International course at the University of Antwerp, Belgium

Welcome to the webpage of the International course in, Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Qualitative Research Methods (EBQ).
We're thrilled to bring the next edition of the course, that will span 6 exciting weeks, running from October 13th to November 21st, 2025!
This course is an intensive six-week training on the basic principles and methods of epidemiology. An in-depth study of medical statistics with appropriate statistical methods is integrated in the main epidemiological content. Basic principles of qualitative methods will be explained, and introductory lectures will be given on systematic reviews, health economics, and cost-effectiveness.
Throughout the course each participant will have the opportunity to work with their own data set under the guidance of experienced tutors. Each participant receives the Clinical Epidemiology handbook by Grobbee and Hoes, as well as other necessary didactic materials.