25th of March, IMARK & µNEURO seminar: synergies from research to valorisation
IMARK & µNEURO seminar: synergies from research to valorisation on the 25th of March, from 9-12.30 in room D.Q.002 (Promotiezaal) on Campus Drie Eiken. If you want to attend the seminar, we kindly ask you to register in advance via this link.
9.00 | Welcome & coffee |
9:30-10:00 | IMARK & µNEURO: strategic vision, research initiatives and valorisation potential Dr. Liesbeth Vanherp (research manager µNEURO) & Dr. Dirk Lanens (valorisation manager IMARK) |
10:00-10:20 | Screen4PN: a phenotyping platform for screening therapies in peripheral neuropathies Tamira van Wermeskerken (Peripheral Neuropathies research group) |
10:20-10:40 | In vivo imaging of mutant huntingtin in Huntington’s disease Dr. Daniele Bertoglio (Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp) |
10:40-11:00 | Break |
11:00-11:20 | The MSCA-ITN project B-Q MINDED: Breakthroughs in Quantitative Magnetic resonance Imaging for improved detection of brain diseases Prof. Dr. Jan Sijbers (imec-Vision Lab) |
11:20-11:40 | Organoid Painting – Unbiased cellular phenotyping of human tissue mimics using deep learning Prof. Dr. Winnok De Vos (Laboratory for Cell Biology and Histology) |
11:40-12:00 | Preclinical imaging of neurodevelopmental dysfunction in a mouse model of KCNQ2 encephalopathy Prof. Dr. Sarah Weckhuysen / dr. Charissa Millevert (Neurogenomics group) |
12:00-12:20 | Biomarker development to predict the outcome of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) treatment Dr. Eline Berghmans (Center for Proteomics) |
12:20 -12:30 | Concluding remarks and wrap-up Dr. Liesbeth Vanherp & Dr. Dirk Lanens |
28th March, Guest lecture André Mouraux on nociception
On Monday March 28th, ENU hosts prof. André Mouraux from Nocions Lab (http://nocions.org, UCLouvain) as a special guest lecturer in the System Neuroscience course. Please join us in R103 at 10.45 AM for prof. Mouraux’s interesting talk about “Functional markers of human nociception”.”

31st of March, full-day µNEURO workshop “PhD apps: useful digital tools for (imaging) scientists”
The full-day µNEURO workshop “PhD apps: useful digital tools for (imaging) scientists” will now be organised on the 31st of March on Campus Drie Eiken.
All information about the workshop, including the programme, is available on the website www.uantwerpen.be/phdapps. The event is free (including lunch and coffee breaks) but prior registration is required via this link (registration deadline 25th of March).
We warmly encourage all researchers in the µNEURO groups to join this exciting event and look forward to meeting you there!