We are always on the look out for motivated students and postdoctoral researchers to join our group. Email us to get in touch to find out more about available projects and funding. It has been a pleasure having many postdocs, clinicians, PhD and MSc in Neuroscience students as well as Erasmus students and summer vacation students join our lab over the years for various projects.
Potential PhD student funding schemes are often funded nationally by the FWO and consist of both fundamental research schemes and schemes to promote innovation research in collaboration with companies.
Potential Postdoc schemes ar junior and senior postdoctoral fellowships, as well as schemes for those with a clinical background. In addition further schemes exist as funded by the European Union including the Marie Skłodoowska-Curie schemes and IBRO fellowships amongst others.
In addition further schemes exist as funded by the European Union including the Marie Skłodoowska-Curie schemes – please check ENU’s hosting offer! - and IBRO fellowships amongst others.
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NEUROday 2025