Scanning Electron Microscopes
The Quanta 250 FEG is a field emission scanning electron microscope that can be operated at a broad range of pressures. As a result, the microscope can yield high-resolution images (with a spatial resolution of approximately 1 nm) in a saturated water vapour environment, keeping the sample in its native state. A Peltier cooled specimen stage furthermore enables one to switch easily between a hydrated and a non-hydrated phase of the specimen. The ability to operate the microscope at environmental conditions furthermore eliminates the need for conductive coating and will enable us to study surfaces of soft matter without any artefacts and obtain analytical information using the EDX or WDX system that is also available.

FEI Helios Nanolab 650
The Helios NanoLab 650 is a versatile, high-performance DualBeam system containing a Ga+ focused ion beam (FIB) (500eV - 30keV) together with a FEG extreme high resolution (XHR) scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Si-drift EDX detector for element analyses. This allows selective etching of materials while imaging the process and the area of interest at the same time with sub-nanometer resolution. In addition the system is equipped with a Gas Injection System (GIS) containing a Pt source and an Omniprobe for micro-manipulation of the specimen. The main purpose of the Helios 650 is high quality site-specific TEM specimen preparation with in-situ liftout. Also slice-and-view experiments can be performed.

JEOL 5590
Dedicated small scanning electron microscope (2003) with a tungsten filament, image resolution of 3.5 nm and equipped with an Inca EDX low-element microanalysis unit enabling surface morphology studies and identification of the elements present at the surface of conducting materials. Non-conducting materials require a coating with gold or carbon for optimal imaging. The instrument is mostly used for service work, rapid sample control and education purposes.