Ellen Vandennieuwenhuysen is a PhD researcher with an FWO-fellowship. She is affiliated to the Research Groups Law Enforcement and Government and Law in the Law Faculty at the University of Antwerp. She is engaged in research on foreign nationals in the criminal justice chain, which focuses on the intersection of Migration Law and Criminal Law. She explores the influence of residence status on penal decision making by analysing literature, case law, and legislation and by conducting semi-structured interviews with magistrates. She aims to assess the conformity of this practice with fundamental human rights. She conducted her Bachelor's Degree at the University of Antwerp and the University of Namur, and her Master's Degree at the University of Antwerp and the Humoldt University of Berlin.
Areas of Expertise:
- Migration Law
- Criminal Law
- Human Rights Law
- Qualitative Research
Selected Publications:
- Vandennieuwenhuysen, E. (2023) De rechtmatigheidscontrole van de beslissing tot vasthouding van een vreemdeling en diens invrijheidstelling.
- Vandennieuwenhuysen, E. (2022) A right to rehabilitation through transfer or a right to not be transferred? Identifying potential beneficiaries through nationality and residence.
- Vandennieuwenhuysen, E. (2020) Strafrecht als instrument van het migratiebeleid, of omgekeerd? De verwijderingsstraf.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/19671/N
Selected Projects:
- 2019 - 2023 - De rechtspositie van de vreemdeling bij een strafrechtelijke veroordeling in België.