
Laboratory for the Electrification of Chemical Processes and Hydrogen

The Laboratory for the Electrification of Chemical Processes and Hydrogen (ElectrifHy) is dedicated to revolutionizing how energy is harnessed and utilized in the chemical sector. We develop new solutions and offer engineering expertise to ensure the smooth deployment of the urgently needed energy efficient power-to-heat technologies.

By electrically supplying the heat required for chemical conversion, we are pioneering new methods to optimize energy usage, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance the overall sustainability of industrial processes.

ElectrifHy located in UAntwerp’s brand new innovation hub Blue App, is dedicated to chemical reactor design (CFD and engineering models), prototyping and experimental characterization of heat & mass transfer of electrified processes (ohmic and induction heating, and the use of electrical field to enhance chemical conversion). Through collaboration with industry partners and leveraging state-of-the-art facilities, we provide guidelines for the cost effective scaling-up of electrical chemical processes. We strive toimprove their energy efficiencies, to elaborate temperature control strategies and to integrate a modular approach to deal with the fluctuating nature of renewable electricity.

The applications studied range from hydrogen-related processes (e.g., ammonia cracking, SMR, dehydrogenation of LOHC) to any type of chemical processes where heat is replaced by electricity.

Welcome to the forefront of innovation. Welcome to ElectrifHy.

