Sorption kinetics of metallic and organic contaminants on micro- and nanoplastics : remarkable dependence of the intraparticulate contaminant diffusion coefficient on the particle size and potential role of polymer crystallinity
Environmental science : processes & impacts - ISSN 2050-7887-27:3 (2025) p. 634-648
Environmental impact of propofol : a critical review of ecotoxicity and greenhouse effects
Baillière's best practice and research. Clinical anaesthesiology - ISSN 1521-6896- (2025) p. 1-10
Volatile anaesthetics and PFAS forever chemicals : a critical gap in environmental impact assessments
Baillière's best practice and research. Clinical anaesthesiology - ISSN 1521-6896- (2025) p. 1-7
Predicting nature-based coastal protection by mangroves under extreme waves
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - ISSN 0027-8424-122:12 (2025) p. 1-7
Diversification of macrophytes within aquatic nature-based solutions (NBS) developing under urban environmental conditions across European cities.
Ecological indicators - ISSN 1470-160X-172 (2025) p. 1-11
The identification of abiotic stress by hydrogen peroxide concentration in submerged macrophyte tissues
Aquatic botany - ISSN 0304-3770-198 (2025) p. 1-8
Moss-inhabiting diatom (Bacillariophyta) communities from Gough Island, Southern Atlantic Ocean
Nova Hedwigia: Zeitschrift für Kryptogamenkunde - ISSN 0029-5035- (2025) p.
Coastal marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise is exacerbated by plant species invasion
Global change biology - ISSN 1354-1013-31:2 (2025) p. 1-13
The costs and healing rates of minor injuries in neonatal reef sharks
Journal of fish biology - ISSN 1095-8649- (2025) p.
Large scale movement patterns of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) in the Scheldt River basin, Belgium
Journal of fish biology - ISSN 0022-1112- (2025) p. 1-7