders.
The department of Education of the Flemish government ordered an inventory and an analysis of Flemish portfolios within the domain of Accreditation of Prior Learning (APEL) in order to draw up a coherent APEL policy. The portfolio is an important and commonly used instrument within APEL procedures. Thirty portfolios were listed within the domains of Education, Labour and Culture. A format was developed so that the different portfolios could be described in the same manner. The essential information was assembled in a synoptic grid. All the available information was analysed thoroughly so as to reveal any similarities and tensions. The conclusions of the comparative analysis have to enable the government to establish common criteria for APEL portfolios.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meeus Wil
- Co-promoter: Struyf Elke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
National assessment of reading and listening comprehension (Dutch) at the end of primary education.
In the years to come the department of Education of the Flemish Ministry of Education will expand the national assessment of education. The main goal of periodic assessment is quality control of Flemish education. On the one hand an assessment study provides information on the percentage of pupils that attain the targets set by the Flemish authorities. On the other hand an assessment study also reveals the way in which pupils and schools differ in attaining these targets and how these differences are systematically connected to characteristics of pupils, classes and schools. Apart from this main aim on a systemic level the educational authorities also want to put the assessment instruments at the disposal of schools as an indicator of the output they attain with their pupils. That's why the researchers have to give feedback to the participating schools and provide a parallel instrument that schools can use as part of their self assessment. This subproject is related to the assessment of the attainment targets for reading and listening comprehension at the end of primary education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Rymenans Rita
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Examination and processing of a starttest in mathematics and Dutch in the first year B of the secondary education (beginning schoolyear 2006-2007).
In May 2008 a large scale assessment study will be performed concerning the developmental targets of mathematics at the end of the first grade (BVL - vocational education). At the request of the Flemish educational authorities the initial achievement level of pupils in the first grade (1B - vocational education) will be measured. On the one hand they will be tested in the domains of mathematics and Dutch and on the other hand background characteristics and information on their school carreer will be gathered. Because the majority of these pupils will be in BVL in May 2008, these data can be used to examine the learning gains in the first grade of vocational education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Rymenans Rita
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
An adapted follow-up for pupils coming from OKAN (i.e. a preparatory class for non-Dutch speaking newcomers). A research concerning the need, the implementation and the effect of a second year of OKAN.
In metropolises there is a growing number of pupils with language retardation who fail to keep up with others, especially pupils coming from 'OKAN' i.e. a preparatory class for non-Dutch speaking newcomers. In educational practice one is convinced that one year of OKAN is insufficient to prepare pupils for a successful transfer to secondary education. This research project has three aims: (1) to gather information on the transfer of OKAN-pupils to secondary education; (2) to describe the implementation process of a second year of OKAN; (3) to investigate whether pupils are better prepared for a transfer to secondary education after a second year of OKAN. In order to realise these aims, (1) a descriptive research is set up to describe the OKAN problems in Flanders; (2) a school ethnographic research is carried out in two Antwerp schools that experiment with a second year of OKAN; (3) an evaluation is performed in order to check whether these experiments are successful.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Rymenans Rita
- Co-promoter: De Maeyer Sven
- Co-promoter: Van Petegem Peter
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The influence of the instruction method on the task knowledge base and the self-efficacy beliefs of inexperienced writers : a comparison between observational learning and the traditional learning by doing.
Development of a testing method for listening in the course of Dutch.
Development of an instrument for Periodic Assessment of Writing Achievement
The project will develop an instrument for periodic assessment of educational achievement in writing in primary education in relation to the attainment goals for language-writing. The design, approach and methodology will be closely linked to the previously developed instrument for the periodic assessment of reading comprehension (FKFO/OBPWO 93.05). The project includes development of the instrument, adjustment in a pilot study, sampling, administering of the tests, scoring, deciding on the cesure, scaling, analysis and reporting. In this way at the same time a base measurement of the realisation of the attainment goals in the domain of writing in Flemish primary education will be achieved.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Daems Frans
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The construction of a pre- and posttest for mathematics and Dutch in the first grade of secondary education.
The aim of the present project is to develop pre- and posttests for measuring educational achievement in Dutch and mathematics in the first grade of secondary education. The tests will be used in a future evaluation study of the new policy for equal opportunities. Items will be generated within a specified test design. For the pretests, the items of the recent educational assessment will be judged on their usefulness. After pilot testing, a large calibration study will take place with test booklets with overlapping items. The results will be analyzed using models from item response theory.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Daems Frans
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Design, implementation and evaluation of powerful learning environments.
Design, implementation and evaluation of powerful learning environments.
The major goal of the present project is to establish a forum where Belgian Scholars can work together with internationally established European researchers at the further elaboration and validation of the concepts of powerful learning environments by bringing together the recent achievements and the ongoing developments within the three following domains: instructional psychology, instructional design, and instructional technology. This will be realized mainly through the organization of workshops, each focused on a particular aspect of the above mentioned topic, as well as through exchanges of junior and senior researchers.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Daems Frans
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Policy Research Centre: careers of pupils and students in education and transition from education to labour market. Part university of Antwerp in Unit A (Careers).
The main objective of this unit is a) to construct data-sets regarding pathways through initial education, and b) to analyse and report on the empirical findings. To collect the necessary primary data several tasks need to be accomplished: a survey needs to be designed and operated, instruments for measurement of variables need to be developed, etc. An additional objective of this unit is to explore existing data-sets and perform secondary analysis on them.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Daems Frans
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project