Matthias Valkeniers is a voluntary researcher in the Government and Law Research Group. Aside from a Master of Laws, he also holds a Master of International Relations and Diplomacy and a Master of Business Law (University of Antwerp). He obtained extensive experience in the fields of Spatial Planning and Urban Development Law and Integrated Environmental Law, working as a lawyer, a civil servant, and a law clerk (Referendaris) at the Administrative Courts Service (Dienst van de Bestuursrechtscolleges) consecutively. He is also appointed as an expert member within the Communal Commission on Spatial Planning (Gemeentelijke Commissie voor Ruimtelijke Ordening/GECORO) in his hometown, and co-editor of STORM legal magazine (STedenbouw, Omgeving, Ruimtelijke ordening en Milieu). He regularly writes and lectures on the above-mentioned legal topics.
Areas of Expertise:
- Spatial Planning and Urban Development Law
- Integrated Environmental Law
- Property Law
- Administrative Decision Making, Procedures and Courts
Selected Publications:
- Valkeniers, M. (2025) Overzicht van onteigeningsrechtspraak van de Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen 2018-2024.
- Valkeniers, M. (2024) Belang schattingsverslag bij onteigeningen eindelijk naar waarde geschat.
- Valkeniers, M. (2023) Hof van Justitie bevestigt masterplan-MER-plicht… onder voorbehoud.