Prof. dr. Freek Louckx is an associate professor in the field of social security law in the Law Faculty at the University of Antwerp. Since 2018, he has been teaching various courses in that area of law and also conducting academic research in that field. Thus, he was involved, among others, in the research on access to social protection for employees and self-employed persons in Belgium conducted in light of the Recommendation of the European Council of November 8, 2019 (2019/C 387/01). Prior to this, he was professionally active for several years as Referendaris at the Belgian Court of Cassation. For his merits in the exercise of that office, he was promoted to Officer in the Belgian Crown Order.
Freek publishes both internationally and nationally and is, inter alia, co-author of the Dutch-language reference work "Handboek Socialezekerheidsrecht". He is a member of the editorial board of several academic legal journals and participates in both international and national academic networks. Moreover, he is also president of the Antwerp Institute for Cooperation between the University and the Workers' Movement (ISUA). Freek Louckx has a broad field of interest and is specialised in fundamental social rights, Belgian social security law (including the organisation of social insurance and social assistance), as well as the legal aspects of the organisation of the Belgian health care system.
Areas of Expertise:
- Fundamental Social Rights
- Social Security
- Organisation of Healthcare
Selected Publications:
- Louckx, F. (2021) De verdragsrechtelijke en grondwettelijke grondslagen van de Belgische sociale zekerheid en hun relevantie voor de rechtspraktijk.
- Van Limberghen, G. et al. (2021) Een kritische en propositionele kijk op de sociale verzekeringen van werknemers en zelfstandigen : analyse op basis van de aanbeveling van de Europese unie met betrekking tot de toegang van werknemers tot sociale bescherming.
- Louckx, F. (2020) De virusbestendigheid van het sociaaleconomisch bestel: sociaal recht in coronatijden.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/18854/N
Selected Projects:
- 2023 - 2026 - Environmental Health Hazards & Care.
- 2020 - 2024 - Unity in diversity of European Health Care systems - A fundamental legal perspective on common values, organizational and financial principles.
- 2019 - 2020 - Acces to social protection for employees and independent workers in Belgium.