The EnviroStress centre of excellence was established in 2015 following an open competitive internal call by the Research Council of UAntwerpen.
Environmental Stress in a Rapidly Changing World: EnviroStress
The EnviroStress centre of excellence combines the expertise of three research groups:
SPHERE (Ronny Blust (promotor) and Lieven Bervoets)
News (see Outreach activities for archive)
06/06/20 Lieven Bervoets (SPHERE) on the airline industry
20/05/20 Gudrun De Boeck (SPHERE) on bioluminescent fish evading elephant seals
16/01/20 Adrian Covaci & Giulia Poma (Toxicological Center) on pollutants in edible insects
all levels of biological organization

artificial river

field work

EU Interreg project

behavioural ecology and ecophysiology

IAP conference series

EU H2020 mass spectrometry twinning project

sensitive, selective analyses

field work

research & technology for the environment

human exposure

field work

JPI Oceans consortium

bioavailability and toxicity

mesocosm facilities

freshwater and marine fish facilities