- Online Journals through SwetsNet (UA access).
- Biological Journals and Abbreviations.
- Journal of experimental Biology.
- Science.
- Nature.
- Springer publications:
- Experimental Biology Online.
- Journal of Comparative Physiology A (sensory, neural and behavioral physiology).
- Journal of Comparative Physiology B (biochemical, systemic and environmental physiology).
- Wiley online journals (with the Journal of Morphology).
- Oxford Journals.
- Cambridge Journals (Journal of Zoology).
- The Journal of Experimental Zoology.
- Zoology.
- Evolutionary Ecology Research.
- American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
- American Journal of Primatology.
- Folia Primatologica.
- Journal of Human Evolution.
- Canadian Journal of Zoology.
- Netherlands Journal of Zoology.
Organisations and associations
- The FWO-Vl (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen) and IWT (Vlaams Instituut voor de bevordering van het Wetenschappelijk-technologisch Onderzoek in de Industrie). (in Dutch)
- The Royal Belgian Zoological Society.
- The Royal Dutch Zoological Society (in Dutch).
- The Centre for Research and Conservation.
- The Society for Kinesiology.
- The International Society of Vertebrate Morphology.
- The Society for Intergrative and Comparative Biology.
- The Society for Experimental Biology.
- The International Society of Biomechanics.
- The American Society of Biomechanics.
General scientific
- NASA Thesaurus of scientific and technical terms: Vol. 1 (Hierarchical listing with definitions) - Vol. 2 (Rotated term display) - Supplements (recent additions). These links require Adobe Acrobat Reader!
- Statistics resources
- Statistics at Florida University.
- Statistics homepage at UCLA.
- (mainly software).
- A new view of Statistics by Will G. Hopkins.
- Statistics textbooks
- Introductory Statistics, a textbook (Stockburger, 1996).
- Statistics textbook at UCLA.
- Hyperstat Online.
Information sources
- Biological
- ISI Web of Knowledge search (UA access only).
- MedLine Online search.
- PubCrawler, checks Medline for new publications and lets you know by e-mail.
- Nee-How, bioresource finder and links.
- Bell & Howell Information and Learning (dissertations etc.)
- Search engines etc.
- Altavista search engine.
- Lycos search engine.
- All The Web search engine.
- Google search engine.
- The Ultimate email directory (groups others).
- World Phone Books.
- Web Searching Tutorial.
Equipment and software
- F-Secure anti-virus definitions (download fsupdate.exe).
- Format c: Digital video store in Merksem, Belgium.
- B&H Professional video and photo shop in New York.
- RedCorp soft- and hardware.
- VSKO software.
- APAS, Ariel Performance Analysis System.
- Morphometrics software at SUNY Stony Brook.
- Tucows, shareware archive.
Procite updates (top)
- download, the latest zipped ProCite database (last updated 16-06-2003).
- download A Guide to ProCite, a manual for using the Morfo-database.