Cedric Jenart is a tenure track assistant professor in the field of constitutional law at the University of Antwerp. He holds a doctorate in law (University of Antwerp), an LL.M. degree (Harvard Law School as a Fulbright Boas and B.A.E.F. scholar), a master of law (University of Antwerp and on Erasmus exchange the Free University of Berlin, summa cum laude), and a bachelor of law (University of Antwerp, summa cum laude).
Cedric is equally active as a practicing attorney. He previously worked as a magistrate (auditeur) at the Council of State, Legislative Section, having ranked first in the competitive nationwide examination. He has remained active as a visiting professor of public law. He previously interned at the Constitutional Court and, after being admitted to the New York Bar, several national and international law firms.
His doctoral research resulted in a monograph on Outsourcing rulemaking powers which won the prestigious Frans Van Cauwelaert Prize 2022. The PhD was funded by FWO Flanders and was partially conducted as a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law in Heidelberg (Germany), the University of Lille (France) and the University of Oxford (United Kingdom).
Areas of Expertise:
- Delegation
- Constitutional Principles
- Human rights
- Federalism
- Institutional Constitutional Law
- Comparative Law
- Legislative Studies and Regulation
Selected Publications:
- Jenart, C. (2022-2023) De verantwoordelijkheid van de overheid om te regeren.
- Jenart, C. (2023) De toekomst van grondrechtenbeperkingen 'bij wet'.
- Jenart, C. (2022) Outsourcing Rulemaking Powers.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/14022/N
Selected Projects:
- 2015 - 2019 - Constitutional principles on outsourcing law-making power to non-democratically legitimized actors in European states.