Professor Karl Hendrickx is an associate professor, specialising in Dutch Language of Law. He is also the language advisor to the Belgian Court of Audit and extraordinary guest lecturer at KU Leuven. Karl obtained his PhD in 2002 for a dissertation entitled "Language and formulation problems in legislation: the language remarks in the opinions of the Council of State". He has since published several handbooks and articles on accessible legal language. He has a regular language column in "De Juristenkrant" and in the "Tijdschrift voor Wetgeving" and is a member of the Interuniversity Committee on Legal References and Abbreviations. Since 1997, he has taught the course 'Writing judgments and sentences' in the compulsory internship programme of the Institute for Judicial Training (IGO) for newly appointed magistrates. He contributed to publications on accessible notary acts and simple writs of summons and regularly advises legal bodies on accessible language use.
Areas of Expertise:
- Legal Language
- Clear Legal Language
- Legal Communication
Selected Publications:
- Hendrickx, K. (2022) Een decreet, besluit of reglement dat duidelijk geschreven is.
- Hendrickx, K. (2021) Coronataal in wetgeving : vervolg.
- Hendrickx, K. (2020) Coronaterminologie.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/09398/N
Selected Projects: