PhD defenses


Promovendus: Iván Laoiza Alamo, Promotors: Marleen De Troch & Gudrun De Boeck. Title: Marine species associated to Peruvian scallop Argopecten purpuratus culture: trophic interactions and contaminant exposure. 28 February 2020.

Promovendus: Ali Pilehvar, Promotors: Ronny Blust & Raewyn M. Town. Title: Interactive effects of metal ions and other environmental stressors on zebrafish (Danio rerio): evidence from toxicological and behavioural approaches. 28 February 2020.

Promovendus: Fabio Botarri, Promotors: Karolien De Wael & Ronny Blust. Title: Bio(inspired) strategies for the electro-sensing of β-lactam antibiotics. 20 January 2020.


Promovendus: Fuchao Xu , Promotors: Adrian Covaci & Hugo Neels. Title: What contribute to human exposure to organophosphate esters flame retardants? An experimental approach. 16 December 2019.

Promovendus: Thimo Groffen, Promotors: Lieven Bervoets & Marcel Eens. Title: Toxicity of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) to terrestrial invertebrates and songbirds. 22 November 2019.

Promovendus: Jyotsna Shrivastava, Promotor: Gudrun De Boeck. Title: Ammonia and acid-base regulation in fish: modulating effects of challenging environments. 23 September 2019.

Promovendus: Charlie Beirnaert, Promotors: Kris Laukens & Adrian Covaci. Title: Metabolomics data processing and analysis approaches. 9 July 2019.

Promovendus: Matthias Cuykx, Promotors: Adrian Covaci, Tamara Vanhaecke and Kris Laukens. Title: Development of an in vitro model for human hepatotoxicity using mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. 2 July 2019.

Promovendus: Isabelle Gabriëls, Promotors: Dries Knapen, Marc De Loose & Lucia Vergauwen. Title: The use of zebrafish feeding trials for the safety assessment of genetically modified crops. 6 June 2019.

Promovendus: Marjolein van Ginneken, Promotors: Lieven Bervoets & Ronny Blust. Title: The combined effects of metal mixtures and natural stressors on aquatic invertebrates: relating changes in metal accumulation to altered behavior and ecological effects. 5 March 2019.

Promovendus: Sofie Moyson, Promotors: Ronny Blust, Steven Husson & Geert Baggerman. Title: Toxic effects of single and combined metals at the individual and population level of C. elegans. 5 February 2019.


Promovendus: Boris Krivoshiev, Promotors: Ronny Blust & Steven Husson. Title: The use of in vitro assays in toxicological screening of flame retardants: towards comprehensive risk assessment. 21 November 2018.

Promovendus: Cecília M. S. Pereira, Promotors: Karel De Schamphelaere & Ronny Blust. Title: The effect of temperature on metal toxicity and toxicokinetics in the aquatic model organism Daphnia magna. 30 October 2018.

Promovendus: Delphine Cappelle, Promotors: Hugo Neels & Alexander van Nuijs. Title: Hair and nail analysis for the long-term monitoring of alcohol and drug consumption: focus on bioanalytical and correlation aspects. 25 September 2018.

Promovendus: Thomas Raap, Promotors: Marcel Eens & Rianne Pinxten. Title: Effects of artificial light at night on the behaviour and physiology of free-living songbirds. 25 May 2018.

Promovendus: Cleo L. Crunelle, Promotors: Adrian Covaci & Hugo Neels. Title: Biomarkers of alcohol use and abuse: ethyl glucuronide in hair. 30 March 2018.

Promovendus: Sneha Chatterjee, Promotors: Frank Sobott & Geert Baggerman. Title: Mass spectrometry-based methods to explore higher-order protein structure: generating a fingerprint for biologics. 28 March 2018.

Promovendus: Charlotte Philippe, Promotor: Luc Brendonck, Co-promotor: Gudrun De Boeck. Title: The annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri as a new model in long-term ecotoxicological research.  16 February 2018.


Promovendus: Raïssa De Boer, Promotors: Wendt Müller & Marcel Eens. Title: Inbreeding-environment interactions throughout the life of a songbird. 29 September 2017.

Promovendus: Nolwenn Fresneau, Promotor: Wendt Müller. Title: To beg or not to beg - evolutionary ecological perspectives on bird family life. 30 June 2017.

Promovendus: Michel Caluwé, Promotors: Jan Dries & Ronny Blust. Title: To batch or not to batch? SBR treatment of petrochemical and tank truck cleaning wastewater. 27 June 2017.

Promovendus: Juliet Kinyua, Promotor: Adrian Covaci, Co-promotor: Alexander van Nuijs. Title: Analytical techniques and strategies for the screening of new psychoactive substances in biological matrices and sewage to monitor consumption in communities. 2 June 2017.

Promovendus: Andreia Cristina Henriques Alves. Promotor: Adrian Covaci, Co-promotor: Stefan Voorspoels. Title: Non-invasive monitoring of human body burdens for emerging contaminants. 27 March 2017.


Promovendus: Igor Eulaers, Promotors: Marcel Eens & Veerle Jaspers. Title: Persistent organic pollutants and flame retardants in birds of prey: an exposure assessment using non-invasive biomonitoring. 19 September 2016

Promovendus: Elsa Rouah-Martin, Promotors: Ronny Blust & Johan Robbens. Title: Development of a biosensor for ergot alkaloids. 1 June 2016.

Promovendus: Sanaz Pilehvar, Promotors: Karolien De Wael & Ronny Blust. Title: Development of new strategies for electrochemical aptasensing. 27 May 2016.

Promovendus: Matthias Onghena, Promotor: Adrian Cocavi, Co-promotors: Joris Van Loco, Félix Hernández Hernández. Title: Studie van de eventuele migratierisico's van materialen die in contact komen met levensmiddelen voor kinderen jonger dan 3 jaar. 26 May 2016.

Promovendus: Anke Vermeulen, Promotors: Wendt Müller & Marcel Eens. Title: Sources of individual variation in immune traits on a within individual, a between individual and a local/population scale. 29 April 2016.

Promovendus: Arne Van Hoeck, Promotors: Ronny Blust & Nele Horemans. Title: Understanding biological responses to ionising radiation in plants: a study with Lemna minor as a new molecular model system. 9 March 2016.

Promovendus: Alin Ionas, Promotor: Hugo Neels, Co-promotor: Adrian Covaci. Title: Migratie van gevaarlijke chemische stoffen naar het binnenmilieu - Horizon Scanning voor vlamvertragers aanwezig in consumptiegoederen. 26  February 2016.

Promovendus: Carsten Lucass, Promotors: Wendt Müller & Marcel Eens. Title: Conflict and co-adaptation : the evolution of parental care in a wild bird species. 22 January 2016

Promovendus: Agnieszka Kucharska, Promotor: Adrian Covaci, Co-promotor: Stefan Voorspoels. Title: Haar als niet-invasieve matrix voor het inschatten van menselijke blootstelling aan vlamvertragers en toekomstig potentieel in biomonitoringstudies. 8 January 2016.


Promovendus: Erik Van Eynde, Promotors: Silvia Lenaerts & Ronny Blust. Title: Biotemplate silica-titania diatoms for gas phase photocatalysis. 2 December 2015

Promovendus: Saskia Roggeman, Promotor: Lieven Bervoets. Title: Blootstelling, accumulatie, detoxificatie en effecten van metalen bij grote grazers: runderen (Bos taurus) en paarden (Equus caballus). 5 November 2015.