Naomi Ghys is a PhD researcher and teaching assistant in Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp since September 2021. After obtaining her master's degree in law (2020), she obtained an additional master-after-master's degree in tax law (2021).
Her research concerns the active responsibility of the Belgian State for the social protection of persons with disabilities. This active responsibility is examined from a human rights perspective, examining the positive obligations in terms of social protection for persons with disabilities for the Belgian State and its implementation in the national federal legal order.
Areas of Expertise:
- Social Law
- Human Rights Law
- Disability Research
Selected Publications:
- Ghys, N. (2023) De uitdagingen van de COVID-19 pandemie op het vlak van de inkomenszekerheid van personen met een handicap.
- Ghys, N., Louckx, F., and Dumont, D. (2023) Belgium: the Quest for Equal Employment and Coherence in the Social Protection and Participation of Persons with Disabilities.
- Ghys, N. (2023) Maatwerkdecreet : te verwelkomen, maar onvolkomen.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/22536/N
Selected Projects:
- 2021 - 2025 - De actieve verantwoordelijkheid van de Belgische Staat voor de sociale bescherming van personen met een handicap.